Aleph - Wisdom or Folly?
I used to think the title was referring some dual aspect of Chokmah, and the path of aleph which arrives to that sphere. But I suppose this does not make sense, because there is no dual aspects in the supernal triad, correct?
I found in some GD material some attributes of the double letters. appears that either Beth or Daleth is attributed to "Wisdom/Folly" (not sure which one)
What is the relationship between Aleph (The Fool) and Beth/Daleth (Wisdom/Folly) that Crowley was trying to draw here?
Thank you!
The pairs of opposites associated with the Trumps relate the opposite energies of the seven chakras.
I don't think Crowley was referencing this in his title.
Instead, I think he was playing on the title of Tarot Trump 0, the Fool, given to pure Spirit. I think it's that name-choice he's playing with.
Here's the BOTA version just to add to your versions: