Thelemic Holy Season
@Legis said
"The pictures are all still right, but Tzaddi is no longer The Star..."
I hold that Tzaddi never was The Star. That was a blind. The Zohar specifically says that Tzaddi has a secret that is being held for a later time and not revealed by God, and I believe this was the secret meant. Additionally, Nuit doesn't say, "Tzaddi is no longer the star;" she just says it is not the star. I don't think a single letter attribution to Tarot has changed, but that the truth couldn't be outed until the 20th Century.
@Legis said
"Yeah, I may be daydreaming a bit here. but I'm entertaining the possibility that the "later time" for which the secret was "being held" began with the reception of The Law."
It makes sense to me that, during an era of reigning patriarchy, it was necessary to bullshit people into thinking Tarot exalted the imperial male high on the Tree. Also, The Star was generally taken as a symbol of nature, essentially a Nefesh symbol. In the "this is all they can handle" sense, it communicated better. {"The Lamb" was placed in the role that The Star rightly holds within us.)
With the signal to overthrow Osirian patriarchy and the revelation of the deeper meaning of the symbol of The Star, this could be revealed.
Really interesting stuff Jim - the new Tarot sequence for Aquarius-Leo was exactly the line of thinking I was going along. Definitely an idea that goes deeper and deeper.
@kasper81 said
@AliceKnewI said
"The Thelemic Holy Season is coming up! Yay!"Is anyone finding correlations here with activity on the day?."
If this were so, it would be a claim that every year this would be so. Personally, not on a level I'd call "special." In other words, I can claim that I see correlation because I choose to make it so.
What is the connection between Liber Arcanorum and the Death tarot card? (For the Thelemic Holy Season on March 28th.)
My understanding is that each line of Liber Arcanorum describes the trumps.
Thank you.
@AliceKnewI said
"What is the connection between Liber Arcanorum and the Death tarot card? (For the Thelemic Holy Season on March 28th.)"
Well... read it.
I started to answer directly and decided I'd wait until after tomorrow. If it is still unclear after tomorrow (presuming you read it tomorrow), then write back and I'll answer directly.
Well, I am giving a presentation on Liber Arcanorum for our study group tonight. And I don't see it yet, how Liber Arcanorum is related to the Death tarot.
I suppose I can't see the forest for the trees. I see that each line corresponds to the tarot trumps. I don't see how the whole thing relates to the death card.
I notice the tarot trumps in Liber Arcanorum are in the Rider-Waite deck order, with Strength card 8 and Justice card 11. I don't know why Waite changed that order. I know the Thoth deck follows the order of the earlier decks with Adjustment as 8 and Lust as 11. So Crowley had not created the Thoth deck yet when he wrote Liber Arcanorum, and was accepting Waite's changes at this time.
I will mention the sigil chart, though my understanding is that the sigil chart is not part of the meditation for the Thelemic Holy Season.
The sigil are arguably not part of Arcanorum itself. Notice that the two halves have their own separate book titles.
OK, given your reason for asking... A lessee reason is that the winding of these 22 letters on the Tree are expressive as a serpent, a core symbol of Scorpio. The biggest reason is probably that the entire 22-verse book is the outline of initiation through death symbols, especially death interwoven with ideas of sexual love.
There are other small things.
Notice that Liber Arcanorum is Liber 231. The sigil, however, are the two halves of Liber 22.
Also, translate the full Greek title of the work. (I give it in full in tye back of M&MAA BTW, but don't have a copy of 231 with me at work.) It will explain the Noon reference quite well.
I seem to recall that many of the symbols in 231 match or relate to those in Liber 66 (see my long commentary in Pearls of Wisdom).
Ask yourself questions like: What resembles a fresh oyster on the half shell with a hard little pearl in it, that the ultimate female symbol would unveil so that she could attract 70 (something implied by The Devil) to her 4 (something implied by The Empress card)?
OK, finally got to where I can pull this out of the cloud. (I've been restoring a data center all morning after a planned building power-down last night.)
Liber Arcanorum ton Atu tou Tahuti Quas Vidit Asar in Amennti sub figurâ CCXXXI
"The Book of the Mysteries of the Atus of Tahuti Whereby Asar (Osiris) Makes His Way Through Ammenti, under the number 231."For the separate companion holy book:
Liber Carcerorum ton Qliphoth Cum Suis Geniis. Adduntur Sigilla et Nomina Eorum.
"The Book of the Prisons of the Qlippoth, with Their Own Spirits."
Includes Liber XXII Domarum Mercurii Cum Suis Geniis, "The Book of the Houses of Mercury with Their Own Spirits." -
Thank you, I will let you know how it goes.
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