Duality, yoga, analysis, chastity
How would you indicate tree of life correspondances concerning such phases where everything considered true is almost as soon(synchronicity) as considered as such proved wrong and vice versa by actual events and meetings in every day life? Say it lasts a couple of years until no more truths without its counterpart can rise significantly... what does this process/phase corresponds to?
How would you comment this phrasing and hypothesis of correspondances:
The process of psychoanalysis mimics this in Assiah, and corresponds to a "light" kind of pratyahara. When "real" pratyahara, as described by Crowley, is practiced properly, it hits equally Yetzirah and the fact both worlds are activated equally manifests in Assiah by means of hardcore synchronicities and magick.
Straight analysis unlocks symbolic knots(and patterns induced) in the lower astral whereas yoga unlocks the very structures(Yetzirah) in the "middle" astral and by doing so bridges to Briah.
In analysis there is no direct consequence, Yetzirah is activated but you're not "pushed" into it, you kinda watch from the outside, like in skrying. Whereas in yoga, once Yetzirah is activated you're "sucked" into it by the upper forces and there's no way back.
One thing that can be a trap is if after analysis one succeeds in "healing" oneself, one thinks it is the equivalent of the yoga. It might seem the same in Assiah and even induce synchronicities and activate magick powers but one is still outside the secret world.
So each thing at its own place. Is this Yetziratic chastity in Assiah, and in Yetzirah if i actually believe it and apply it(no inter-plane interferences)?