Asisa's Character
Asisa's Charcter will change from "aeon" to aeon.
ooooman.... Because...
Russel... <=> Kelly <=> spiritual Connection is Bullshit is Me e Asisa
So I have to tell as a Member of the A: A: to Asisa: (logic)
Master e ye: So all t (e) Asisapost => f (e) Asisapost,
All the post you said, were ture, are now false (refers to the Asisa-Game in the Forum)This is loical right, because: Asisa <=> Paradox, so t=f=T <=> Hadit-riddle AND logic and=end
is equivalent to
Asisa looses all the Textes of Aleister, all and only all the textes of (
of) Aleister....
Character Keira => Character Kristen (she was in her youth so)
With the logic equivalence (e 65)
Asisa: i am NOT Keira and NOT Kristen and not the connection of both
Is True in ________________________ System Asisa
Is False in ________________________ We (e) all
Is True! (e) {thinking, with the element of the Thinking of Aleister}& Adonai, who wants: A=>B<=>C<=>D=>..... Def: Empty set "after Nihillis" (
I hate this def-things... You have to be so Careful in The Russell's-Logic def=fed ....)
The Answers from Asisa.... (O I have to combine...)
ex. M : for all x n-(x e M)
It is funny, that Only the 4. (th) make sense, although it is only the opinion of Nihillis
@Asisa said
The Answers from Asisa.... (O I have to combine...)-
ex. M : for all x n-(x e M)
It is funny, that Only the 4. (th) make sense, although it is only the opinion of Nihillis
Damn... Now I wanna know the Character of Asisa...
I Lost in my own Game... Like Aleister
So T := Time => time (==)
"Will Asisa go to Rudolf Steiner? Because if she will, it could be, that she will become dark"
So after Nihillis
The Emty Set is new defined... So f->w, w->f
=> Asisa = Keira NAND Kristen < == > Asisa N(NAND) Keira ( not! Kristen)
ASISA NAND KEIRA ==> True == Wahr (german)is Asisa Keira, and Keira Nand.... All others come to the solutions of
ASISA = NAND = KEIRA ==> True == Wahr = (german)Which is false
Because Wahr =/= (german)
my God is not trueSo (<=>
ASISA = Keira AND(as-i-sa) Asisa (e) of* Kristen
for Thelemites: with of* => Liber 156 (FQC possible, not a "have to")
And me: So Asisa has an element of Kristen in her in loosing all the Words of Aleister Crowley & Some things are Lost 4 ever...
If this is true, i will check 18:36, ___________ in the year: 2666,
because i like the numbers
To find your Opinion, you just have to "make"
Your Opinion =/= Asisa's Opinion
Asisa is too powerful!!!! (<=>) Opinion of Aleister and his Gods (<=/=>) All other GodsSo
Me (e) Scribe (e) Liber 65:= am not Neo; q.e.d.