Full Moon as initiation
Yes, it/s vaguely worded
And yes, you're on the right track IMHO.
Lunar phase was a very critical factor in my Tifereth initiation. I think those details are not in the "Brother Proserpinus" report in Pearls of Wisdom, but I did include some of it in the discussion of lunar phase impact on rituals in Chapter 16 of 776 1/2.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Yes, it/s vaguely worded
And yes, you're on the right track IMHO.
Lunar phase was a very critical factor in my Tifereth initiation. I think those details are not in the "Brother Proserpinus" report in Pearls of Wisdom, but I did include some of it in the discussion of lunar phase impact on rituals in Chapter 16 of 776 1/2."
Actually I didn't mean astronomical phenomena or phases of the actual physical Moon influencing us. What I meant was symbolically in alchemical and mystical traditions does the concept of the Moon being made full ever crop us as a symbol of the Great Work?
Oh, sure, you can use it that way too.
But the reason you can use it that way too is that it reflects a real-world actuality. Here's one paragraph from page 112 of 776 1/2:
"During the present writer's season of performance of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage, the days immediately surrounding the Full Moon always brought the most splendid successes, the deepest inner communions, the most powerful magical consequences. Similarly, times of the greatest (and most rapidly renewing) sexual energies generally have been at or near the Full Moon as well. The instinctual seems inseparable from the highest spiritual expressions of magick with respect to this tide: In either case, the simplest metaphor is that the greatest amount of pure Light is reflected into the soul, even as the Moon then reflects the greatest amount of sunlight."
And remember that the Golden Dawn attributed the Moon in her increase to Chesed, the Moon in her decrease to Geburah, and the Moon at full to Tifereth.
@gerry456 said
"Ok thanks Jim. What about in alchemy?"
"Alchemy" means so many things to so many people that I don't know actually what your questions means. I could answer "yes" in a blanket way but, bottom line, without knowing what you're doing I haven't a clue whether this would be an effective thing to do.
A huge number of alchemical symbols involve the Sun and Moon joined, or their equivalencies joined. The one red flag that comes to mind to mention is, be sure you don't introduce this hierarchically, i.e., "Sun shining down on Moon" altitudinally, etc. They need to be equals.