September 11 (Mars) Liber VII, Cap. I, v. 1-7
**1. My God, how I love Thee!
2. With the vehement appetite of a beast I hunt Thee through the Universe.
3. Thou art standing as it were upon a pinnacle at the edge of some fortified city. I am a white bird, and perch upon Thee.
4. Thou art My Lover: I see Thee as a nymph with her white limbs stretched by the spring.
5. She lies upon the moss; there is none other but she:
6. Art Thou not Pan?
7. I am He. Speak not, O my God! Let the work be accomplished in silence.
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Just a reminder that the Liber VII text is available in the resources page in this sub-forum and here is the link: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=97&t=13991</a><!-- l -->
Today we begin with Mars!
I have grown quite fond of Liber VII. The only problem is that it's so ecstatic, it speaks for itself so forcefully, that I find hard to actually say anything about the text.
"Let the work be accomplished in silence."
But I'll try as we go on. I think I'll able to contribute more in the chapters I've memorized.
BTW, Gabriel, kudos for keeping up with the project so diligently.
graci Patriel
Yep - they definitely are tough to approach and I will be a little silly sometimes in what comes of it, but it goes with the territory
How about this for a change of pace? The tone of voice I imagine as verging on shouting and desperate as if almost within its goal. The words I receive here as forceful, cunning, and with a sense of the joy of the chase. God is illusive in nature to most, but reached most gracefully and easily by the author of this work. These are equals of sort as the Spirit is ravished by its lover, adored, lusted after, and won over. This is the love of All. The love of chaos, the love of the crashing waves, all things wrapped into the insanity of life and ultimately grasped in one climatic moment that only silence can express. And with that complete identification of the godhead and thus to insanity and thus to Pan. Io Pan!