Ritual for Wisdom in the Practice of Magick
I'm planning to do the ritual for Wisdom in the Practice of Magick. I notice right away that it is much more pared down than the first ritual; the ritual for the Generation of Magical Force. The way that I'm reading the ritual for Wisdom, so far, looks like this:
- Banishing and Purification - lesser banishing rituals of Pentagram and Hexagram
- General Invocation - Middle Pillar ritual
- Oath or Proclamation - could be just Liber Israjel itself, but could also include more.
- Specific Invocation - Greater Invoking Hexagram Ritual of Mercury
- Descent of Power - (I guess this would be doing the Middle Pillar and formulating the lightning flash as in the Ritual for the Generation of Magical Force?)
- Banishing - lesser banishing rituals of Pentagram and Hexagram and give license to depart.
- Write the record in the Magical Journal.
Is this the way that the ritual is intended to be, or are we supposed to use the first ritual as a model for those that follow?
In the book it says that we are invoking Mercury. So the altar should be set up with correspondences for Hod, is that right?
Should we be formulating the descending Lightning Flash as in the first ritual?
Are we supposed to go through the vibrations of the corresponding heavens of assiah, angelic choir names for Hod, etc., as in the first ritual?
@kerlem93 said
"Is this the way that the ritual is intended to be, or are we supposed to use the first ritual as a model for those that follow? "
The intent was to show diverse magical styles and approaches in the different rituals. The general formula is the same, but how this renders into practice is intentionally different in these samples.
"In the book it says that we are invoking Mercury. So the altar should be set up with correspondences for Hod, is that right?"
Or... do you need an altar?
"Should we be formulating the descending Lightning Flash as in the first ritual?
Are we supposed to go through the vibrations of the corresponding heavens of assiah, angelic choir names for Hod, etc., as in the first ritual?"
That has nothing to do with this ritual as written.
These are stand-alone ritual samples, not a progressive building.
Ok, I got it. I was just uncertain about whether or not I was supposed to apply to this ritual what was learned in the first ritual.
I assume that, at the end, I should include a banishing hexagram ritual of Mercury before the LBRH and the LBR since Mercury was invoked at the beginning, is that right?
Also, I really enjoyed the first ritual. A friend and I did it together. I built a double cube altar, got a nice replica of the Enochian tablet of union, ordered some musk incense etc. The ritual went well and felt very satisfying and complete although I was a bit dazed at the end and couldn't even think of where to begin on the LBR, which I have done day an night for the past two years.
lol My friend went ahead and did it instead. Anyway, hopefully it will continue to have it's effect and I will grow from it. Thanks for all the help, answering questions, so I could put it into practice!
Yes, banish after.
@kerlem93 said
"The same goes for the first ritual (Generating Magical Force), when the invoking hexagram of Saturn is used. We use the banishing hexagram of saturn at the end of the ritual, right?"
The ritual, as published, includes Closing recommendations. No, you do not use the banishing hexagram of Saturn but, rather, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (the generic).
BTW, it isn't correct to call it the hexagram of Saturn. The hexagram is drawn the same for all the Supernals. This ritual specifically calls for the invoking hexagram of Chokmah.
So, why do we use the appropriate Greater Hexagram ritual to invoke AND banish in the second ritual (the ritual for Wisdom), but we only use the Greater Hexagram ritual to invoke, but not to banish afterword, in the the first ritual (the ritual for the Generation of Magical Force)?
I don't doubt that there is a good reason; I'm just trying to understand what it is.
@kerlem93 said
"And I understand that **both **rituals make use of the LBRH at both the beginning and end."
Is this answer already in the book? (Every time you ask a question about things already written down, it requires I go pull a copy of 776 1/2 off my shelf and look it up. Is this another question already answered in the published text?)
Maybe you misunderstood. To clarify, I said that I do understand that the LBRH is used at both the beginning and the end of both rituals. My question right before that, in a previous post, was, why do we use the appropriate Greater Invoking AND Banishing Hexagram rituals (those of Mercury) in the second sample ritual, the ritual for Wisdom, but we only use the appropriate Greater Invoking Hexagram ritual (the invoking Hexagram ritual of Chokmah) in the ritual for the Generation of Magical Force.
I looked back through the section on the ritual for the Generation of Magical Force in 776 1/2 again just now and I'm not seeing where it says why you only use the Greater Ritual of the Hexagram to invoke Chokmah, but not to banish it. Is it there and I just don't see it?
@kerlem93 said
"My question right before that, in a previous post, was, why do we use the appropriate Greater Invoking AND Banishing Hexagram rituals (those of Mercury) in the second sample ritual, the ritual for Wisdom, but we only use the appropriate Greater Invoking Hexagram ritual (the invoking Hexagram ritual of Chokmah) in the ritual for the Generation of Magical Force."
Sample Ritual 2 says nothing about banishing. It's a prudent idea. - Looking back upstream on this thead I think we miscommunicated when you asked your several-part question about exactly how to banish and I answered it only with, "Yes, banish after." That's actually all I literally meant - probably my bad, since you asked a more detailed question. (I'm trying to answer all of these without looking up the ritual, and going only with what is contained in your question. I answered that one on the fly from my tablet, with no books within 5 miles of me; and I don't remember every detail of a sample that I wrote a few years ago. If I'd had the book, I'd have had to sit down and re-read four pages to see what all I said
.) I under-read your question.
It might be more effective to quote the relevant passages of the material in front of you so that I can see the text sponsoring the question, rather than waiting until I can look up the material you're reading.
In general, there's no reason to specifically banish a particularized force, when the generic ("Lesser") banishing neutralizes all forces equally.
"I looked back through the section on the ritual for the Generation of Magical Force in 776 1/2 again just now and I'm not seeing where it says why you only use the Greater Ritual of the Hexagram to invoke Chokmah, but not to banish it. Is it there and I just don't see it?"
Page 126, under "Closing," after the License to Depart, says, "Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, and then that of the Pentagram," etc.
"In general, there's no reason to specifically banish a particularized force, when the generic ("Lesser") banishing neutralizes all forces equally.
"Ah, OK, that is the part that I was confused on. I had this idea in my head that if I used a Greater Hexagram ritual to invoke a certain force, then I would also need to use a Greater Hexagram ritual to banish that same force, and that I would also use a LBRH at the very end of the ritual in closing down the circle.
I got it now. Thanks!
I think the confusion is the (rather common) thought that the Greater ritual is somehow greater, while the Lesser ritual is somehow lesser
This is wrong.
For the most part, "Greater" means "particularized to a specific force," whereas "Lesser" means "generic." (There are exceptions, and I don't want to loop into a pedantic back-and-forth of fine-point variations - but what I've written here will cut through the usual confusion on the matter.)
N.B. (Pedantic):
- There is no generic Greater Ritual of the Hexagram.
- There is something resembling a generic version of what is sometimes called the Greater Rituakl of the Pentagram (but is more correctly called the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram); but it isn't a true generic. Rather, it is an invocation or banishing of all of the Elements specifically. This is used for many purposes, but especially to invoke an integration of all of the Elemental principles (which, hopefully, have been activated and purified in previous work).
- One can invoke specific Elements with the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram as well as with the Greater, and this is often done in practice.
- One cannot invoke specific planets with the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, because the things you would adjust in order to do so actually turn it into the Greater.
Yes, I see.
What I had in my head looked like this:
LBR and LBRH at the beginning of the ritual.
Greater Invoking Hexagram ritual of specific force somewhere in the middle of the ritual.
Greater Banishing Hexagram ritual of the same specific force somwhere before the end of the ritual.
LBR and LBRH at the end of the ritual.
@Jim Eshelman said
"N.B. (Pedantic):
- There is no generic Greater Ritual of the Hexagram.
- There is something resembling a generic version of what is sometimes called the Greater Rituakl of the Pentagram (but is more correctly called the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram); but it isn't a true generic. Rather, it is an invocation or banishing of all of the Elements specifically. This is used for many purposes, but especially to invoke an integration of all of the Elemental principles (which, hopefully, have been activated and purified in previous work).
- One can invoke specific Elements with the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram as well as with the Greater, and this is often done in practice.
- One cannot invoke specific planets with the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, because the things you would adjust in order to do so actually turn it into the Greater."
may be pedantic but it's very useful information here.
to pose a similarly pedantic question, i am aware that the lesser banishing ritual of the hexagram can be suitable for closing a ceremony which earlier entailed the greater invoking hexagram ritual of a particular planetary energy, likewise is the generic lesser banishing ritual of pentagram suitable for banishing after using the lesser invoking pentagram ritual of a particular element? e.g. if one used the lesser pentagram ritual invoking, say, fire, can the generic lesser banishing pentagram ritual be just as effective as using the lesser pentagram ritual specifically banishing fire? -
@bdc said
"i am aware that the lesser banishing ritual of the hexagram can be suitable for closing a ceremony which earlier entailed the greater invoking hexagram ritual of a particular planetary energy, likewise is the generic lesser banishing ritual of pentagram suitable for banishing after using the lesser invoking pentagram ritual of a particular element? e.g. if one used the lesser pentagram ritual invoking, say, fire, can the generic lesser banishing pentagram ritual be just as effective as using the lesser pentagram ritual specifically banishing fire?"
In theory, yes. In practice, it's not what we tend to do in practice. (In fact, neither of the above is ideal.) Doing a specific banishing that matches the specific invocation is better practice. - Or, at least, it matches my magical instincts better.
I just reviewed the 10 sample rituals to see what I recommended and to review my thinking. #5 says to banish by the Mars hexagram ritual (reversing what was done at the beginning). #9 says to banish by whatever hexagram formula was used at the beginning. But #1, which invoked Chokmah at the beginning, says to banish by the Lesser (i.e., generic). I believe my thinking (or, rather, what guided my instincts) was that Sample Ritual #1, though formally invoking Chokmah, does end up manifesting the entire Tree of Life.
I'm seeking confirmation.
When tracing the hexagrams in the Quarters while performing the GIHR of Mercury, are these the correct names we vibrate?
Elohim Tzabaoth for the God name, Mikael for the Archangel?
And when facing Mercury itself the following:
Elohim Tzabaoth, Mikael, Beni Elohim for the Angels and Kokab for the spirit? -
@Al-Shariyf said
"When tracing the hexagrams in the Quarters while performing the GIHR of Mercury, are these the correct names we vibrate?
Elohim Tzabaoth for the God name, Mikael for the Archangel?"
Correct. (And, of course, A.R.A.R.I.Th.A.)
"And when facing Mercury itself the following:
Elohim Tzabaoth, Mikael, Beni Elohim for the Angels and Kokab for the spirit?"Yes, except Kokab is not the name of the Spirit, but the name of Mercury itself in Assiah. I would generally leave it off because you are only pulling the invocation to the level of Yetzirah (invoking Thoth to a psychological level: No actual feathers are expected to appear in the room
), though it's worth experimenting with both ways.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Al-Shariyf said
"When tracing the hexagrams in the Quarters while performing the GIHR of Mercury, are these the correct names we vibrate?Elohim Tzabaoth for the God name, Mikael for the Archangel?"
Correct. (And, of course, A.R.A.R.I.Th.A.)"
Thanks Jim!
"And when facing Mercury itself the following:
Elohim Tzabaoth, Mikael, Beni Elohim for the Angels and Kokab for the spirit?"@Jim Eshelman said
"Yes, except Kokab is not the name of the Spirit, but the name of Mercury itself in Assiah. I would generally leave it off because you are only pulling the invocation to the level of Yetzirah (invoking Thoth to a psychological level: No actual feathers are expected to appear in the room
), though it's worth experimenting with both ways."
Haha thanks. I was wondering if I was supposed to pull the energy down to Yetzirah or Assiah. I tried the ritual last night using the Chokmah Hexgrams and invoking all the way down to Assiah. The entire feel of the ritual felt inaccurate. I will do it again today making the adjustments above.