May 2 (Earth) Liber LXV, Cap. I, v. 53-54
**53. And He answered Him: Have I not the key thereof?
I am clothed with the body of flesh; I am one with the Eternal and Omnipotent God.
54. Then said Adonai: Thou hast the Head of the Hawk, and thy Phallus is the Phallus of Asar. Thou knowest the white, and thou knowest the black, and thou knowest that these are one. But why seekest thou the knowledge of their equivalence?
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I believe this is V.V.V.V.V. (Neshamah) answering Adonai (Chiah) in verse 53. Neshamah being the connecting a link between the Ruach and the earthly faculties of Man is clothed in a body of flesh with the higher faculties of superconsciousness. Thus, V.V.V.V.V. claims he should have the key, as he encompases the 4 worlds (Aztiluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah as pointed out in verses 47-49), and has the ability to wield it.
In verse 54 oppositions are setup with their polarity. Above Adonai says that V.V.V.V.V. has the Head of the Hawk, the God Horus and current Aeon, and the Phallus is that of Asar, the God Osirus, and the previous Aeon. It is in the makeup of his being and also his knowledge in knowing both the white and black, both polarities, are actually one thing.
Why does he seek out "why" they are equal? Sure, we're told, in various religions and mystery traditions, that all things come from One Thing. The Neshamah is grasping further to "know" why, to experience the "why", to gain knowledge by actual experience.