"Stepping" into the new Aeon
Greetings All,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
In your opinions, what are the fundamental differences between aspirants of the Aeon of Osiris and those seeking initiation in that of Horus?
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater D.A. -
@DeoAdjuvante said
"In your opinions, what are the fundamental differences between aspirants of the Aeon of Osiris and those seeking initiation in that of Horus?"
Well, the former were born earlier.
But I bet you're looking for something a little deeper than that...
"Well, the former were born earlier. "
Well, that certainly is a fundamental difference! or is it?
93, 93/93
Frater D.A. -
Welcome Mister13,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
"This shift in Aeons is nothing new to religion in general."
I was trying to frame my question in terms of an individual initiatory experience as opposed to a general religious experience. But I suppose we should discuss the difference. I'm going to start this in a new thread.
"Osiris is the slain deity, Horus the newly risen."
According to the myth, Osiris was slain, found by Isis, hacked into bits, had his phallus eaten by a fish(hmmm....), then was put back together and a new phallus fashioned for him, Isis then conceived Horus from his body.
"On the Tree of Life I believe Osiris occupies Tiphareth"
The story of Osiris as an initiatory allegory could pertain to various sephiroth at different stages. 777 lists the practical attribution to malkuth.
"My question is when will Thelema catch on as a religion? "
I'm going to transfer this question to the Thelema forum.
Here's the original question:
"In your opinions, what are the fundamental differences between aspirants of the Aeon of Osiris and those seeking initiation in that of Horus?"
I should probably frame this even more by saying that I am referring to the Procession of Aeons as those of Isis(Where the mysteries were about the forces of nature)Osiris(Where they are concerned with death and re-birth) and Horus(The mysteries of the crowned and conquering child, made official in 1904).
I'm mostly trying to get a better understanding of what it is that leads( ) essentially worthless lumps of lead to contemplation of their own divinity during our present Aeon and the most recent past Aeon.
I have my own theory which is bound up in the switch of Tzaddi from The Star to The Emperor. But I don't want to bias anyone else. Of course I probably just did... Damn!Well... at least the ball is rolling. Anyone else got any Theories?
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater D.A. -
reading and re-reading the 125th chapter of the egyptian book of the dead (or "the book of coming forth by day") REALLY illuminated my understanding of the osiris/horus juxtaposition.
it just wouldn't be fair for me to lay it all out... but instead, i would encourage you to pick up a copy and read it for yourself.
then sit with a copy of the Old Aeon card: Judgement - and consider.
then sit with a copy of the New Aeon card: Aeon - and consider.
a supreme invocation of horus might also be in order.
that, for me, answered the ? pretty well.
@DeoAdjuvante said
"In your opinions, what are the fundamental differences between aspirants of the Aeon of Osiris and those seeking initiation in that of Horus?"
I've intentionally stayed out of this thread to see how it would evolve. Now that it is starting to take on its own direction, I'll have a few remarks based on the directions it is going.
For the above question - and seeing your remarks on it lower down the thread - the main thing that comes to mind is: All initiation cycles, like all life cycles, recapitulate the whole developmental cycle leading to that point. In the Osiris Aeon, the developmental cycles were really just the contrast of moving from Isis consciousness to Osiris consciousness. In the Aeon of Horus, the initiation cycles that have evolved recapitulate the entire series of Isis-Osiris-Horus.
(I can get away - quite unfairly, I'm sure! - with saying here that this whole recapitulation is dramatized in the 4° ritual of Temple of Thelema. Crowley remarked that this three-aeon recapitulation was intended in his rewrite of the V° ritual of O.T.O.)
@DeoAdjuvante said
"According to the myth, Osiris was slain, found by Isis, hacked into bits, had his phallus eaten by a fish(hmmm....), then was put back together and a new phallus fashioned for him, Isis then conceived Horus from his body."
I've never seen a version where a new phallus was fashioned. The classical story is that the phallus was the last piece missing. When she found that, she was able to temporarily resurrect him for the miracle of conception. (This is reenacted magically in several of our rituals.)
"On the Tree of Life I believe Osiris occupies Tiphareth"The story of Osiris as an initiatory allegory could pertain to various sephiroth at different stages. 777 lists the practical attribution to malkuth."
That attribution primarily refers to Asar un-Nefer, and his role in the A.'.A.'. 1=10 initiation.
I agree that - especially in the Slain God systems - Osiris-Christ (Asar & Isa) are attributed to Tiphereth. I also agree that, if a whole Osiris-cycle is intended, several parts of the Tree are crossed in getting there. The Tree of Life below (and culminating in) Tiphereth forms the 6-squared cross, and (in the present Aeon) the Formula of Osiris is working the outer grades of the elements and fulfilling that "stage of the Cross" before a transition to the Second Order - which converts the Cross into the Pentgram.
Maybe that's part of where you were leading in your focus on Malkuth.
"I'm mostly trying to get a better understanding of what it is that leads( ) essentially worthless lumps of lead to contemplation of their own divinity during our present Aeon and the most recent past Aeon."
You know enough about projection not to be surprised if I turn this around - and suggest that you are trying to find your own motivation. My answer probably won't be very pleasing to you, then, since I would mostly recommend that you have to find it within yourself. You know what is leading you on.
I think that the End that has led people inward hasn't changed from Aeon to Aeon - only how the psyche frames and labels it have changed (and things secondary to that, such as how to follow through).
"I have my own theory which is bound up in the switch of Tzaddi from The Star to The Emperor. But I don't want to bias anyone else. Of course I probably just did... Damn! "
I don't think there was a change. I think Tzaddi was always The Emperor, so that discussions are on the wrong foot suggesting one Tree of Life used to be valid and another is now valid. The old Tzaddi attribution was simply an error IMO. The Zohar already had told us around 1300 that there was a big piece of the puzzle that we didn't understand concerning the letters, and that the puzzle was in Tzaddi - and intentionally withheld.
"I've never seen a version where a new phallus was fashioned."
I shows up in a number of different tellings(Plutarch, Diodorus, Engraved on certain stele in parisian museums) sometimes its said to be of wood or clay or gold. Diodorus seems to make the biggest claim to its importance as he portrays the fashioned image of Osiris's phallus to be the origin of the words "Phallos" and connected with the orgies and festivals of Dionysus in Greece."You know enough about projection not to be surprised if I turn this around - and suggest that you are trying to find your own motivation. My answer probably won't be very pleasing to you, then, since I would mostly recommend that you have to find it within yourself. You know what is leading you on."
Why... does the truth... always... burn....
"I think that the End that has led people inward hasn't changed from Aeon to Aeon - only how the psyche frames and labels it have changed (and things secondary to that, such as how to follow through)."
Ahhh.... The follow through... That's definitely what I'm being tested on in this incarnation. Now where was that sacred lance of mine? oh... right up here..." The Zohar already had told us around 1300 that there was a big piece of the puzzle that we didn't understand concerning the letters, and that the puzzle was in Tzaddi - and intentionally withheld"
How "Righteous" of them!As always, thank you for your insightful answers!
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater D.A. -
Do what thou wilt...
My life has been transforming of late, through some of the hardest and darkest times in my life. In some ways I think I was lucky to survive, but I've come to realise that I've often been protected and just WAY too lucky to make any sense. That's because I set myself on a path from which there is no real escape when I was but a youth and hungry for real knowledge. I was blessed with a legendary mother of extraordinary courage who let me have free access to all information. So when I was very young I stumbled across the Review of Scientific Illuminism... this of course led me to my real resource, the Book of the Law. I never really had a loving father so had to be my own, perhaps this is why I've been so undisciplined, but in retrospect I doubt that really, having not done most common mistakes males in our society make! I'm proud of the man I've raised myself to be and I have only the blessing that comes from giving one's self to Her service to thank for it. The time of male patriarchy is in rapid decline and the jealous weak ones are flattering their weaknesses in grand fashion these days. Self-importance sells well, but the real cost is too high to think of. I suppose this has been my aversion to "official" orders such as the OTO et al, because they reek of that patriarchal dogma that is dying as we speak. I gave it a go but was disheartened by sexism in the outer order discouraged by some good people I saw driven away by pompous wankers. Perhaps the time is coming when I will work more from "within" so to speak to encourage my siblings to seek Her light and get over this male-solar-phallic worship that seems so commonplace. Perhaps my views were jaded? I dare say there are many who would agree with me. It only took me 25 years of study of just one holy book for it to really start coming into focus for me, and this is without such distractions as Kabbalah and fancy titles and ceremonies, etc. "But to love me is better than all things." just speaks too loudly to ignore, don't you think? I think a higher aim than revelling in what I would view as obscurantism and mystery-mongering would be to place this within reach of the common person, instead of driving them away thanks in part to dogma that is fading so rapidly it makes my head and heart spin. People are tired of the old "hard sell" of a dying male patriarchy so those old models aren't going to work, it's time to seduce and encourage, nurture and heal our sick and wounded. This includes everyone with a bright heart, not just the Intellectual elite. There is no initiation for this either, that must come from within, as ever, but we can inspire! Never in my life has my path and work been so clear and the joy in my heart so bright. This is our reward. So again I ask my siblings, what do you SEEK? I think a true initiation lies not in the domination of the phallus, but surrender of the yoni. (And surrender TO the ultimate one... Yes even in the hearts of sexist boys like me.) My understanding is as yet imperfect but we are all trying, are we not? There is no number for this. Encoding it only takes it away from the common folk and hoards it for the "elite" which we are no longer now that the aeon is upon us. Forgive my dissention but it seems our holy truths are somewhat trying to follow the model of old ways when new ones are clearly needed to help the ALL that the Law is for to actually begin to realise and LIVE it with freedom and joy.
Light, life, love and liberty? Four gates? One palace? Powers of what? "The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake." we can put this in everyone's reach by our true arts. Isn't that our job once we're "in the know"? Maybe it's part of mine... at any rate, we ARE all different anyway. We don't have to know well one another to encourage and support and bring our efforts together on the Earth in concert. Hmmmm concert? I could use a good concert...
Forgive me if I'm preaching to the converted or the wrong mob here, it's the closest I could get to any actual online community for Thelema (yet) and is just the $0.02 worth of a friendly-neighbourhood lunatic.
(possibly to be continued)With love in the service of...
And thanks to Jim for shining a little light from within the howling "snake pit" laugh sorry it's an inside joke. ICMU feel free to join me or just point and laugh...
@mister13 said
My question is when will Thelema catch on as a religion? Ultimately that's what is desired in order for it to survive. So far it appears the CoS is beating Thelema in the race to religious status. Them and there team of lawyers replete with information booths at Tom Cruise movie sets.
yes interesting considering LRHubbard's role in the manifestation of The Babalon text
@gerry456 said
"...when will Thelema catch on as a religion? "
Wrong question. We're not in competition with anybody. Start thinking that way and before long you're condemning opposing views as heretical (think Pope Benny and his condemnation of the Gospel of Judas yesterday) in an attempt to win converts from other faiths.
Remember: "Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known." AL I, 10
We're never meant to be a populous (or popular) religion. Let Tom Cruise and CoS have their fun--only that part of Scientology that deserves to survive will survive.
Dan -
The Self-Clearing Manual put out by the Pilot seems sane enough. I think it's kind of cool that someone is basically pulling the rug out from under Scientology. The Pilot is saying, "You want to learn what it's all about, but are afraid of wasting your money and getting brainwashed? Well, here's the sensible part of Scientology-- for FREE!"
@ar said
"We're not in competition with anybody."
No... but unless we are totally deluding ourselves, we're aligned with an evolutionary step that is in competition (in the Darwinian sense).
Which makes the challenge of tolerance all the more interesting.
"(think Pope Benny and his condemnation of the Gospel of Judas yesterday) in an attempt to win converts from other faiths."
I don't remember - did I go public with my official letter to Pope Benedict on the day of his enthronement?
"We're never meant to be a populous (or popular) religion."
I disagree - except that we could debate for centuries on the word "religion" and how to use it etc. If Thelema is to fulfill its promise, it will completely replace prior religions - except that many of the forms it takes won't necessarily resemble what is presently in any of our heads; but they'lll be Thelemic. Additionally, there iwll always be the need for pockets of religions themed to prior Aeons for those who individually haven't reached the personal evolution of the baseline of their day. And, of course, there will always be the need for the gadflies buzzing around the eventual Thelemic orthodoxies to keep it from getting too entrenched.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I don't remember - did I go public with my official letter to Pope Benedict on the day of his enthronement?"
No. Please do so. I'd love to read it.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I disagree - except that we could debate for centuries on the word "religion" and how to use it etc. If Thelema is to fulfill its promise, it will completely replace prior religions - except that many of the forms it takes won't necessarily resemble what is presently in any of our heads; but they'lll be Thelemic. Additionally, there iwll always be the need for pockets of religions themed to prior Aeons for those who individually haven't reached the personal evolution of the baseline of their day. And, of course, there will always be the need for the gadflies buzzing around the eventual Thelemic orthodoxies to keep it from getting too entrenched. "
I meant religion in the rather restricted sense as that embodied by the Mystery Schools which, come to think of it, have rarely enjoyed anything like wide-spread acceptance. Perhaps the Thelemic version of Christianity? What did Crowley call it? Crowleyanity?
That's good. There'll be arguments about what Thelema is and who is a true Thelemite. The identity of Christ has never become more fragmented than when you study the gnostic texts.
In L.V.X.,
chrys333 -
@ar said
@Jim Eshelman said
"I don't remember - did I go public with my official letter to Pope Benedict on the day of his enthronement?"No. Please do so. I'd love to read it. "
Here it is:
"From: James A. Eshelman
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 1:27 PM
To: [his private email address]
Subject: Congratulations and best wishesYour Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
On this occasion of your inaugural mass, please accept our best wishes and blessing. May you flourish in your Calling.
As you reach forth to embrace communion with those of other faiths and other spiritual paths, so do our hands reach to meet yours for our shared goals.
As expected, those pursing differing spiritual paths will not agree on all things. We would disagree with you, for example, on the issue of moral absolutism. It is our teaching that true morality is founded upon the God-graced conscience living within each soul, with which each must strive to be in communion.
But we share with you common goals on many fundamental things. We wish and work for a more spiritual life for all, increased personal moral responsibility, and peace among nations in the realization of God's love.
Benedictio, Benedicto.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in Light,
James A. Eshelman
M.G.H. Prolocutor General, Temple of Thelema" -
@ar said
"Perhaps the Thelemic version of Christianity?"
I have said for decades that if Christianity would set aside its emphasis on the crucifixion formula - the slain-god archetype - and focus steadily on the newborn Christ-child as a symbol of love and renewed light in a recurring dawn, then Christianity wouild buy itself another couple of thousand years.
Because, of course, it then would be Thelemic.
Thanks for sharing your letter Jim.
Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if the RCC had a revolution within and they came to accept The Book of the Law?
We could all be elevated to Prelates or some such. I stake my claim on all of Canada. Any challengers?
93, 93/93
@Jim Eshelman said
"I don't think there was a change. I think Tzaddi was always The Emperor, so that discussions are on the wrong foot suggesting one Tree of Life used to be valid and another is now valid. The old Tzaddi attribution was simply an error IMO. The Zohar already had told us around 1300 that there was a big piece of the puzzle that we didn't understand concerning the letters, and that the puzzle was in Tzaddi - and intentionally withheld."
I've been looking around for a direct reference to this puzzle of Tzaddi in the Zohar, but so far I've come up empty. Can it be found anywhere in Mather's "The Kabbalah Unveiled" ? I've been searching through that text, but have yet to find anything about intentionally withheld information.