What is most caracteristic of the AA system
If we were to make a top 3 or top 5 of whats most caracteristic of the AA as a system in comparison to others, how would you choose/rank those caracteristics from your own understanding?
For instance i'd say:
1.The precise form and order of the oaths of each grade
2.the world-sephiroth attribution(sun in briah...)
3.yoga and magick into one system
(4. theoric-technical syllabus)
(5.?) -
I would say (off of the top of my head, and on this particular occasion) that the A.'.A.'. system is;
A formal system of specific serial or sequential steps (stages, plateaus), with specific tasks at each stage and specific examinations for most of those tasks. Progress is measured by fully completing the tasks and passing the examinations of one step and then taking up the next.
Founded within a pragmatic and empirical working method that, in most of its methods and tasks and tests, relies on the approach: Do a particular thing. Record it. On the basis of the record, eventually draw conclusions. Within this method, ultimately trust yourself.
A guru-chela, or mentoring, system of person-to-person responsibility, within which instruction, examination, reception, advancement, and most other aspects of the system occur.
At the present time, intimately connected to the world-view of Thelema, though not inherently so. (It wasn't so connected in the first years of its existence, wasn't openly so for more than its first decade, and would not continue to be were we to role into a next aeon, for example.)