March 20 (morning) - (TAV, The Universe, Earth)
Here's a direct link to the text, in case you don't have it readily available. -
From the start I feel a rhythmic beat begin as the verses lend to that along with the imagery. An ecstatic union occurs and conversation with the angel begins. With the angel we take a bird's-eye view of eternity and what I feel communicated here is "existence is pure joy". Forms are being changed, transmuted, and tossed about, but when our focus is within, from a bird's-eye view of eternity, and in union with the divinity accessible to us, we can partake of this joy. We are given to enjoy this splendor and to reap! There is an ecstatic chaos in these verses, Pan, intoxication...All this under the wings and love of the angel and our simultaneous adoration to it.
Ah, this chapter. I love it so much. The first chapter among the Holy Books (barring Legis) that I delved into. In fact, that's when I realized I should read them in English. (I'm Brazilian, and at first, years ago, was reading Portuguese translations, because I hadn't put much thought into the matter.)
The rhythm, the symbols, the parables, everything fits so nicely, it all feels so right. It's like it's reading my soul, but at the same time it's something new, something I couldn't ever conceive by myself.
Maybe it's the nostalgia factor kicking in, but this is possibly my favorite text among the Holy Books other than Legis. (Though I like cap. 2 of LXV nearly as much.) It's certainly much more relevant to me now than it was a couple of years ago, though.
BTW, Happy New Year to all!
Tarot Meditation - The Universe
Infinity of the Universe can be seen in each fragment of itself. It's a hologram whereas each little piece contains the image of the whole. There are a number of signs of infinity - the Goddess riding the snake - their bodies connected forming the symbol of endlessness. There is an Eye of Shiva/Eye of God - as the universe is all-seeing, it destructs and reconstructs itself through the interplay of light, of vibrations, doing so in a cyclic manner. When the card is turned horizontally the entire form of it is yet another eye - the vesica form is the shape of the eye-lid.
The universe looks back at itself through its many creations. Little miniature versions of it fragmented into pieces so that when they behold each other they get a small glimpse of the greater whole. And the Universe peeks at itself through the eyes of each entity. The hologram is visible through the Indra's net - it is as if each little portion in the net contains a droplet that reflects the rest of the universe, so that each particle contains the image of the whole.The Universe is in its essence wisdom. Even in its seemingly foolish parts it's wisdom. But only to the One who stands at the point from which a wholesome perspective is visible, allowing the full view - of everything as One. And all seemingly separate elements are just parts of the greater whole and reflect universe in its entirety. So there are universes within universes within universes, a limitless stretch of them in both directions.
The Universe has no limits yet the illusion of the boundary is created for the sheer joy and pleasure of theatrical play - so the Universe can play with itself. On the edges of this made-up boundary are the four Kerubim placed, the guardians of our illusory and seemingly limited universe with beginning and the end. This illusory appearance is in the form of Earth - which came into being from vast emptiness and shall come out of being back into emptiness. And the illusory appearance is also in the form of a life which has clearly discerned beginning and end. But in the sea of eternity, in terms of time and of space, Earth and life that come in and out of existence seemingly are like a wave arising from the ocean in then dissolving back into the ocean. And in the moment the wave might seem as its own entity, with beginning and end, with form and its boundaries. Yet it never ceases to be one with the ocean. It is nothing more than the ocean, and it's nothing less than the ocean.
I've given myself a task for this Holy Season to express the impressions from reading and meditation of each day by a small painting; doing this at the end of the day, before going to sleep. I don't know if I'll succeed to do it for all 22 days in continuity, but I'm very happy with the prospect of this idea and will definitely try
So instead of the written notes, I'll be sharing here these small painted pieces.Day 1 - TAV/Earth/Saturn (Liber LXV, Cap 1; Liber VII, Cap 2) deleted pictures as attachments and instead, posting links to them
Very cool Danica!
@danica said
"Note to Jim/admins: if there's a better way for placing the pictures here than attaching them to posts like this, please let me know. "
This is neat, yes.
To answer your question: Directly attaching does take up hosting space, though only small amounts for a reasonably sized picture. I don't mind that since we're doing OK on space at the moment.
If you wish to find an alternate approach, you can host them elsewhere - on a Dropbox account, personal FTP, some other website that lets you load pictures and point to them - and just include the URL in your post within img tags.