September 27 (Jupiter) Liber VII, Cap. III, v. 20-26
**20. Let it be soon, O God, my God! I ache for Thee, I wander very lonely among the mad folk, in the grey land of desolation.
21. Thou shalt set up the abominable lonely Thing of wickedness. Oh joy! to lay that corner-stone!
22. It shall stand erect upon the high mountain; only my God shall commune with it.
23. I will build it of a single ruby; it shall be seen from afar off.
24. Come! let us irritate the vessels of the earth: they shall distil strange wine.
25. It grows under my hand: it shall cover the whole heaven.
26. Thou art behind me: I scream with a mad joy.
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The point of view of the books thus far has been of enormity and greatness with the scene being set in the high mountains and heavens. The “abominable lonely Thing of wickedness” I imagine is the daily work done in adoration and dedication of the “God” that communes with it when complete. The labor is done with a fullness of life, joy, and intoxicating. This is done while awaiting the angel and building towards It in the utmost joy while reaping the harvested wine.
Treating life as such, precious as a ruby, with awe, building day by day as a grand piece of architecture for me is a practical way of interpreting one layer of this.