"MY book"? Which book?
@gerry456 said
"All these old letters of my Book are aright; but [Tzaddi] is not the Star.
"MY book"? Which book? It must be an "old book" i.e it isn't Liber Al."
The one "book" in which everyone already (at that date) assumes "Tzaddi is The Star." tarot.
@gerry456 said
"Ergo Nuit created the Tarot book?"
Or owns a copy.
As Tarot is expressed as a circle, and in the Golden Dawn Second Order (where Crowley had his fundamental training) the entire 78-card Tarot model is expressed as a spherical deployment of the zodiac - a completely celestial sphere with every part of its three-dimensional surface mapped to one of the 78 cards - this does seem a pretty remarkable correlative to She who is the entire body of space - the whole of the celestial sphere.
For She has traced the characters of Nature upon herself with her fingers, and none can read them unless taught in her school...
@Jim Eshelman said
Or owns a copy.As Tarot is expressed as a circle, and in the Golden Dawn Second Order (where Crowley had his fundamental training) the entire 78-card Tarot model is expressed as a spherical deployment of the zodiac - a completely celestial sphere with every part of its three-dimensional surface mapped to one of the 78 cards - this does seem a pretty remarkable correlative to She who is the entire body of space - the whole of the celestial sphere.
For She has traced the characters of Nature upon herself with her fingers, and none can read them unless taught in her school..."
so if the Tarot was first developed/skryed in Egyptian civilization then yeah Nuit was there to bestow it and "returns" in 1904 to speak of Her book?
@gerry456 said
so if the Tarot was first developed/skryed in Egyptian civilization then yeah Nuit was there to bestow it and "returns" in 1904 to speak of Her book?"Well, let's not argue particulars. Let's just say that the Tarot is a complete system mapping the Universe (just like the Tree of Life is).
Well, we're talking about a secret tradition that only became apparent with the first publicly printed decks. But in the tradition, Initiates drew their own decks. Oral tradition, a la Paul Foster Case, says its current format goes back to Morroco in the 1100s. Before that, we're talking about not tarot in its current form but the origins of the current tarot, which I think you can see in the 3 mother letters (3 Qualities), 7 double letters (7 chakras) and 12 standard letters (12 astrological signs) of the Hebrew alphabet (22 Trumps - the "book" in question) - which goes back at least to their stay in Egypt if not previously involved in it.
Yeah, I'm a Hermes Trismegistus guy. With stuff like this, I always lean away from the idea that the origin must only be said to begin with the currently existing written evidence. It began as a secret mystical tradition - not as a public card game from France.
Dubious, schmoobius. It is the secret of everything. I just can't look at what it is and think it started as a popular card game in France though that may have been the first time it was ever put through one of those new-fangled printing press thingies.