Thelemic Education and Initiation

Intiation & Study in the Western Mysteries

College of ThelemaFounded in Service to the A∴A∴
A Modern Mystery School

Thelemic Studies & Initiation

A Message From the Vice Chancellor

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Magick is transformative, a process of self-refinement that completely renews our personality toward greater alignment with universal love and will. Magick reveals that there is far more to the universe than meets the eye. It enhances our own natural human powers through proven exercises. It contributes to our understanding of who and what we are, and gives us the tools to achieve whatever purpose that discovery unveils.

The Western Mysteries in prior centuries were reserved for a portion of humanity. Only in the last century has a system emerged within that framework which intends to awaken all of humanity to the spiritual truth of who we are as individuals and as a species. The teachings and practices of Thelema bring tangible results to its practitioners, not as some promise of distant satisfaction but here and now, directly in our lives, relationships, and works. College of Thelema exists to extend this Light to all who seek to know themselves more fully.

Every individual has an absolute right to exercise the liberty of their inmost self. We support this right by providing the magical training which unlocks it to all who seek, from those newly interested in the expansion of consciousness to veterans of Thelema and the Western Mystery Tradition looking for the deeper instruction found through personal training, initiatory rites, and ceremonial group work.

No matter your purpose in visiting, we welcome you and wish you the very best in all your endeavors.

Love is the law, love under will.

Yours in L.V.X.

  • Zeph Bender—Prolocutor
    Zeph Bender
    Vice Chancellor, College of Thelema
    Prolocutor, Temple of Thelema

What's New?!

The Relaunch of the Website And Forum, & More!
Website Refresh

The last time this site was substantially updated was in 2004. Twenty years hence, it was about time. Nearly all the content from the old site has moved here, minus a Liber 185, outdated information, and broken links. This site is built on a modern architecture, is designed to work across all devices, and will have regularly updated content. In the near future, we will be adding new functionality to support the promulgation of the Law. This has been a long time coming, and we hope that you will enjoy what we provide. Lives! Sort of…

The first post on was on the 4th of June 2005 at 16:14, and the last post was on the 7th of Oct 2020 at 13:11. served our community for 15 years, and there was a trove of valuable information we were delighted to restore. Somewhere in there, the forum software became outdated and riddled with security issues, leading the former web host to shut it down. About two years ago, we were able to get access to the database and administration of our web properties. Alongside busy lives, we migrated the data over to this new platform. For the time being it will be a read-only forum for the public while we figure out how to best moderate and maintain the quality of content posted there. The choice was made to integrate this resource directly into in a move towards becoming a single destination for Thelemic Education.

Relatively Recent Past

At Spring Equinox 2022, James A. Eshelman officially assumed the position of Prolocutor General of the Temple of Thelema and appointed Zeph Bender Prolocutor over all existing temples. This demarcates a significant evolution in the Order's history in that Zeph is the first non-founder and product of the system to take up the office of Prolocutor. Our system is demanding—attaining to adepthood is a true test of the individual in the divine fabric, and moving through the tests and beyond are the success spoken of in the great texts of our philosophy. We honor Phyllis, Anna Kria, and Jim—without them, we would not be where we are today. And we are excited for this new era in our evolution.

The Thelemic Holy Season

Each of the twenty-two days of the Thelemic Holy Season -- from March 20 through April 10 -- is attributed by us to one of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is recommended that each aspirant, on each of these days, prominently display the corresponding Tarot Trump, and conduct such other meditation, ritual, or other recognition of the principle as he or she may see fit. In the tabulation below are also given recommended readings from the Sacred Writings for each day of the holy season.

On the night before the Vernal Equinox, closing the old year (usually March 19), it is recommended that the aspirant read The Prologue of the Unborn from Liber VII and meditate on the release of the concluding cycle.

On March 20, the Invocation of Horus (The Supreme Ritual) may be performed to celebrate the anniversary of the Equinox of the Gods. The following readings (most, but not all, of which are from Class A Documents, the so-called "Holy Books of Thelema") are then recommended for each of the 22 days.

The Daily Images and Readings

  • March 19: Liber VII, "Prologue of the Unborn"
  • March 20: TAV, The Universe: Liber VII, Cap. 2 (morning);
    Liber LXV, Cap. 1 (evening)
  • March 21: SHIN, The Aeon: Liber LXV, Cap. 4
  • March 22: RESH, The Sun: Liber VII, Cap. 4
  • March 23: QOPH, The Moon: Liber VII, Cap. 6
  • March 24: TZADDI, The Emperor: Liber Tzaddi
  • March 25: PEH, The Tower: Liber VII, Cap. 1
  • March 26: A'AYIN, The Devil: Liber A'ash
  • March 27: SAMEKH, Art: Liber ARARITA, Cap. 7
  • March 28: NUN, Death: Liber Arcanorum
  • March 29: MEM, The Hanged Man: Liber LXV, Cap. 3
  • March 30: LAMED, Adjustment: Liber Librae
  • March 31: KAPH, Fortune: Liber VII, Cap. 3
  • April 1: YOD, The Hermit: Liber VII, Cap. 5
  • April 2: TETH, Lust: Liber Stellae Rubeae
  • April 3: CHETH, The Chariot: Liber Cheth
  • April 4: ZAYIN, The Lovers: Liber LXV, Cap. 2
  • April 5: VAV, The Hierophant: Liber LXV, Cap. 5
  • April 6: HEH, The Star: Liber ARARITA, Cap. 6
    (additional suggestion: An Account of A∴A∴)
  • April 7: DALETH, The Empress: Liber VII, Cap. 7
  • April 8: GIMEL, The Priestess: Liber Legis, Cap. I (Nuit)
  • April 9: BETH, The Magus: Liber Legis,Cap. II (Hadit)
    (additional suggestion: Liber Magi)
  • April 10: ALEPH, The Fool: Liber Legis, Cap. III (Heru-Ra-Ha)
    (additional suggestison: Silence)

Classes, Study Groups, Events

Babalon Salon: Events for Women

Meditate and Create: Marjorie Cameron — Mon, Mar 11 06:00 PM
Meditate and Create: Marjorie Cameron
Mon, Mar 11 06:00 PM
Women's Dionysian Initiation: The Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii — Tue, Dec 12 06:00 PM
Women's Dionysian Initiation: The Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii
Tue, Dec 12 06:00 PM
Jungian Psychology: Development of the Feminine — Wed, Nov 15 01:00 AM
Jungian Psychology: Development of the Feminine
Wed, Nov 15 01:00 AM

COT: Los Angeles & Harpocrates Temple

Temple of Thelema Presents: The Rite of the Holy Mother — Sat, Oct 26 02:30 PM
Temple of Thelema Presents: The Rite of the Holy Mother
Sat, Oct 26 02:30 PM
Tarot Revealed: The Chariot — Thu, Oct 17 07:00 PM
Tarot Revealed: The Chariot
Thu, Oct 17 07:00 PM
College of Thelema – Los Angeles at Pagan Pride — Sun, Oct 13 10:00 AM
College of Thelema – Los Angeles at Pagan Pride
Sun, Oct 13 10:00 AM

COT: NYC & Aiwass Temple

Priestess Card — Sun, Jul 21 06:00 PM
Priestess Card
Sun, Jul 21 06:00 PM
Witch Fest 2024: TOT Table and Shenanigans — Sat, Jul 6 10:00 AM
Witch Fest 2024: TOT Table and Shenanigans
Sat, Jul 6 10:00 AM
How To Keep A Magickal Record  — Sat, Mar 30 06:00 PM
How To Keep A Magickal Record
Sat, Mar 30 06:00 PM

COT: Bay Area & Burning Hearts Pronaos

Temple of Thelema Presents: The Rite of the Holy Mother — Thu, Oct 17 08:00 PM
Temple of Thelema Presents: The Rite of the Holy Mother
Thu, Oct 17 08:00 PM
The Gods of Thelema: Hadit — Wed, Sep 18 08:00 PM
The Gods of Thelema: Hadit
Wed, Sep 18 08:00 PM
Temple of Thelema: Rite of the Holy Child — Wed, Aug 21 08:00 PM
Temple of Thelema: Rite of the Holy Child
Wed, Aug 21 08:00 PM