Solo Tantra
@gerry456 said
"I am aware that in Thelema, tantra is to be used for god-atonement and manifesting intent. Howeevr, what are the do's and don'ts for solo tantra? I meditate regularly by the way.
What should a tantric practitioner be doing whilst practicing self-stimulation and holdbacks? 10 minutes a night? 10 holdbacks a night? 20 holdbacks a night? Circulating energy around his being? Constant prostate-contraction and release throughout the day to develop holdback ability? I mean this isn't rocket science but how else can I develop the ability to holdback ejaculation?
I did about 30 minutes last night with well over 10 holdbacks (plateaus) and I awoke in the middle of the night. My eyes were on fire all frickin day today, i felt stoned but weary. Obviously the ultimate guru is within.
The day before , following a 30 minute tantric work-out the prior evening, I felt amazing like I was onto changing my life. My senses haven't been this heightened in years.
What concerns me is that i'm not a good looking guy and I think I can only attract ugly women. I don't know if I could find a tantra partner/lover who could arouse me fully therefore. Does that matter?
Also i'm using adult movie clips to get myself started/aroused. That's cool, right?
Also, I am assuming that Crowley did consecration of talismans with his semen. Was this after normal sex or did he do this after tantric holdbacks and then ejaculate on his talismans?"
All I'd say is be careful about using "tantra" as an excuse for self-indulgence, particularly masturbatory self-indulgence. How good is your simple seated concentration meditation? Unless it's pretty good, you might be fooling yourself.
Generally speaking, paired sex is always better than masturbation, because there's an exchange of energies and some rather complex fluids (which probably have energies). It's not that there's anything "wrong" with masturbation, but for a magician, it's a potential hall of mirrors, whereas what you really want is to be engaging with the world, experiencing it, exchanging energy with it.
Don't worry about looks (though do worry about health and fitness). Getting sexual partners is all about courage. Courage is the real turn on (for both men and women). Start small.
Masturbation (again, unless your concentration is *very *good) may only entangle you more deeply in your fear of the Other, and habitual masturbation could mire you even deeper. Only people with a real superabundance of sexual energy can masturbate regularly without many problems. Don't imagine you're such a type if you aren't. And even with genius, it's still a waste (because not an exchange), and still likely to lead to self-indulgence in other areas, and an inability to see and feel others as they really are.
@Takamba said
"For one thing, of course, tantra isn't only about the sexual practices. Tantra itself is the confrontation or resolutions of opposites. Love and ugly woman until she is beautiful to you, love a beautiful woman until she is ugly to you. Then you begin to see the solutions to your personality constructs. Then you see that all is illusion and you are the master."
Yeah , ultimately in Thelema, desire and fear must be rooted out.
@gurugeorge said
@gerry456 said
All I'd say is be careful about using "tantra" as an excuse for self-indulgence, particularly masturbatory self-indulgence. How good is your simple seated concentration meditation? Unless it's pretty good, you might be fooling yourself.Generally speaking, paired sex is always better than masturbation, because there's an exchange of energies and some rather complex fluids (which probably have energies). It's not that there's anything "wrong" with masturbation, but for a magician, it's a potential hall of mirrors, whereas what you really want is to be engaging with the world, experiencing it, exchanging energy with it.
Don't worry about looks (though do worry about health and fitness). Getting sexual partners is all about courage. Courage is the real turn on (for both men and women). Start small.
Masturbation (again, unless your concentration is *very *good) may only entangle you more deeply in your fear of the Other, and habitual masturbation could mire you even deeper. Only people with a real superabundance of sexual energy can masturbate regularly without many problems. Don't imagine you're such a type if you aren't. And even with genius, it's still a waste (because not an exchange), and still likely to lead to self-indulgence in other areas, and an inability to see and feel others as they really are."
"Yes it is "self-indulgent" but so is having sex with someone that you don't really love. That is also a form of masturbation. However, solo practice with the intent of looking for a tantric sex partner is right on and that's what i'm doing. Cutting off the world and withdrawing into a shell is not balanced, I appreciate that. I have interacted with 100s of women this year/last year. I have courage but they weren't interested. I'm not complaining
it's one of my karmic debts I guess.
Yes as I see it, the hexagram is Fire and Water conjoined; the Fire of karezza and the Water of the meditative Will-coolant, a transmutation or alchemical stoking and cooling of the tinctures in the crucible.
At least nobody can say, "You don't know jack."
Speaking of "solo tantra" as "self-indulgence" here we have the first stage of alchemy described as a relinquishing of self-indulgence;
The Transformative Processes
There are seven steps in the transformative processes, both for physical Alchemy as well as spiritual Alchemy. Here is a brief list of the 7 Steps of the Emerald formula.
- Calcination
- Dissolution
- Separation
- Conjunction
- Fermentation
- Distillation
- Coagulation
In this series of posts I shall endeavour to give examples of the Physical Alchemical Processes and the Psychological Process of Transformation that each of these 7 Steps includes. We shall start with the First of the Seven Steps: Calcination.
- Calcination - Calcination is the first of the seven major operations in the Alchemy of Transformation.
** Chemically, the Calcination process involves heating a substance in a crucible or over an open flame until it is reduced to ashes.** In the Arcanum Experiment, Calcination is represented by Sulfuric Acid, which the alchemist made from a naturally occurring substance called Vitriol. Sulfuric Acid is a powerful corrosive that eats away flesh and reacts with all metals except Gold.
Psychologically, this is a destruction of ego and our attachment to material possessions. Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually assaulted and overcome by the trials and tribulations of life, though it can be a deliberate surrender of our inherent hubris gained through a variety of spiritual disciplines that ignite the fire of introspection and self-evaluation.
Psychologically, the Fire of Calcination can be experienced as the metabolic discipline or aerobic activity that tunes the body, burning off excess from overindulgence and producing a lean, mean, fighting machine. Calcination begins in the Base or Lead Chakra at the Sacrel Cup at the Base of the Spine.
On the Planetary level, it is the Fire of Creation, the formation of a liveable environment from molten matter and volcanic ashes.*
I think a way masturbation can be useful is to gain time.
While masturbating one can focus 100% on specific things and adjust what actually arouses, until the desire is purified. Also you can multiply very fast various experiences that would take very long otherwise. You can have 100 parners in 30 minutes in your mind. It is like fast forward. Activate etheric and astral body at the same time to help this. And focus on purification of desire. Keep always the goal in mind. The intent is to gain time and consecrate as fast as possible sexuality to HGA. If so it is good practice. Then, no desire will come unwillingly. Desire will attune to HGA. And if you are aroused again you will know it is of holy nature. That it is directly related to HGA. So you wont have any partner finding problem anymore as it will be God directly wich chooses for you when what and with who to do. The progress should be fast and empowering. if it is not so it is probably not the time for such a practice.
In general, I have no problem with performing tantric work by yourself. If you have a problem with doing it every day as part of your practice then there is a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. Bottling it up is also a form of attachment. I agree with Hermes, much faster and disciplined results with yourself.
Always remember to turn inward regardless of the circumstances in your life. There are certainly those times when you have to be ruthless and times you have to be forgiving. But I think the right person and right time will only come around when you have your house in order.
I'm not too concerned about the issue of being a solo practitioner. I couldn't understand a male hetero Thelemite who lives with and loves and as sex with a woman who is not a tantric practitioner. You only have to read Al to see blatantly that Thelema is tantra.
Anyyway, Takamba I meant solo lingam breathing as an exercise done outside of sexual activity. As I understand it it is inhaling through the crown cakra, sending "it" to root cakra, squeezing ones prostate/sphincta for 5 seconds and thenexhaling "it" through one's penis while simultaneously relaxing the prostate/sphinta, so it is a spiritual astral ejaculation as it were. This exercise can also be done, for males, via heart cakra inhalation. For women its different.
@gerry456 said
"I'm not too concerned about the issue of being a solo practitioner. I couldn't understand a male hetero Thelemite who lives with and loves and as sex with a woman who is not a tantric practitioner. You only have to read Al to see blatantly that Thelema is tantra.
Anyyway, Takamba I meant solo lingam breathing as an exercise done outside of sexual activity. As I understand it it is inhaling through the crown cakra, sending "it" to root cakra, squeezing ones prostate/sphincta for 5 seconds and thenexhaling "it" through one's penis while simultaneously relaxing the prostate/sphinta, so it is a spiritual astral ejaculation as it were. This exercise can also be done, for males, via heart cakra inhalation. For women its different."
Yes, that's what I meant by lingam breathing also. I also do what other practices I described earlier and some I'm not describing here. Tantra is a full system, not just sex magick. As was said earlier, anyone reading AC will figure out that Thelema is tantra.
@Takamba said
" Tantra is a full system, not just sex magick. As was said earlier, anyone reading AC will figure out that Thelema is tantra."
Being into Tantra for as long as I can remember (and still learning), reading on/offline that people equate Tantra with sex rituals, always evokes a smile to my face.
Only in as shallow and f***ed up a culture as ours here in the West is, elaborated and advanced system like Tantra could be bought simply as sex.
There is sooooooo much more to Tantra.
Oh yes, Thelema is "just" a modern expression of the ancient teachings of Tantric masters.
'Yoni tantra' says it all, offering the concept of the "Will" centuries before A.C. and freely sharing the most secret and oh-my-gods stuff of the O.T.O.
When one stays on mental force, the lower adjustement is instant. But if one falls, one falls back to the corresponding laws. There are different laws on different planes, though they are one too. The yin and the yang oscilation is maintained.
The more subtle mecanism, the more it applies on higher plane because all laws converge to The Law.
When it is clear, no time is wasted. Even past is transformed.
@Hermes said
"When one stays on mental force, the lower adjustement is instant. But if one falls, one falls back to the corresponding laws. There are different laws on different planes, though they are one too. The yin and the yang oscilation is maintained.
The more subtle mecanism, the more it applies on higher plane because all laws converge to The Law.
When it is clear, no time is wasted. Even past is transformed."
I agree.
Well said.And embracing the whole of Tantra (not only sex rituals), one might advance really rapidly, going really high...
...and if one screwes up the Tantric ritual(s), the fall is also very rapid and deep.Dangerous path Tantra is or can be.
@Frater INRI said
@Hermes said
"When one stays on mental force, the lower adjustement is instant. But if one falls, one falls back to the corresponding laws. There are different laws on different planes, though they are one too. The yin and the yang oscilation is maintained.The more subtle mecanism, the more it applies on higher plane because all laws converge to The Law.
When it is clear, no time is wasted. Even past is transformed."
I agree.
Well said.And embracing the whole of Tantra (not only sex rituals), one might advance really rapidly, going really high...
...and if one screwes up the Tantric ritual(s), the fall is also very rapid and deep.Dangerous path Tantra is or can be."
It reminds me the mecanism of speech and secrecy. Breaking the rules if done right is actually very good. It can make one "jump" straight to the next thing. But it can also be a mistake whose effects take much time to correct ! The more powerful the technique the more good or harm will happen.
@Hermes said
It reminds me the mecanism of speech and secrecy. Breaking the rules if done right is actually very good. It can make one "jump" straight to the next thing. But it can also be a mistake whose effects take much time to correct ! The more powerful the technique the more good or harm will happen."
Oh yes Hermes,
I agree.Well said.
The same applies to our rituals and intentions / articulated Will,
IMO. -
@Takamba said
"For one thing, of course, tantra isn't only about the sexual practices. Tantra itself is the confrontation or resolutions of opposites. Love an ugly woman until she is beautiful to you, love a beautiful woman until she is ugly to you. Then you begin to see the solutions to your personality constructs. Then you see that all is illusion and you are the master."
But one has to use one's own arousal "energy" so one has to get aroused by someone that one finds attractive so I don't understand your point.
By the way the mechanical animal (human all too human) approach to sex of "fuck her" and "shoot your load" and "do her" leads to an imbalance in the relationship to the sexes doesns't it? Tantra should restore the balance once more where a man who holds back orgasm is helped by a woman who understands what he's trying to achieve so that the 2 are aiming to mutually attain a 3rd factor i.e. cosmic consciousness/mind expansion.
@gerry456 said
"I don't understand your point. "
You don't understand my point because you're still acting as if Tantra is only about sexual activity. Tantra is a full tradition of Buddhist or Hindu (depending on tradition) practices, rituals, meditations, and scriptures. Many of the practices that Crowley describes for the A.'.A.'. are in fact westernized Tantric practices. The meditations he describes, the practices he describes, the ways of the A.'.A.'. designed to free the aspirant from egoistic bondage and personal prejudices are all Tantric practices. Tantric Sex (sex magick or sacred sex or whatever you want to call it) is only a very small portion of Tantric studies and is reserved for the season practitioner.
Also, if you are practicing "sex magick" and thinking about sex at the time you shoot your "talisman" forth, you're doing it wrong.
I did 45 minutes of 25 plateaus Monday night and I was in a rapture state all night and well into Tuesday day. I did 11 plateaus last night. I've been keeping th Lingam Brathing up also.
How do you avoid being doe-eyes and looking high? I don't want work mates to think I'm stoned.