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College of Thelema: Thelemic Education

Meditation of the Day - Thelemic Tefilah

Scriptural meditations of the day from the Thelemic canon, with primary emphasis on Liber LXV, Liber VII, and Liber CCXX. (Meditations with no responses after 2 days will be deleted - we want to encourage ACTIVE DISCUSSION.)

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  • Archive of discussions from a prior (partial) round.

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    @Zalthos said

    "Excellent notes on the first passage cited here. Have you any insight to add to I:38? I can't be sure if the teacher has control specifically over the merciful/severe transmission of the ordeals or complete control over the creation of the ordeals themselves."

    FWIW my sparse notes on this are here:

    Generally, no, the individual teacher doesn't provide these at all. That's rather Motta-esque. The teacher (i.e., Order superilor) has the task of delivering the system. But the Prophet was given a mandate to teach (compare Liber Magi) and control over the severity of the ordeals. This severity is still primarily controlled by the Beast - the initiatory-governing authority of the aeon.

    Sometimes those in whose charge an initiate is placed will take upon themselves this judgment, leaning toward severity or mildness, but most of the time this results in problems. Chiefs of Temple of Thelema, for example, are instructed to simply "hold the walls in place," deliver the system as given to them, hold people on track to their own integrity and commitments. The best successes come when they do this exact thing, and little "speed bumps" occur if they try to go easy on someone or be overly harsh.

  • 02/10/18 - [silence]

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    @Takamba said

    "When Volume II of the Equinox was supposed to come out, there was nothing for Crowley to offer (lack of money and whatnot plus maybe other things). Crowley dubbed Volume II of the Equinox "The Volume of Silence."

    What a pun!

    Anyway. He claimed in one writing or another to have taken it up as an A.'.A.'. tradition. I don't remember if it is supposed to be one year or five years of silence. I am suspecting that Jim has adopted this tradition and it is why we haven't heard from him in so long (this is all assumption at this point). Let's hope it's one year and not five."

    In addition to the Holy Books of Thelema, I would recommend Crowley's "Confessions" as required reading. Read "The Confessions of Aleister CrowleY" and "John St. John". (Not necessarily directed towards Takamba) Reading those two texts/books will integrate your brain with Crowley's thinking. I would say that such reading is more important than anything Abramelin ever wrote... Compare the Abramelin technique with what I suggested in my Psalms of an Aeon (stupid, ridiculous title) #20. It's all about increased devotion. Devotion is just thought, belief, dogma, rubbish. True devotion represents a diminishment of thought so that thought becomes one-pointed, and then through that one-pointedness the mind subsides and all that is left is awareness. HGA?

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    @danica said

    "I'm prone to see this whole sequence v. 34 - v. 40 as a very clear practical instruction.
    (No point to elaborate more on that here - am sharing the insight, in case it may be inspiring for others to meditate on these verses - indeed, to seal the book into their blood!)"

    "There was also an humming-bird that spake unto the horned cerastes, and prayed him for poison. And the great snake of Khem the Holy One, the royal Uræus serpent, answered him and said: I sailed over the sky of Nu in the car called Millions-of-Years, and I saw not any creature upon Seb that was equal to me. The venom of my fang is the inheritance of my father, and of my father’s father; and how shall I give it unto thee? Live thou and thy children as I and my fathers have lived, even unto an hundred millions of generations, and it may be that the mercy of the Mighty Ones may bestow upon thy children a drop of the poison of eld. Then the humming-bird was afflicted in his spirit, and he flew unto the flowers, and it was as if naught had been spoken between them. Yet in a little while a serpent struck him that he died. But an Ibis that meditated upon the bank of Nile the beautiful god listened and heard. And he laid aside his Ibis ways, and became as a serpent, saying Peradventure in an hundred millions of millions of generations of my children, they shall attain to a drop of the poison of the fang of the Exalted One. And behold! ere the moon waxed thrice he became an Uræus serpent, and the poison of the fang was established in him and his seed even for ever and for ever."

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    @danica said


    Adonai,** D**ivine Adonai,Let Adonai Initiate Refulgent Dalliance! Thus I concealed the name of Her name that inspireth my rapture, the scent of whose body bewildereth the soul, the light of whose soul abaseth this body unto the beasts.

    I have sucked out the blood with my lips; I have drained Her beauty of its sustenance; I have abased Her before me, I have mastered Her, I have possessed Her, and Her life is within me. In Her blood I inscribe the secret riddles of the Sphinx of the Gods, that none shall understand, — save only the pure and voluptuous, the chaste and obscene, the androgyne and the gynander that have passed beyond the bars of the prison that the old Slime of Khem set up in the Gates of Amennti.

    Ada Laird, A.C.'s mistress at the time.
    The import here is that there is nothing "incidental", nothing "outside" the relationship between the Angel and the Adept. The Muse as it manifests through a particular human Other, a Lover that inspires us ( with all the particulars of it, and the human-oh-so-human aspects of that relationship) - it is all part of this single Love, the Relationship between the Adept and her Angel. It's both particular (intimate, personal) and universal. There's really no contradiction.
    The division between the sacred and the profane does not exist any more (it was a necessary perspective before, a stage on the Path; it's dissolved now, spontaneously and naturally, as the synthesis process of Chapter 5 takes place)

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    @Anael Lucis said

    "Oh now I remember - that was the 3rd chapter! It was performed by Eric and Jenny! I will ask them."

    Please do! Thank you!
    The First Chapter recording - I know it, and LOVE it

  • 08/15/17 - (Spirit) Liber LXV, Cap. V, v. 8

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    @Fr 365 said


    Whom are the Abominable Ones mentioned in the text? General Qlipothic spirits? I notice that each word is in capitals.


    Beings and/or thoughts contrary to the HGA. That would be my uneducated guess, given that it's 65.

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    Go Eagles! Down with the Patriots!

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    Roses are for root.
    Fear, shame and guilt are for uprooting.

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    Practical advice. There's no "politically correct" way to go about disseminating the Law when there are those who will seek to trap you. Deal heartily with them!