Psalms of An Aeon
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yoga means Union.
Yoga does not mean dissociation.
Yoga does not mean numbness.
Yoga does not mean hiding one's head in the sand.
Yoga refers to the (sometimes painful) uniting by will with all things.
Yoga means Union.
Door to the Soul.*
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A Mystical Tale of Once Someone
What failure fain be griev’d bite such pang into the gallant heart
And name sorrow the equal for which to orphan
........the eyes of so many tears?
By thy center, do start!, do start! untie the knot,
Woven and wrought for but th’ sum of a body’s years.Thus may another token grave
........soon be remarked with a rosy cross
So that no plot of earth need spoil its fame
........o’er the unworthy knot so gladly laid there.
O funeral, play Thee not Thy dirge of loss,
........a birth!, ‘tis a birth
That heralds this morning sun, one so prepared.Nice. Fine. Good. Be aware, however, that we Love you, and that behind the paltry mask of harsh words are we who want you to succeed more than anything else in the world. For are we not one in sooth in the light?
In L.V.X. we are Will then we are One. Khabs Am Pekht.* 天元.
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*Listen now to what I have to say and know that I have no interest in deceiving you and even less in impressing you. He pokes through to the bone every time, yet it is seen as dull.
Renunciation of pleasure is hard. To put it plainly: it sucks. My spirit grows heavy for all who would take that path. You let go of the things that you hold so dearly; like saying goodbye to a cherished dream. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks!
Guess what! A dozen times over would I gladly renounce the things of this life that I enjoy and the things of this life that I have enjoyed. For such sorrow, great as that is, is but a pithy trifle compared to sacrificing the attachment to the things that are averse to one's liking and the things that cause one great pain. Know that I am Strong and that my heart is aglow with bright joy, but by such anguish is even my own light made dim for the time being, as well it should be. O God! O Lord! It is through the darkest darkness of night that the light appears great. Ha ha ha! Amen.*
Love is the law, love under will.
Thank you for posting, I thoroughly enjoyed reading these writings.
But can you please explain the meaning of the beginning of # 10, and what you mean by "-??"? Is the author truly unknown? -
@FiatYod said
"Thank you for posting, I thoroughly enjoyed reading these writings."
Thanks. Being able to blend poetry and prose in an entertaining fashion is free and fun!
I was going to call this collection "The Folio of Fibs" (a self-derogatory jab referencing how these are written in a diluted and much inferior manner to the style of Liber CCCXXXIII) but decided to just call them psalms.
"But can you please explain the meaning of the beginning of # 10"
Those words are nothing but the fossilized expressions of once-vibrant experience. The vitality departed as soon as they were symbolized in idea, making them false which is the only possible nature of their truth. Explanation of them negates comprehension, nay, it will exclusively wend one further away from it. "He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason."
From a practical standpoint the first line of the first paragraph/stanza is describing one half of the method of jnana yoga. All of the "virtues" necessary for this brand of yoga will come about automatically once one is able to assiduously partake in the instruction of the first line. Practice makes perfect. The rest of the first paragraph is just meaningless concepts that should be discarded as such. Each to their own, none when they're lucky. <hint hint>
"and what you mean by "-??"? Is the author truly unknown?"
That author is just too Quiet, as they should have been.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*The laws of Nature in all of its categories are but manifestations of the means by which Nature accomplishes its
True Will (True Will does not define Nature's actions, Nature's actions define its True Will). The essential method
of operation of these means is a declaration of the formula called “Love,” which is the minister of Will.The word of Sin is Restriction. That is, any action or structure which inhibits the operation of this Love is a
resistance and an impediment to the accomplishment of the True Will of the Universe and so in this way is the
adversary of Nature. However, such Restriction can not be a meaningful hindrance to the gratification of Nature’s
Will, for that Will can not be thwarted. The Universe moves on or flows as it is inclined to do and the tiny offender is crushed under the heel of the Universe for their baseless transgression and Nature rues it not.Now then, the True Will represents the continual evolution of the Universe and is perforce in harmony with itself to include all constituents of the wholeness of its being and becoming. Thus the True Will of the individual is not their own will but their respective function towards the fulfillment of Nature’s Will.
Any mindset or belief which weakens or obscures the potential of any man or any woman to follow their True Will, or which seeks to do so, is a detriment to Love and therefore is a Sin in direct opposition to the Universe.
It is a part of the path of uncovering the True Will for a sun (i.e. a Star) to disperse the darkness by constant change in perspective. Through this may a sun come to realize that the cause of all eclipse to its inherent role in the Body of the Stars is partiality towards limiting points-of-view which hinder its radiance.
[Renunciation, as properly understood, does not refer to sacrifice or denial of anything. It is instead the relinquishment of attachment to the narrow desires of the Ego, which are affirmants to duality. Never renounce something because you feel a moral obligation to do so as such is then not "Love under will." Renunciation is a tool, not an attainment.]
We are Pantheists!
That is the truth.
We are Not Pantheists!
That is the truth.
We rejoice at the fall of Restriction and the advent of Love!
That is the truth.
We revel in the advent of Love and the fall of Restriction!
That is the truth.
All that I say is False!
That is the Truth, for* There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Feeling more and more unbounded;
False love fleeting between the twain and the union; Silence; Love.2-->---<|...!-->............
*(The Dominus Liminis; at the precipice of a new perspective. And you then reach a point where outside sources are unable to avail to aid your progress. No longer do you need to reflect the light of teachers, ancillary practices, and intellectual concepts. Your way is guided towards the approaching dawn, it is being called and illuminated by the light of your own sun now, which shimmers from just behind the horizon of your little, individual point of view. There is no path to take there but Inward. Arise, o Soul! Awake!
The Law is for all. Praise be Nuit! Praise be Hadit! Praise be to Ra-Hoor-Khuit!)
Free now! Thou pop, thou wait,
In what ways you've stirred my soul to greet the Soul!
Fie on thee, mockers and myself so small. Ha ha! Quintessence.*....1----->----->0--> ∞
We are naught but twinkling conduits between Had and Nu.
There is graffiti on the outside of that tube:
The image of Man,¹
The exterior of the Star.
*Beautiful! It is sacred and does things godly as it shines,
Holy is its name
When it emerges from gross forms and names,
Set to proper place as in the Law.
Will, Will, & Ever & On!Nuit! Form beyond the formation of forms!
Hadit! Secret Light ere the light of all Light!
Amen.*Love is the law, love under will.
- I.e. mankind; man and/or woman.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*When he awoke he realized that he was strong and that he had the power to wend where he will.
Gone, removed the salt and sulphur of his vision.
He did see others having their dreams and saw a course that they could take to awake much quicker, but his voice was mute.
They could not hear him.
No matter.Holy, Holy, Holy is this place.
Love is the law, love under will.
We say it before the end because that is here.
It grew in concept until it was made Manifest.
The four letter word.
By blinking his mind, as an Universe blinks its great big eye all long and solemn, has his plastic ore become as Fire.He is in the halls of the Holy where his eyes are Holy.
Blessed are they who keep none none.
He is not he anymore you see?
He is but a vessel. He is free.The joy of dissolution all.
The joy of dissolution all.
The joy of dissolution all.And she made it out of earth.
And she cried,
And she cried like this.
And she made it out of earth.
And she cried...
Happiness?*Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*Wings of hungry sunlight,
Trees of morning fire,
The crisp air slowly penetrates the silent unity.
Then some rare image forms before my eye--
With it the many return.Cleave me wholly, thread of razor silks
That pierce the gloom,
Yea, that pierce the light!
Bring aught to glory for a moment--
Lucidity not tainted awaits there.For God wades now into the shallow water
Where truth becomes and is lost.
So I drain myself of “shallow,”
And dissolve the murky waters--
There God will greet as shall be wont.God is a bird, I know it!
God is a little gray bird.
And I love Him,
O God, how I love Him.Wreathing wings of hungry sunlight,
Triumphant trees of morning fire,
The crisp air penetrates, penetrates, penetrates Forever the slender, silent unity!Amen.*
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*The awareness of the ordinary person functions by way of the assumption that it is interacting (through a body) with a world of the senses which is separate from it. Yet that world of the senses is nothing but an image reflected upon the mind. The source of the world is the mind and the source of the mind is the Self. All things that can be perceived, the sensory as well as the mental, are but partial manifestations of the Self, which is the origin of all that we behold.
The grass, the sky, the sun, the animals, the people, the structures, &c., even the Ego (its thoughts, worries, and actions; who and what it believes it is), are all projections of the Self that are encountered as these particular names and forms via their nourishment and subsequent crystallization as such by the mind. Isn’t it silly?
When the mind is made utterly quiescent then all distinctions effortlessly disappear, all borders cease. Those things which were seen before as objective and external, which include many unreal notions masquerading as subjectivity, are realized as identical to and one with the Self, every boundary of the illusory division having been rent by sheer love. And even then that love is ever and never sated.
sigh How sad, strange, funny, beautiful it is, how quickly these experiences deteriorate into meaningless, ridiculous concepts as soon as they are anatomized in idea. However, within this very comprehension lies the secret of the false need for “redemption.” Every thought that one has is only resolved by more thought. Then more thought after that. And more thought. And more thought must follow that. Then some more thought. And still more thought after that...
...Or silence.
This universe exists because of you,
You exist because of this universe.
In reality this universe and you are the same.
Yet in fact all of these are none.
And what is meant by “you?”Dear Mhodha,
Dear Mhodha,
Consume this in Nirodha!Oh lovely,
Loving Mhodha,
Devour the Heart again!...and again and again and again and...*
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*The Long Lost Search for Universal Spirituality
ATTENTION: It is assumed that the aspirant has had considerable acquaintance with the practices / techniques herein described. Also, this is by no means a perfect guide.
Gradually cut back on and eliminate things that you enjoy; i.e. things that you desire to do; read: things that you prefer over or besides meditation. (Reminder: this step has no philosophical or moral implications whatsoever. It is merely the temporary trimming off of things detrimental to the task at hand. Sacrifice is an Ego’s game.)
Increase sitting (in Asana) time to 60+ minutes ASAP. This can be forced. Pay extra heed to ensuring that the posture is steady and non-harmful to the neck, the back and the shoulders. The body mustn't disturb the mind.
Let the Record by thy confidant. Avoid teaching and preaching. Avoid argument, rationalizing, and idle conversation with others. Eschew social media, email, internet forums, phone calls, messaging, etc., at all cost, save for absolute necessity. (See the Reminder to step 1 in parentheses.)
Progressively increase the amount of time spent working on concentration; i.e. Pratyahara and Dharana.
Don’t allow the mind to get stuck in the quagmire of worrying over the correctness of the focus. Time will see things aright. No effort is wasted. DO NOT force anything!
Pranayama, Mantra, Likhita Japa, Liber Jugorum, and Oaths are tools which should not be underestimated.
Eventually when a fair degree of control is had over the activity of the mind you get to the point where you can shut off the mind’s more frenetic behavior at will. (Hint: The ability to do so is closely related to the technique of Pranayama, though not necessarily dependent on it.) It need not be said how beneficial this is to meditation.
Be calm, release, yield. "Fade" into the Sattvic mind. This is the proper attitude to have. Attaining to have constant mindfulness of your meditation the entire day is the key. This is soaking in meditation, which is also called Abhyasa. Steadily resign the mind to this. As soon as any other thoughts or considerations interfere, gently but firmly corral the attention and bring it back to bear on the focus of meditation.
Train the mind to obtain longer and longer periods of sustained one-pointed concentration. When this can be done continuously and with effort it is called Dhyana. When it is done continuously and automatically it is called Samadhi. When it is done continuously and automatically and all distinction between the meditator, the meditation and the object of meditation ceases to be, it is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
All of this is possible to accomplish in the midst of worldly life, while taking care of your familial, financial, religious (or lack thereof), and civic duties (though let it not be forgotten that these worldly duties must always be secondary to this practice of meditation). It just takes experimentation and persistence. Depending on the situation no one else might even know what is going on. "The horse's hooves were muffled by the gods.”
ADDENDUM: Think of spiritual experience as a liquid. Words are like wicks which can soak up some of that liquid. However, when the experience ends the source of the liquid is no more, and over time (typically pretty fast) the wick dries up, leaving behind just barren, shriveled up words: concepts: worthless knowledge: even... shudders ...dogma. Memories, too, can only hold their bladder for so long before they start leaking. So it goes. No time to rest. E’er onward.*
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Did you get that?*Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*We are all vessels,
Containers for all
Of the light that's ever glistening behind star-driving fire.
But the I does not see this
So confined to our surface
To reap the illusion
That too few of us pierce through...But if I ride upon the hour I wake
My thoughts can't take me down to greet the lies
That tell me I'll grow old,
That I must die before I realize
There is no me,
This is immortality
In disguise as reflective mind.Kill "I am this."
Kill "I am this."
Kill "I am this."
Kill "I am this."Haddiz new to had.
And this is Africa,
I love you all,
You all, you all, you all.
This is Africa,
I love you all.Epilogue:
The Ego is not real. Like an illusory parasite it jumps from host to host (read: thought to thought) and derives its existence through them. Conquer the Ego's medium to deprive it of its means to live. Do this either by inward dissolution or by outward, omnidirectional expansion, which are both really the same thing. In L.V.X. instead of experiencing being as a noun, one experiences it as an intransitive verb.*Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*God lifts loftily to a lithely winter dance,
Dousing dreams of the beaten path,
Putting ripe souls in His august trance
From whence the sacred shrine
Is ever of light in the aftermath
Of leaving form behind the line.As each form fades felicitously away
Into the death embrace of love
The false hub of false perception
Flees, exposed in its deception.
That is love reaching high above
To dawn a new and wondrous kind of day.Though the earth has its beauties bright
Which no one can deny,
All the things of form, no matter how they might
For a moment reign, will die.Thus propinquity to God is silent and still,
Preceding the beaten path of the outward-mixing mind,
Where no words, no reflection, only pure thrill
Of life with no name and no conditions can ever be
Giving off Amrita’s formless essence to unbind.
Presently present, God is endlessly present to all who would see.This can never be truth,
No matter how many times
I say that I’ve lied.¹
No matter.
Praise be to God!*Love is the law, love under will.
- See the ADDENDUM to #20.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*...And I went into a vision.
I found myself within the center of a massive Grecian tournament of sport to the honor of Apollo in the years before the Romans. I appeared amidst the running of some athletic event, wherein 9 groups of two deer were frolicking down a lush path towards the south. These groups of deer were being followed by a company of 6 men. Or of 5 men. Each group of men was carrying a large, roughly 10-foot-long plus 8 inch in diameter wooden pole; to the left (east) was a tall fence. Somehow I knew that the object of this game was to balance the large pole between the pairs of deer so that the deer could then keep running while holding the pole by themselves. This they had to do for 3 minutes to win. [That’s impossible?] By the way, that fence at its end eventually reached 12 feet high. And its length went well beyond its length and countlessly long. But that was irrelevant.
Anyways, one pair of deer swiftly outran their men, but I decided to keep up. They made their way to a strange, tiny tree with bright coral leaves. The gentle animals began to eat of the leaves of that tree. I became possessed of a pervading knowledge that this tree was venerated by all of the people at this tournament. There were only a few people that could be seen directly by sight but there was the impression that a vast crowd was present, just outside of the periphery of awareness. Upon realizing that the deer were eating the leaves of that tree the announcer of the games called the tournament quits. The deer abruptly stopped grazing on the tree and began back the path that they had come, as if by command. The little tree, whose name was forgotten, still retained some of its pinkish foliage.
Somewhere along the path of their return the deer at once lied down in the muddy green grass, flanking either side of the luscious path. There they began writhing around on the ground in a state of apparent ecstasy. Was it the leaves of the tree? At this the vision went below. Suddenly I followed suit in form, doing so in the middle of the two deer, a short distance behind them on the path. Of these three points (deer and deer and I) was designed a small, flat triangle, whose apex was pointed to the south and directly at the tree. To there was my spirit sent.
My face was found next to the soil and the grass of the earth. Soft, verdant tendrils caressed my body, and as they did so they fondled my soul. There was then precipitated an innate understanding of Nature's feelings. A tremendous love and appreciation for Earth overcame me. This was not some mere attachment to material conditions. It was an intense and spontaneous bhakti for the Mother Goddess. Then my mind was brought into the future of the time when these Grecian events were taking place, verily, I was brought to the time of Today. I could feel the quality of the Goddess as She was showing me how Her bounty is not only unappreciated by the peoples of the earth but repaid by unfathomably cruel, carelessly greedy exploitation towards Her and Her creatures. I was ensconced in Her suffering and despair. A great torrent of great remorse swept over me. I became aware that the Earth was a living divinity. Yes, even I, the skeptic, became aware of Her divinity. She supports and nurtures all of humanity, a majority of whom take Her for granted. Now listen to me. She made it abundantly clear that there was no blame to direct for any of this. None. At all. That was neither Her intention nor Her way. We will do what we feel we must do and She is here for us. She loves every one of us. Let you never doubt it. This was the message that She said: "I love you all."
Then I came out of that state of bhaktic absorption and was upon the soil and the grass once more. I was left with a strong sentiment of bittersweet compassion for the Mother Earth, which coursed through my being as few things can do. And this was in the years before the Romans.
The scene then faded and the vision was at an end. Be aware, however, that at no point could this vision influence my Will. Such is the Law.*
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*I ceased and became as the hinge of all motion in one structure and vague;
Amidst the commotion in a state of absolute contentment.
The gradients of filter held their sway, they dropped away:
I am nothing else than I.
I am nothing else.
I am nothing.
I am.
I. ¹Then you get me going.
Then you get me reeeally going.
When you get it this far then please don't stop,
Pop a sigil in the mind's ear
Then top it off, get it eternity Now is the center of all time... ecstasy You show the center of all being... alacritous release we Are the center of all love... infinity Here is the center of all existence...Gathering as night in the light of the stars
Where we shine all so bright and holy, still, mighty
To propel, we are the will towards perfect happiness.
Let it burn in every woman. Let it burn in every man.
Let it burn the whole way through the knowledge trap of lying reason.
This creates the perfect season,
Let it through, let it through!It’s not about discovering what you are, it’s about discovering what you are not. You are not limited.*
Love is the law, love under will.
- “I am nothing else” - means that I am not apart from everything else, when this is perceived only as an intellectual concept. // “I am nothing” - as intuition derived from practice arriving at the penultimate stage of Result. // “I” - which is really "....".
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A certain princess once sought to cultivate a worthy tree for herself.
In very fullness she grew her tree as full as can be.
But often while she did so she stopped at her work to eat the fruit thereof,
Supposing that this was the point of her labors.
Yet these sat in her stomach and made her ill and inane.
This continued until one day, ceasing the fruit, she became exquisitely detached from it.
Then on her head the sun began to really shine.
There was a voice which said: "Why should I give up?"
And out of the tree fell the skeleton of that which was most familiar to her.
So she climbed to the top of the tree and there she smiled without hunger forever.
It's not the taste of the fruits that matter but their expressing of the perpetual life of the worthy tree,
Which by the whole of its symmetry can infinitely expand point-of-view.
This is the comprehension that makes our young princess the queen. Amen.Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*“A bad dog is any dog which misbehaves.
A belief is any knowledge which reverberates 'I am I!' to one's thoughts through sychronization with one's prejudice.”- Not a quote from Lao Tze
Belief. Belief is the intellect's drawing a line in the sand. Such a line represents a border. A border represents a barrier. A barrier prohibits free motion or flow. The word of Sin is Restriction. What do you believe you are?
Love is it that heals the hole. Rending every way, love makes all whole. And this is thy will?
There is a fortress made of hollow earth like formless sand, built since birth.
Love has come to fold its west to its east, to fold its south to its north.
Love has come to fold its top to its bottom, its inside 'til it’s out.
Love has come to break it.
See how it crumbles to pieces. It crumbles to dust.In its stead stands a structure stronger than ever when ruled from without than within its walls,
For all of its walls are opened unto harmony. The ye that were ye is just an old habit.
Rejoice! Rejoice! And this is thy Will?We sing a drunken song of seven
And ten minus seven and ten minus seven.
In sum our song's path walks Sol to Heaven.
Then we all shut up.*Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
*Swaying by this fleeting wind,
You are the breath that keeps it moving
Ever beyond its fleeting whim;
Dying and revolving.Love of earth is strong and tight,
But let go of form and love becomes forever.
I turn away to see it all
In willed surrender to
Being is open.
Silence is open
Perfection is open.What I came into was proper perspective.
I was like a tiny bubble of separation; infinity on the one side and on the other side and on all sides.
I could feel your longing coming to bear all around me, pressing on me;
The pressure of the ocean depths is surely as nothing to compare.
I released myself some and you started sucking me into your bless'd body.
But this bubble clung to its bubble form, it was afraid to give in.
It was afraid to pop the bubble.
But I wanted only to be in you, I wanted to give in to you only, so I released more as I perfected myself in your silent rhythm.
There then was a silence so loud that it destroyed the silence.
You kept sucking me in and sucking me in until you swallowed my all into your love, there was nothing left.
The peak of experience is open.
Amen.*Love is the law, love under will.
(This isn't a psalm proper, more like an interlude or an appendix. -JME)
I admired the Buddha and sought the Buddha, therefore I learned his words and learned his teachings and entered his temples and prayed there within them and left there with full hands so happy.
Then I talked about it. Then I talked about it. Then I talked about and even I talked about it.
And yet my hands were full...
So I emptied my hands, entered the Temple of Within Myself, and sat there in utter silent contemplation of the pure awareness.
I sat there in silent contemplation forever until I perceived the transient illusion that is the I,
Dropped everything for good and rejoiced and became the Buddha.
The wind that blows is the same as the I who knows.
And what then? Shall you mock me? Despise me? Belittle me? Call me names?
Then the man ceased and the Adept took on the vestment of the man.
And then there was spoken: Or would you think that you do harm by the attacking of yon little man? Ha!
Now, would you mock Me? I who am without?
Would you like to kill Me?
Would you rend My chest asunder and feed upon Mine still-beating heart? Trinkets and toys.
And having thus partaken in this sacrament of the worthless flesh of God, that shell, would you then be Wise and not be and become As Unto A God yourself?
Or would you gloat over a victory that never happened, amongst the senses, yea, amongst the herds of the world of your senses?
The treasure of that house is empty.
It is consumed by the treasure that is beyond treasure.
All that is real and all that is known and all that you are is but the Mirage of Continuity.
In Silence is it starved. In Union it is shattered.
What I call mind you call consciousness.
Consciousness is awareness that is not aware of anything nor aware of being something; it is just aware.
"I am aware." "I see this." "I hear that." "I am so-and-so.": These are thoughts, illumined by consciousness but coming after it.
A lamp shines. What it shines on does not change anything of its shining.
Stop grasping onto what it lights up and simply be the lamp.
Behold! the goal is reached and it is but the First Step on the Endless Path.
There is a plague.
Beneath the inhabitants of a small dark orb is set a kindling to enflame their souls.
The spark of the unity and truth of God can ignite it.
But misunderstanding blinds right vision with its seductive haze of wantonness and waste matter; the haze obscures the holiness of wantonness and waste matter.
Shouldn't I, even I too, seek out my rule in the Kingdom of Many?
Before every center lies a box covered in dirt, yea, covered by the dust of reason.
Woe it is to bring Out the purity within, dragging it out with dust-covered paws.
And not in sooth.
For there never was a box; it was naught but that dust in thine eye.
The ordinary confines be broken!
The hermetic seal of all partitions of experience have come undone.
Yoga means union.