Humanity's Work
A Work-in-Progress
“Nothing is easier, theoretically, than for an anarchist to kill a king. He has only to buy a rifle, make himself a first-class shot, and shoot the king from a quarter of a mile away. And yet, although there are plenty of anarchists, outrages are very few.”—Crowley, Mysticism
“There is no governor anywhere; you are all absolutely free. There is no restraint that cannot be escaped. We are all absolutely free. If everybody could go into dhyana at will, nobody could be controlled — by fear of prison, by fear of whips or electroshock, by fear of death, even. All existing society is based on keeping those fears alive... Ten people who know would be more dangerous than a million armed anarchists.”—Wilson, Schrodinger’s Cat
What work does humanity need to do? Does anyone have any idea or possible plan?
Say every person in the world woke up one morning with an unending current of Divine Will flowing through their veins and was absolutely unhampered by questions of Discipline or Fear.
This is now happening over a longer timeframe, so the shock has worn off.
What would you have people do?
Elon Musk is trying to bring humanity to Mars. He says species has a better chance of survival if it is multi-planetary.
Questions of science could be solved with a tremendous increase in manpower. Theoretically anyone could get a PhD and contribute to humanity’s scope of knowledge. Imagine if we had 7 billion PhD’s walking around every day?
A lot of what we think is possible is hampered by low expectations fostered by the low expectations of those around us.
We could solve global warming, we could go into space, we could genetically engineer ourselves into an entirely different species…
But does anyone have a Plan?
It’s a wasteland out here!
MIT Opencourseware hosts thousands of courses free on its website: It’s possible to get a complete education online now for absolutely free.
But it’s basically a snooze-fest on Planet Earth as far as I can see. Someone once wrote that Immanuel Kant woke himself up from his Dogmatic Slumber by reading David Hume, then wrote his Critiques and promptly put himself back to sleep.
To my mind it’s difficult to even think these questions if you don’t have other people to bounce ideas off of. Even the Get-An-Education idea is a compromise. I wanted to Act!
The Truth is Out There, Skeptics.
@LD330 said
What work does humanity need to do? "
Follow its natural impetus (- each person individually) to move toward the Next Step, i.e. attain to what we currently, in the present aeon, designate with the phrase Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. The plan is openly laid out, and the map and the tools given, in a pristine and scientific way - see book The Mystical and Magical System of the A.'.A.'.
Is there a "tipping point" to be expected, hoped for, a grand sweeping wave of collective human transformation? We can never know, there may as well be! - as a quantum leap event, and seemingly quite random, in the course of human evolution; or indeed, we might, in an equally swift instance, get extinct!
But this is all empty speculation, the only thing there** really *is, for you or me as individuals to focus on, is - our own Work, in our own here & now - and persevere in it ( "There was also an humming-bird..."*) , day by day - ever refining both the burning flame of passion, and the cooling water of no-lust-for-result, in the intimacy of our hearts. -
The individual path seems so lonely to me. It's cheesy as hell to call yourself a bodhisattva, but I feel like one of the buddhas that takes the fruit of nirvana for themselves whenever I abandon myself to an individual work without reference to others. What's the point if you don't share it?
I don't think any action whatsoever can be taken without the entire scope of humanity being involved-- we are a system, not individual.
I don't know if it's empty speculation to think about paths for humanity-- I think that's a very important thing to think about. Not only is a mass awakening possible, it's incipient. If we don't dream about it, we won't get it.
A recent trend among philosophers has been towards a more community-oriented model. The postmodern discourse from the past fifty years or so has been to disregard others and disregard the system. Focus on yourself, as that's the only thing you can change.
But what if we could make a community we would actually want to live in?
Maybe that's my True Will. I always wanted to live in a commune.
Back to the Cult Leader and Totalitarianism Reading List!
@LD330 said
I don't know if it's empty speculation to think about paths for humanity-- I think that's a very important thing to think about. Not only is a mass awakening possible, it's incipient. If we don't dream about it, we won't get it."
Fully agreed with If we don't dream about it, we won't get it. I appreciate you opening this thread, I too feel strongly drawn to meditate on this subject; the reply above was addressing the tendency to loose balance in this, a note for you as well as myself. Keep the philosophy grounded!
"I don't think any action whatsoever can be taken without the entire scope of humanity being involved-- we are a system, not individual."
We are both! - simultaneously, in each instance of experience (the interchange of Had and Nu constitutes what we perceive/experience as experience
). The error of philosophy of the past was the approach of either/or - the Aeon of the Child is the birth of both-at-once awareness.