April 16 (Earth) Liber LXV, Cap. I, v. 12-14
**12. Then was there silence. Speech had done with us awhile. There is a light so strenuous that it is not perceived as light.
13. Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly.
14. Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of man
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Here basically (and continuining in the next few verses): you are gonna be changed and you may not like some of it, it will hurt; it is best if you embrace it and do not resist.
The language used is pretty good because (to me at least) it rings so true and at the same time produces a bit of resistance. So it is a useful to exercise to just take it, accept with a big "Yes! This!"
I'm having some trouble relating these Sephiroth and I have some thoughts that these may fit better as the 32 paths now (two sets of 32 with 1 left over), but I am completely unsure (a good place to be)
I'm taking this as V.V.V.V.V. speaking now for the next 3 verses.
Verse 12 would be Beth. Possibly fitting in accomplishing the silence of the Ape of Thoth's chatter. Also, silence (securing the perimeter), internally, is a prerequisite of building something that has no foreign elements in it, something pure, which is part of the magician's role at this point. The light that is strenuous could possibly be the light emanating from the Kether which leads to Chokmah and would still be in line with the path of Beth. The light that is not perceived as light is the light of N.O.X. as opposed to L.V.X.
Verse 13 as Gimel doesn't jump out at me initially. The camel, moon, higher functions of the subconscious. The light doesn't have the features of light (as commonly known), but has the effects of it on a more subtle level. It pierces us at levels of consciousness that may correspond to this higher subconsciousness.
Verse 14, Venus, Daleth, Empress. Kisses join two together as one even as the Sephiroth Binah and Chokmah are joined by this path. This operation corrupts the blood, the life flow of an individual, and words, impregnated by these ideas, have the power here to devour the sprit of man. I take this devouring kind of the like the "fret" in a previous verse. All is washed away, corrupted, and devoured until there is "no thing" left.
What I feel like I'm getting right now is that the influence from Binah alters us according to where we are in our own development. It receives light, not as commonly known, and communicates it to manifestation. This causes change that we would perceive as corrupting and devouring. It appears this way because in manifestation, in Assiah, because we are "holding on" to our life instead of giving it up. When we tug and pull we are playing with the polarity of existence. We haven't reached the place of silence that is needed to open ourselves to what is beyond. So part of what I get is - let go, just be or what Patrick said
Maybe there isn't much of a correlation with sephiroth or the paths here at all. Or maybe there is something, but it's not simple, then. It's not like Legis with an extremely conspicuous 10 x 22 arrangement. But it's definitely something that I'll look into in the future.
Maybe it's just the first few verses that represent sephiroth, or maybe we have to look at each verse number as the number itself with all it implies.