The Mystics' Rede
@seekinghga said
"So it seems you've moved from nonsense to outright lying? "
This honestly bothered me...
Like... Really ?
If after 10 years you still doubt my sincerity,
You have been reading all my posts with a blind-fold.If this was just about YOU,
I would not have bothered responding.It is about the experience of each individual who reads them.
My poems, as I see it, are gifts from the Uni Verse
Through Me,
Offering my love and affection to whomever may stumble upon them.I am not such a fool to believe I could absolve people of their suffering...
Well, maybe... just a little -
There is a DIFFERENCE,
If you do not confound the space-marks.Of course, you would not know
Since you are not Me,
So let me tell You:I have been TRYING to compose prose -
Yet when I take the time to write as such
I get logged out.
Being lazy, I log back in.
Give you the CLIFF NOTES
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I should have learned by now
THINGS, take me a while
Then I bring them into my heart
For all the UNIVERSE
to experience
If I could give these Reponses
THEY, would be SONGS
I sing to you...pew
I shoot You
With my "Heart Cannon"
u ded
I kill you -
I barely have the time to abstract a billion years of experience...
A Single Night of Fiery Truth -
Yet you expect prose ?
OH THAT BIG ASS & NOSEMe is but the scribe for the I who dictates the "one verse."
HA ! HA!
Do you want to get married?
"Yes," aloud, to
and one day we might meet,
I will whisper something into your ear
We will make LOVE
And in the fire of our passion,
WE shall become as ashes
Carried by the Wind -
One thing, I think, to be clear:
I offer no guarantees ; only, possibilities
I am a RUNNER,
My Fathers Sun -
Goodness, I’ve been away. I didn’t know we were to the proposals already.
@Uni_Verse said
"I found, the sound of the Rede "to be" delightful
Until :
@seekinghga said
"A mystic is anyone who meditates to experience the altered states of awareness that come about by suppressing the attention of the mind to a single thing, until the outgoing tendencies of that mind desist and there is left only the awareness of pure being, experiencing itself alone; time, space and causality are placed back into their folder of Conveniences For Linear Mental Comprehension"
This arrested me.
Planted doubt - is this all a lie ?That is an issue, I perceive, regarding Mysticism.
Moment you go Prose-Ey , the rose becomes a Pose-Ey!"“Is this all a lie?”
It certainly seems to hurt, and that’s probably more relevant than whether or not it’s “real.”
What do either of you make of it?
@Hermitas said
"Goodness, I’ve been away. I didn’t know we were to the proposals already."
A straight line , being infinite, can never be traversed.
Following brings you "Closer" or "Farther"
Yet never reaching, T(w)oThus:
We Zig, We Zag
Leap & Laugh !@Hermitas said
"It certainly seems to hurt, and that’s probably more relevant than whether or not it’s “real.”"
I would think so. In my experience it tends to represent resistance.
It can be an indication of a reaction to the words based on passed experiences,
or a 'Truth' you do not wish to see, so you distract yourself, quite easily....To be clear I shared my "search findings" because I felt the "image was really freaking cool."
Any pain or hurt was unintentional; rather than fight, and grow apart:
With an injection of MAGICK into MYSTICISM
Let us transmute it into LOVE & LIGHT !
I my self got a little triggered when my sincerity was questioned...
When I was younger I was quite the internet troll
I still, often, am labeled a Troll on "Social Media"
However on this Forum, and other such places that discuss similar topics
I have taken great pains to be sincere and avoid being antagonistic. -
I learned that you get "psychically" linked to an argument and its voices.. "Center of Pestilence"? Maybe.
Whatever that means, I got really tired of it.
@Hermitas said
"I learned that you get "psychically" linked to an argument and its voices."
Mystically speaking I would say such links should be severed.
"Buddhist non-attachment"
Magickally they can be a useful tool.
"Thelemic de-attachment"Where- in the Mind of the Magician
Tens, Hundreds, Thousands - iterations may occur
In the passing of a 'mortal second' -
@Uni_Verse said
"The Mystics' Rede (of I)
four-square, mystic,
I am a Nigh-hil-is-tic!
Who can know nothing,
there : being, no
thing to knowThough I dare
O, my god !
To feel, to think, to be-leafWhen, said:
"This is THAT,"
I recoils, horrified
At the denial of my validity
Sanctity of my solemn-I-ty
Accepting, Respecting
Best I can do as a fellow Me
HOOT, HOOT"Reading this just brought Brightness of Laughter, pure-undiluted-solar-simple-Happiness, to start my day!