Let there be no difference made among you *between* any one
One I want to express appreciation for this forum, Jim and community for allowing me to explore Thelema on and off over the years. Liber Al sure is a remarkable book!
One line I've always been most attracted to, curious about, but for some reason has always been somewhat out of my reach to fully appreciate the layers of understanding.
Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
I was never sure why. Of course I knew what many common interpretations were, and I felt in tune with them, I just never grasped it for myself in my own relationship with the text, until recently.
"Let there be no difference made among you between any one"
Captures my own understanding for me. A layer of meaning that unlocks other layers of meaning. and I am curious to hear how the original 1:22 verse relates to your understanding. I've been sitting on this one for about 20 years. The shells are cracking. I hope it's not too obnoxious for me to ask if the community here can push me over the edge
I think I may have missed your point. (Do you mean you never noticed the word "between?") Anyway, congratulations, I hope your understanding serves you well.
What are you talking atmosphere?
Hey Brother, I am keen to offer input too, but also am unsure of the question and what you mean by:
"Let there be no difference made between any one"
This verse is obviously huge: and puts me in mind of Zen (Zen is the branch of Buddhism that has always spoken to me, it is very different from other forms) and one way I think of this is like a Koan (e.g.: if a tree falls in the woods etc....). It also puts me in mind of the diamond net of Indra. So, there's that, there are also mystical, contemplative angles, meditation etc. There are practical Magickal facets, there is Thelemic and New Aeon 'doctrinal' considerations. Will be happy to participate in a discussion here.
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Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.
These words were penned by Aliester Crowley in the Liber AL. This is very much a fair statement and one of value and that what would be humanities most reasonable services to provide for the collective. For we find that the easiest thing to provide is somehow the hardest to give. To be more direct in saying that at most being sacrificed may be just a little co operation. To show or have an emotional, spiritual, environmentally or even economically conditioned predjudice then becomes an unbalanced force, and this in turn becomes evil, as was stated by crowley a little further on. This becomes a vicious cycle, because it could be stated that the root of this evil, is the belief in something. This is what creates our world the free man and the slave, the north the south, the christian, the muslim and all other things, Belief, and that alone, it is what shapes our intent and behavorial pattern. The idea of belief in anyone thing is to eventually lead to moral or actual activity that leads to casting out or away those who may not believe the same or even the exact opposite of what you may or may not see the same perception, and by now it must be quite evident of the absolute chaos that can occur just from those factors that have been mentioned. We can see the absolute insanity that faith has brought to all regions of our known measured environment and even beyond the scope of our reality of those that also dwell on the same plane, all those grasping at straws scurrying about in the dark like blind men, each proclaiming that each have found the way, all equally unable to exact the same design of getting there. And this scope just isnt limited to religion alone for it too has a great measure of comany and that along for the ride is any thing that is believed. This belief or any belief in anything could be the very reason for the consistent chaotic struggle that each of individually and collectively partake in each of us playing in the part not only in our own individual struggles that is brought on by what someone or others belief in something that may or may not have anything to do with you specifically, but you also maybe part of a collective that also has a pattern of belief that maybe the reason for the struggle for others striving to come to light. It has nothing to do with who has more anything or less of anything, whether it be resources or or more aspirants of a specific belief pattern it doesnt make it anymore less or more right or wrong, proper or grossly crude. To make that choice is to crush the choice of another and it is proper to make this alllowance because of belief of something, you see one doesnt have to be very wise, and not look very far away at all to see the friction that could and does occur, but knowledge in the application of it is another matter, one that has come to light but only some see it.
As we consider the words respect those who say they are seeking the truth, but be wary of those who they say have found it would appear to be be true, to seek becomes the wiser choice in that belief isnt present but the consideration of is there always in all things. Most have become so accustomed to believing that it becomes okay to refute evidence that may prove differently. And this becomes okay, because to consider something different requires change, do we see the issue here, and how slow this change will and eventually does occur?
The value of non belief is that it doesnt disvalue any one thing or any one but brings about a nature of balance and equality, the very thing all other beliefs aim for but fall very short of providing. Most political systems are a perfect example of such. So not believe becomes more nurturing and may lead to those energies that each of of may crave and brings about a collective type of thinking and may make reality a little less black and white, but if it means the mending of humanity then it may be worth absorbing this process in order to bring about the means of springboarding into what could be a more desired reality.Barrackubus
211 -
Bind nothing, commit to nothing, give no alliegence to, have no preference, if one doesn't or isnt conditioned to believe or bind to the idea that there is any difference then the lines are easily blurred....
The all is one. When one goes towards it, it is good. When one goes against it, it is bad.
Even if one is far from being the great all, as far as the motion is good, then effect is good. Thus one, by good action, will have already good results.
Okay, not to be a ****, but for the sake of discussion...
I think this can be used as a perfect example of the OP. In the last two posts, we've had a whole lot of "this, not that," and in both instances used as an example of how not to "make a difference."
It could be reduced to, "Make a difference is how you don't make a difference."
I say, that still is an analysis of two things (standing between them), yet having attachment to one or the other: belief/non-belief, good/bad. In each case, the two concepts are precisely the same thing, just flipped upside down (analysis-wise) according to perspective of value.
I guess "value" would be the key word.
"Good/bad." "Non-belief/belief." Value is what you have to turn off.
That far. Nuit doesn't care. Your joy is Her joy.
@Sardonyx said
"Okay, not to be a ****, but for the sake of discussion...
I think this can be used as a perfect example of the OP. In the last two posts, we've had a whole lot of "this, not that," and in both instances used as an example of how not to "make a difference."
It could be reduced to, "Make a difference is how you don't make a difference."
I say, that still is an analysis of two things (standing between them), yet having attachment to one or the other: belief/non-belief, good/bad. In each case, the two concepts are precisely the same thing, just flipped upside down (analysis-wise) according to perspective of value.
I guess "value" would be the key word.
"Good/bad." "Non-belief/belief." Value is what you have to turn off.
That far. Nuit doesn't care. Your joy is Her joy."
Indeed it's a perfect example. I willingly phrased the thing old aeon style(good vs evil) to joke a little bit.
Of course... In that regard i'd say the most direct meaning is just consciousness of Nuit. Contemplation, and making the consciousness automatic.
Once that established, though, you can use old aeon magick freely without side effects, and even joke about it
Your ironic line is actually true, litteraly, once that established. Whatever one says or does(seemingly) is an act of no difference, including making difference. of course, the tree shall be judged by its fruits, you know, the good fruits vS the bad ones. You see, it is a limitation of langage. From the time i try to express something i use a sword. Nuit herself, saying to make no difference, makes one in the process. How could it be otherwise?
One must increase all extremes, and balance, and stability.
Thus one should be capable of extreme positions under control and with good intent.
See the positive in all things(and avoid evil !). On practical level its true whenever one makes a choice(and this can be that of a tendency of the mind) there is difference made, and only one choice is good. At some stage choices are very important, and therefore should be judged with absolutely no tolerance. Evil is 100% evil. There is no other way around.Its a matter of power and focus.
At the same time you know it is not true. But you are capable of action as if its 100% true, without any negative impact. Yes magick is illusion. But it works
I suggest you read Eliphas Levi. Especially his most old aeon and "fanatic" lines. Combine such(i mean your own, just with such "squareness", laugh at yourself looking retarded) ethics with consciousness of Nuit, and nothing can stop you. Wisdom and folly. Exceed ! Exceed ! And this is an example of no difference made, while using the positive aspect of difference made.Combine the intelligence of a genius with the simplicity of a caveman.
What makes something real or not is a matter of coordination of planes.Seek increase in all ways without harm and surely the result is right. Eliminate all weaknesses. They are evil
You must confront what seems evil. But to do so, you must aknowledge it is evil. And not.
There should be no difference in your mind, between any one thing and any other thing. Except for practical reasons.
It is difficult to talk about this
All disputes, all controversies, all the things belonging to the false cares of this world, fruitless discussions, useless germs of opinions which spread the seeds of disunion, all error, schisms, and systems are banished. Neither calumny nor scandal is known. Every man is honoured. Love alone reigns.
I have had this discussion on my mind all day and this from the account of a.a. has come to mind.
Take away any belief structure, and there would be no differences, those uselss germs of opinion, opinions requires belief....
all of the aforementioned divisions would be gone.....
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"22. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt. "
Every experience is equally valuable.
"29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union."
Be Hadit. Go. Experience.
Expand in every possible (& impossible!) direction.
For therein is pure Rapture of existence. -
sorry it took so long to reply here. I think there are many valid ways to interpret this phrase, but something that made it pop for me was perhaps a new perspective or twist in how I was 'phrasing' the words and semantics to play with the meaning 'let there be no difference between anyone person between any one thing and any other thing'
this new layer of meaning, to me, reveals a higher level order of the collective reality we all share as Nuit. I hope I don't butcher my own meaning in trying to explain it, but it has more to do with Crowley's description of the three blind men and the elephant (was it an elephant? I forget the details of the story). The perplexing part of the phrase is the somewhat warning 'for thereby cometh hurt'.
So I now view it this way. Using the metaphor that Crowley used (which I may be bastardizing a bit but still keeping its tautological relevance) of three blind men all touching an elephant, but each one sensing the elephant from another perspective, angle, or aspect of the elephant, each having a different picture. The 'one thing' between them is the elephant, which is one elephant 'not different' to any of them. It is the unique perspective, relative to time and space of each blind man in relationship to the elephant, that creates the illusion of 'differences' in the blind men's data set. These differences, if interpreted as 'three different things' instead of 'one thing they all share in common' is a source of 'misunderstanding' (hurt) that befalls humanity in practical discourse and discussion.
I now see this as more than a lofty phrase just speaking to a general oneness of all things and instead as a practical dynamic of communication and exchange between 'each star in the tapestry of Nuit', the distinction between what we all share in common and our unique and individual viewpoint of the shared mystery.
I always feel awkward trying to put this into language, but thats why I love this forum! Thanks for bumbling through this with me
The only other time the word "difference" (or any similar root word) appears in Liber Legis is in:
"Every number is infinite; there is no difference."
And in the OP passage, the words that precede are:
"Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt."
To me, a large part of the message of Thelema is a marriage of the Western focus individuality and the Eastern focus on context. That our True Will is this beautiful alignment of the two. In psychology, a mentally healthy outlook is somewhere near the balance point between selfishness and altruism, where you trust and take care of yourself, but also see others' needs and perspectives as equally valuable as your own.
The quotes above are from Nuit's section, and remind us that no one thing is really more valuable than any other thing, because each thing is infinite, whether we know it or not.
@Avshalom Binyamin said
"To me, a large part of the message of Thelema is a marriage of the Western focus individuality and the Eastern focus on context."
I'd go as far as saying that's the main message.
Agreed. Hedging on my language, because I don't want to define it for other people.