The dabbling n00b, and AIWAZ / AIWASS.
Yes I'm the dabbling little n00b, and I wanted to talk about what I experienced of late. If this is off-topic then mods please tell / relocate.
I tried an evocation on the astral plane, the other day [25th of june], on the high plane, quite near a timeless spaceless spiritual space. I took samples from the bodily fluids of all sorts of animals and civilized races in many worlds. I secretly took from many all at once a fluid sample small. In the alchemical equipment I filtered it and burnt it into a pure enough form that there was no difference between the sample from each individual, AE : extracting the priori of vital force from a wide space. We took this glowing white liquification and filled an empty crystal which was in the exact name and shape of AIWAZ. The crystal was set exactly to, and supposedto, perfectly resonate.
We held it there, and nothing... We aligned in more than one way, charged it, spoke to it and reverberated the name, magnetically charged for attraction, increased its field and whatever else, still nothing. No evocation disruption or response, no tracable signal, no psychic link. Nothing but stillness and silence.
I thought, for sure we would have some kind of result. For any other normal kind of astral spirit, there would have been result for this. I got a feeling of very subtle peace, though, just a hint of peace, from this rite and process. We then inserted the sigil into a test subject. Then into one of our own friends after this, as we felt with our reason it was good. The results were not visible, but it seemed as though it was meant for invocation, or meant to be deeply internal. Holding the sigil in the center of a spirit subject, caused their body and self to change, yet nothing changed. It was like an eventless event. I supposed it was a very non-dual high plane force, but that it still existed and was there, as it could be felt in that way.
But I was still thinking that this spirit was like a person, having some kind of individuality. Existing like the other astral entities do, and having their natural laws. I went back in time, to the point when AIWAZ appeared to mr.Crowley, we put the sigil in the center of the heart of AIWAZ's body, charged it as much as possible, put it in as deeply as possible... Nothing, still no reaction or disturbance. Even when we distributed the sigil across the a large akashic record, still it was not producing reactions.
This was unusual to me, very unexpected, I did not understand it at all. All I got was a very subtle slight feeling, a hint, ineffable and out of reason, that AIWAZ is a good spirit, aswel as connected to a deeper completing or necessary part of nature.
The next day , it was today, I read that AIWAZ professed himself to be a minister of the god Hoor-Paar-Kraat. God of silence..? And as I read more, I read about another factor of this deity essence being of the unification of opposites [as far as I know that is one of the greatest completion-methods, non-dual in such union]. As I read more, it made more and more sense.
Strange it was that I automatically dabbled like this, on a kind of inner whim. But it also could have been important for me. Did I really make contact? Did what I see fit the true nature of this spirit?
We also made a second sigil, of exact shape, the word AIWAZ made of purely inorganic materials, on astral, a special mix of the most harmonic metals and minerals. This sigil behaved differently. It did seem to have a kind of power, eminating, but it had no link or expression to any precievable ego. Still no evoked bodily personification was produced. Only a kind of colorless light seemed to flow very strait and clear, clean and direct, around and through the second seal made of metals and minerals. But this particular force of power was not ordinary force, it could not be used to influence the outside, or interfere with anyone, it did not tend to bend or disrupt anything at all but instead only straitened things out to a more exact nature in a soundless motionless invisible way.
We made both seals on that same day, first the organic then the inorganic, and my team of spirits had made other AIWAZ oriented sigil constructions after that aswel, during their experimentation.
After a while I got the feeling that I was dealing with, perhaps a very advanced supernal, or something other than [perhaps above] what I would normally consider to be a spirit. But it also seemed to be incredibly gentle, motionless, and I felt no danger from the operation. [That is why we went head first into this experiment in the first place, as none of us could precieve or sense even a molecule of danger or badness in this AIWAZ nature].
Normally nobody evokes this spirit, do they?
But I wonder what the comments would be about all of this? What would an experienced person say about this spirit and the god it is a minister of? -
Aiwaz isn't a spirit. Aiwaz is the name of Aleister Crowley's Holy Guardian Angel, and the Supernal-level "agent of the gods" who delivered The Book of the Law. In places, AC referred to him specifically as a Secret Chief. His name (depending on whether it is spelled with Hebrew or Greek characters) enumerates either to 93 or 418, so he is also the veritible embodiment of the message of Liber L.
Ah, no wonder the written name didn't automatically vibrate the way that a living person's written name subtley vibrates when held in any space, due to certain sympathetic principals.
It may have been that I felt this way because I needed to focus more on finding my own HGA, and then I impulsively misunderstood someone else's.
Thanks for your patient and learned response.