May 3 (Earth) Liber LXV, Cap. I, v. 55-56
V.V.V.V.V answers, in verse 55, that his "...Work may be right." to the question of the previous verse. The Work is right when we can operate from a knowledge of the equivalence of opposites. This position furthermore seems like a transcendence of previous ideas and thoughts since it partakes of both sides of the coin while simultaneously becoming something altogether different.
To this Adonai illustrates that the strong brown reaper rejoices in the sweeping of his swathe. The reaper is doing, going, performing his purpose. The wise man looks at the reaper (I believe is looking at the reaper), counts his muscles, assumingly calculating, thinking, posturing, and couldn't understand. In intellectual analysis, which has its place, he couldn't find a place of understanding. It is by acting in accordance with our wills that we find joy and reap the benefits thereof.
These are among my favorite lines in Cap.I - one of those that were "sealed into the blood", spontaneously appearing in unexpected moments and opening up from the inside like blossoming of a hidden flower.
The highest human faculties want to fully align themselves with the Divine, to make no mistake, to avoid error ("That my Work may be right."); but there is judgment in this, intellectual activity dividing "right" from "wrong". Don't overthink it, says Adonai, just WORK.
The power of Spirit is Ire, To Go; in the realm of Earth, it is a quite concrete physical action. The joy is in the actual exercise of own energy through & with the physical body; abstaining from action and, instead, just thinking about it, calculating is it possible, is it doable ("...counted his muscles, and pondered..") etc. is simply a disbalance.