"Thelemites for Trump" Facebook page
@Avshalom Binyamin said
My anecdote is not societal evidence of the psychological effects of food stamps.It's purpose is to forestall your Republican talking memo penchant for talking about liberals as mommy loving softies (who are also spoiled rich kids, I'm guessing)."
Got you again. Not a Republican. Don't write memos. Never a one. I talk about ideas, ideals I leave for others. I don't talk about people. Please cite me.
This is the nature of rational discourse. I'm not emotionally upset about this, are you?
@Takamba said
Mutual resolution? "
Let's do it.
"As in "we both agree?" "
"I'm not sure that isn't the end goal and not a means. "
it's both the end goal (it is the only rational, functional, harmonious, goal that would ever work) and the means (by focusing on where the foundations of "agreement" already exist through more collaborative exchanges, it becomes much easier to "see what each other means")
"How to achieve the goal of mutual resolution?"
I believe a good way to start is by understanding, or at least seeing, what my "opponent" would consider a resolution, and being clear on what you would consider a resolution. Building a shared language of what the "resolution" means to all parties provides a foundation for mutual resolution (from my experience)
"As brothers blah blah blah."
YES! Consider - say you have a truth, something mutually true (like science, for example) and I have the falsity...If I am rational, would I not greet your truth once I saw the mistake in my own calculus? If you improve my calculus or I improve yours through the "fighting as brothers" (my interpretation is this is just dialectic, debate, argumentation) that is a mutually resolving yet ideologically violent sport.
"Want an orange? I need to lighten this pack."
Imagine that famous Thelemic thought experiment (which to me never provided any satisfactory answers from known Thelemites) being applied to ideas exchanged, battled, conflicted, contradicted, yet (eventually) resolving, instead of some thought experiment over battling who gets to eat some kind of snack or food.
(lol, what is it with Thelemites and eating food? so much controversy over lunch
"Without fail? Only a true orbit is without fail. "
I win every time I lose something that I thought was true, but was just my own delusion.
Collectively, we are in a state of almost perfect agreement all the time, there is only a very small fraction of disagreement between all of us, and those fine details can all be resolved, in principle. (My interpretation is this is what Nuit brings, an "objective" reality of all of the stars, a certainty, not a delusion)
"I like that ambition but I see that this world is confusing collaboration with pity."
Well sure, modern global civilization confuses just about everything. I'm certainly not describing what I think the world is, just what I believe it will become through a historical process that I find Liber Al remarkably predestinate.
I believe, practically speaking, much of this confusion is because of language - we really dont know what each other is talking about, even if we agree on the language shared. We are all confusing the opposites in our exchanges collectively speaking.
"I despise pity."
okay. that sounds familiar
" It puts one above the other. "
To me, I believe what you mean here is the distinction between what I consider the signature of the old aeon and the signature of the new aeon.
The old aeon is any form of win/lose psychology (which evolves into win lose problem solving). Now the win lose could be " I will lose so you can win" which is the message of Christianity, or it could be "I will win and you will lose" which is pure patriarchal social problem solving.
so "one above the other" is a form of that patriarchal win lose psychology.
The new aeon (by my interpretation) is the emergence of collective or collaborative intelligence, "win win" psychology.
Globally speaking, it is the only psychology that will work. If humanity for some reason can't upgrade, we are probably fucked
"I'm not saying to a man don't be in the spirit of kindness for life. I'm not saying to a man don't share your joy and leaping laughter. I'm not saying to a man, even such as this dreadful thing: don't sell out and paint what they tell you to paint. I'm saying to the collective that it has all the right to that but no right to thwart those rights. And I will defend these ideals to my death."
Okay, that's cool. I think maybe you just need to be funnier with it then
if you would defend it to your death, then you are adopting the win lose psychology of the old aeon, no? Is that not you suggesting that you would lose to protect the win for others?
I'm just focusing on your language...the words you choose to use to express your POV, so as to understand the underlying meaning so we can find mutual resolution.
Crowley, in his fiction, wrote of a semi-theocratic society of initiates who selected through their means the Leader. He was simply put, a select adept. Locally the people controlled their own forms of self-governing operations. The answers to concepts we now call "lawsuits" seemed to be the main function of this "select adept.""
I should check that out
havent read crowley's fiction
"Anyway. The entire thing needs to change, not the candidate selected, not the programs we adopt to feed the needy, not even the more desirable programs of teaching and empowering the needy will do the trick (well, actually, it will do the trick of tumbling the current model toward a higher more resolute model in line with Thelemic thought). Democracy didn't come out of the aeon of Osiris overnight. I'm in no hurry. Surely it will not hurt me, the authentic being, but it will inflict something on oldfriend56 and also on Takamba because we're in the midst of it. The entire thing is going to change."
I'm feeling some mutual resolution with you here on this one amigo.
" Otherwise I agree that the genius of collaboration is what it becomes. Unfortunately, as I said, I believe collaboration (as defined by most) has become confused with other things that although they look nice, and kind, and caring, create more drag than relief. Here, have an EBT card and you better smile when you hand it to the clerk."
yeah, we got lots of work to do
that's what we kinda signed up for on this path, no?
@Takamba said
Got you again. Not a Republican. "Okay, I'll take that at face value. But to fair, if you believe some of your language, you are introducing more libertarian ideals into this convo, somewhat baiting the convo with language kind of pigeonholing whatever everyone else who isn't a republican or libertarian is, especially those who would never vote republican, many of them likely democrats
@ldfriend56 said
@Takamba said
Got you again. Not a Republican. "Okay, I'll take that at face value. But to fair, if you believe some of your language, you are introducing more libertarian ideals into this convo, somewhat baiting the convo with language kind of pigeonholing whatever everyone else who isn't a republican or libertarian is, especially those who would never vote republican, many of them likely democrats
I disagree and I doubt you are going to accept this. You are doing the pigeonholing. You are among those crying out against the labels on people (labels largely of your own manufacture). I'm not a republican, I'm not a conservative, I'm not a liberal, I'm not a label. I'm, as fare as you can see, a collection of behaviors and ideas. I've been "pigeonholing" (if I must) ideas and behaviors, not people. You are "pigeonholing" so much more. Motherloving is not a type of people or a liberal ideal or sole propriety property of anyone, it's mammalian. it's right above the lizard (hisss hisss) and beneath the language/emotion portions of the human brain. Mother cuddled wants. Mother cuddled sits. Mother cuddled is spoon fed in the long run of life. A great advancement to society that!!
Once you get past these emotional flames you encounter when you read someone else's words, instead of wanting to react from that emotion (of course filtered through intelligence and prudence and civility because you don't want any witnesses to hate you and not support you), then you'll see what I am saying. Until then, you seem to be fabricating me as saying something someone else might have once said to you. I don't know. You aren't describing me.
oh takamba, am a bit disappointed with this last response. what label did I call you? read the words on the page, not the words in your mind. I said you introduced ideas into the discussion and made no claim as to "who you are", applied no label to you, after all, you brought it up by saying you were not a Republican.
I get it, you're a mystery, like everyone else - but you also missed my post to you at the end of page 4.
How does Takamba respond to opportunities for collaboration or consensus? That's what really defines you "in the body of Nuit" if I might be a bit cryptic and poetic. Everybody will get the Takamba they deserve, but if you isolate yourself...no one will ever get you
@ldfriend56 said
"oh takamba, am a bit disappointed with this last response. what label did I call you? read the words on the page, not the words in your mind. I said you introduced ideas into the discussion and made no claim as to "who you are", applied no label to you, after all, you brought it up by saying you were not a Republican.
I get it, you're a mystery, like everyone else - but you also missed my post to you at the end of page 4.
How does Takamba respond to opportunities for collaboration or consensus? That's what really defines you "in the body of Nuit" if I might be a bit cryptic and poetic. Everybody will get the Takamba they deserve, but if you isolate yourself...no one will ever get you
Ah, the trouble has been identified! You are compartmentalizing.
- I'm not defending against you calling me anything. You can call me anything you like, it won't ultimately matter in the grand scheme of things, nor much to me. You did call me a Republican, by inference in a paragraph directed specifically too me. 2) This indicates you are not keeping the entire conversation in context, you are isolating bits and pieces as if attacking some one bit or piece with faulty or emotional based arguments would make my entire premise crumble. This is also unfortunate because it keeps you perceiving me inaccurately. You aren't, potentially, applying anything you may have learned about me in other discussions. If you had been cataloging all of our discussions (those with you and me involved in the threads), you should know that I've said I'm a libertarian. Now you deny applying a label to me. "[Y]our Republican talking" sounds like a penchant for labeling and pigeonholing, that which you accuse me of. What does that mean, that you would do the very very very thing you accuse me of? Is there a psychological word for that? A socialist opinion about that behavior? Or even a common word folks label people who preach (argue and talk over much) against the very thing they do? Is this something? (I can give you other examples of your labels all just in this thread alone, shall I?)
Now to answer your question about collaboration. I have only one word and this is all that is required. Voluntarily.
I applied the label. Republican is the pigeonhole for your set of behaviors where you use a strawman of a mushy hearted liberal stereotype to pigeonhole the people and ideas you're debating in this thread.
It's your technique for sidestepping the topic of facts, and the way they don't support your hypotheses about things like welfare (ideas that sound like they came from a person who listened to too much Rush Limbaugh).
And no, I'm not emotionally upset about you. I'm upset about the major human losses we're experiencing because the rich want more money. And I'm choosing to shame you for publicly repeating their nonsense message, though I find you to otherwise be a smart insightful person.
I'm not trying to win you over. But I'll keep fact checking you.
So again, the evidence doesn't support your opinion of welfare.
@Avshalom Binyamin said
"I applied the label. Republican is the pigeonhole for your set of behaviors where you use a strawman of a mushy hearted liberal stereotype to pigeonhole the people and ideas you're debating in this thread.
It's your technique for sidestepping the topic of facts, and the way they don't support your hypotheses about things like welfare (ideas that sound like they came from a person who listened to too much Rush Limbaugh).
And no, I'm not emotionally upset about you. I'm upset about the major human losses we're experiencing because the rich want more money. And I'm choosing to shame you for publicly repeating their nonsense message, though I find you to otherwise be a smart insightful person.
I'm not trying to win you over. But I'll keep fact checking you.
So again, the evidence doesn't support your opinion of welfare.
Listen bub! (words you want me to use to help prove your perception)
Truth is, I think I listened to Rush once in a co-worker's cubicle for a bit. Not my cup of tea.
It's quite magical that I can display behaviors in an internet based forum. Wow! That's amazing.
Writing styles, sure. Opinions. Sure. Facts, not entirely plausible concern psychology and spirituality (or meta-evolution if you prefer, or some other transformation concept word).I'm appealing to the Law, not to someone's generated statistics. Statistically, Crowley is a human wart and those who adhere to his teachings are freaks, or at least that's what opinion research shows. So I'm not buying, I'm buying the Law.
Pity not the fallen... blah blah blah
you know the wordsThat's my point.
now... let's talk about "balance" as you seem to lean stagnantly to the left (your term, I'd use "mammalian" phrases like mother-lovers, cuddlers, sucklers, mooches, etc depending on zealousness) while your right(s) (using a similar linquistic labeling scheme such as pragmatists, developers, improvers, inventors, visonaries) even within your self are being ignored by you. That's not my definition of balance. My definition of balance is equilibrium, which is constantly re-adjusting as time in this time-space continuum is always on the move. I perceive you want a fixed answer to these issues you perceive, one that is fixed in government as the solution, so therefore the right bearer as well. This is where I differ with you. Not in your ends, most of them anyway, but in your perception of the correct means. It is not the ends that justify the means, the means also must be of the true will of the organism.
Now politics. The political body must be aware of the entire political body to be the most effective it can be and the most authentic it can be. That means "the greater good" altogether. Without the greater good, the political body dies as do all bodies that do not attend to its parts authentically to the needs of also that time-space experience. It must meet with equilibrium each moment, else it falters and fails. A solid political body is neither left nor right overmuch.
Now facts: Fact, feeding someone feeds them. It extends their life (in as much as food can do that). It does not extend their reach in life, only they can do that. If they do not have to reach for food, they do not learn that. Now this is an over simplistic model but I'm trying to keep this understanding as simple as possible for all readers; replace "food" with "right action" or "right effort" or "right view" or "right aspiration" or "right speech" or "right livelihood" or "right mindfulness" or "right concentration," because you might as well be doing that same thing. Can't give you "fact checks" about that. Tell me, do your LBRP results "fact check?" Do your meditations on Liber LXV fact check? Are your spiritual results from magical actions taken at your altar fact checked? When you find rapture in the city of pyramids, are you fact checking them with reliable real world sources? I'm talking about the psychology of humans (stars is to be assumed), the spiritual and more oft unknown to them languages of their own upbringings, cultures, broadened or not-broadened experiences and life events and eventual evolutionary stages and ALL YOU CAN DO IS CARE THAT YOU CAN GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT BELIEVING YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE FEEDING THE POOR!
oh, sorry for the outburst there. I just get so emotional when I comprehend how much unthinking actually takes place among the masses. All apologies. Go back to coming as you are.
Feeding people helps us all.
@Takamba said
- I'm not defending against you calling me anything. You can call me anything you like, it won't ultimately matter in the grand scheme of things, nor much to me. "
I shall take that at face value and hold you to it
"You did call me a Republican, by inference in a paragraph directed specifically too me."
I'm not aware that I did, perhaps you could provide via the ol copy and paste?
" 2) This indicates you are not keeping the entire conversation in context, you are isolating bits and pieces as if attacking some one bit or piece with faulty or emotional based arguments would make my entire premise crumble. "
hmmm...so I suppose you should do the old copy and paste, show me where I called you this. If perhaps you are mistaken, then I believe this would be a projection of some kind, no?
"This is also unfortunate because it keeps you perceiving me inaccurately. "
I dont know what to make of you, the only thing I suggested is that you brought libertarian ideas into the discussion.
maybe projecting again?
"You aren't, potentially, applying anything you may have learned about me in other discussions. "
" If you had been cataloging all of our discussions (those with you and me involved in the threads), you should know that I've said I'm a libertarian. "
to be fair, I dont catalogue our discussions. I do recall in this thread that you introduced libertarian ideals into the discussion.
" Now you deny applying a label to me. "[Y]our Republican talking" sounds like a penchant for labeling and pigeonholing, that which you accuse me of. "
is it possible you might be referring to a conversation with me in your mind?
"What does that mean, that you would do the very very very thing you accuse me of?"
it would mean I was projecting.
funny, right now it appears to me you are projecting...
which one is it? "as brothers fight ye..."
ha - could not resist.
the ol copy and paste should clear it up...brother!
" Is there a psychological word for that? A socialist opinion about that behavior? Or even a common word folks label people who preach (argue and talk over much) against the very thing they do? Is this something? (I can give you other examples of your labels all just in this thread alone, shall I?)"
"projection, yes it is called projection.
it appears that you think I am projecting - and i think you are projecting.
Not only do I think you are projecting, but literally confessing in perfect objective detail the contents of your psychology, describing exactly your motivations to this entire forum.
At least one of us is a bit delusional, but maybe both! How can I see my own delusions with you shattering them?
if i am projecting, I want to know! Please show me and help me remove my delusions, please! I promise you the same in return.
the ol copy and paste should clear it up. I am requesting you directly copy and paste where in this thread I labeled you a republican.
Thanks in advance!