i have been meditation for awhile now (at least a while for me since i am only 22), and over the past month or 2-3 i have been focusing on the serpents in me! i will 1st give about5 mins to began to "MEDITATING", or being in a meditative state, tehn i will focus on my muladhara chakra and then on the serpent(s) coiling up my spine.
i have been getting some progress, or at least i believe i have been, in that i can feel what i think is the kundalini serpent coiling up & down my pine from muladhara to about my solar plexus. sometimes it feels as if there are 2 serpents like on the cadaeus coiling on my spine. so far they have not reached above my heart, though on some occasions i have felt the energy flow thru all 7 stations/chakrasbasically i am asking for help? how can i advance? also the experiences i have had do they sound like the kundalini serpent movement??? also any suggestions on improving this???
i sometimes wonder if i am tricking myself in to that i am having real kunalini movement? is it just due to my posturehold and breathing that it just feels as if i am getting serpent movement?
anyways any help would be WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@bethata418 said
"i have been meditation for awhile now (at least a while for me since i am only 22), and over the past month or 2-3 i have been focusing on the serpents in me! i will 1st give about5 mins to began to "MEDITATING", or being in a meditative state, tehn i will focus on my muladhara chakra and then on the serpent(s) coiling up my spine."
G., you're probably going to be surprised at my recommendations here. Please remember that you asked for them!
For most people in most situations, we recommend not actively trying to do this, and also usually recommend no direct meditation on the chakras. The reasons for this are that (1) the same results can be obtained differently and (2) this direct "raising" attempt can be seriously harmful, at least in some cases.
There are exceptions to the above - There is a specific core practice in the A.'.A.'. 3=8 grade for intentional full raising of kundalini. (It's Meditation SSS in Liber HHH.) However, this is only undertaken with extensive internal precautions. It is also assigned at a grade (3=8) where there likely has been already some considerable kundalini manifestation in most people - a lot of this is normal to start occurring in the course of the 1=10 and 2=9 practices.
That's one important thing to know: When the physical and subtle bodies are sufficiently mature and prepared and strengthened, kundalini manifestation tends to occur on its own without prompting, or is so close to the edge that it needs only the smallest invitation to begin flowing. There is never any need to force it, and if you have to force it then you probably want to think twice.
Less stringent, but still the usual recommendation, is not to do direct prolonged meditation directly on the chakras themselves with the idea of triggering or forcing them open. This, too, can cause serious problems unless they are ready to flower. The primary exceptions are the heart center and (to a lesser extent - primarily in specific pranayama techniques) the "third eye" center. (Actually, the major exception is "middle pillar ritual" sorts of practices where a balanced set of centers - not always corresponding to the chakras themselves and, as we teach them in Temple of Thelema, intentionally differentiated from the actual chakras but, in any case, where a coordinated pattern is used).
Given all of these "don't do this" recommendations, what's a horny boy supposed to do?
From the A.'.A.'. point of view, the answer of course would be: Get to 3=8
In Temple of Thelema, there is a progressive training of the physical and subtle bodies over the course of the First Order, one intention of which is to get them able to easily handle increasingly strong flows of energy. (It isn't terribly evident that this is what's going on until about 2°, but the 0° and 1° stages are specific setups and leadins for it. In 2° the channels are purified and direct energy flow work commences. From 3° through Portal there is a very specific set of work that daily permits the channels of the subtle body to conduct such energy as they are capable and systematically increase this.) Another set of practices programs subconsciousness to invite the natural, easy, non-strenuous maturation of the chakras over time by indirect means that do not require direct concentration upon them.
I mentioned that actual harm can result. This is the other main point to make about kundalini work: Kundalini is a REAL force that has REAL physical, emotional, and other psychological impact. This leads to my most important recommendation: Educate yourself on the real nature of this force. I give you exactly the same recommendation Soror Meral gave me when I was starting to work directly on kundalini matters: Read Gopi Krishna's autobiography. (Later the same summer, Regardie made exactly the same recommendation to me!) The original edition was called Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man but I think there is an expanded edition with a different name - just hit Amazon and look for books by Gopi Krishna.
Regardless of the conclusions you draw from it, I'm pretty sure you'll love this book. It is the one consistent recommendation I make on the whole subject of kundalini. He's a compelling and entertaining author whose life story tells more than a hundred other theory books could tell.
i thank you for your advice, and you were right, i dont like it
but thats ok, i greatly respect your opinion, so i will probably listen. i also went ahead and bought that book, Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man, so hopefully after reading this i will know more in what i need to do.but why i have been recently working on the kundalini flow is due to my triangle is uneven
i your lecture in NYC you drew a triangle of magick meditation and knowledge, i realised i do much more magick than meditation and i need to even that triangle out. i usually do like star ruby every night to every other night, yet my meditation has been 1-2 times a week, the the studying is done daily for like a few hours so i am go on that. basically since the lecture i have been working on more meditation, trying to do it about 3-4 times a week. and you know i noticed something i have been actively doing magick & meditation for about 6 years, though i see much improvement with my ritual work (vibrations, raising the force, visualization etc.) throuhg out the years, i see much less improvement with my meditation. so basically i am trying to figure out where to go with this mystical work?
any suggestions for waht a horny boy like me should be doing?
thanks for the help
Yes, but I haven't written those chapters yet
By that I meant that I am working on something that would give you a pretty fair course in it, but it isn't ready enough yet.
On that triangle you mentioned, the intentional raising of kundalini is so much closer to the nature of magick that it almost doesn't count as meditation. It is meditation, but it tends to come form a fiery, active (and often egoic) part of us. The balance of the type of stuff you are doing is stillness and quiet - systematic relaxation of your body, gentle and rhythmic breathing, and meditations that bring the mind into a still (or at least dynamically equilibrated) and receptive state, rather than an excited, stimulated, charged, and agitated state. See the difference?
A couple of quick suggestions:
(1) Simple Tarot meditation. This is so simple that it almost seems juvenile and unserious, but it can produce enormous results. After systematic relaxation of your body and some rhythmic breathing, take out one of the Tarot trumps and just look at it for no 5 minutes - no more at first! This is "active looking" - your mind moves from the background to the foreground of the card, allowing itself to be drawn and interests stirred and even curiosities raised, but the main thing to keep your attention on is the visual attending to the card. Subconsciousness will do the "reading" of it, your conscious mind doesn't even necessarily have to know what's going on (but will tend to). Take the Tarot trumps in numerical order frm 0 to XXI, using the Thoth deck.
(2) A stilling meditation - Take a mantra, or short meditation phrase, and repeating it over and over again silently. Pick one that is short, just a few syllables, and which doesn't overly engage the intellect. For example (unless it feels too short) pick the name Adonai (Ah-doh-nigh). If that feels way too short, try the phrase, "Every man and every woman is a star." Or (more or less) whatever.
Sitting in a comfortable position after basic preliminaries, begin to repeat the mantra to yourself over and over, at a moderate pace. Do not say your mantra aloud. Simply repeat it silently, over and over, in your mind at a steady pace.
You will find that your mind can stay on this repetition and yet also begin to think other thoughts. Such thoughts come and go. They may seem to multiply. Do not be concerned with them. Your only proper concern is continuing with the exact task assigned, the inner, rhythmic, mindful repetition of the mantra. After you are accustomed to the practice, you may want to count the number of "breaks" (interruptions) during your period of practice, perhaps using rosary beads to free your conscious mind from the counting process; but be sure that you do not count as breaks the intrusion of these other thoughts, since it is natural (especially at the beginning) for them to occur. Merely count as a break any time when you find that you have stopped (or temporarily forgotten) the continuing mantra. When this happens, simply bring your mind back to the practice, and go on.
At first, practice five to ten minutes, once each day. You may extend it up to twenty minutes at a time, once or twice per day.
i have worked with #2 alot, i usually pick my mantra by doing liber-AL-o-mancy, where i close my eyes and pick a verse from liber AL, and if its too long use the part my finger landed on. with the #2 i sometimes have a probablm with it puting me asleep or really in a almost sleep state, something about the use of a mantra.
but i havent trie dthe 1st method i will have to try that tonight!thanks for the help
just started the gopi krishna book and it is awesome! thanks alot, i am only at chapter 2 so havent learned to much yet but its really awesome.
you said the other day about not meditating on the chakras, and it reminded me about a time 2 years ago at a OTO meeting i was at we did a chakra meditation for 1 hour. it was a cd that played music and as the music would change you would meditate on the next chakra and with in an hour it went up and down the all chakras a few times. it made me feel extremely sick and like headache like, it was so bad i couldnt drive for like an hour or 2, i thought it might have been something i ate, or something. but now i think it possibly was with the chakra meditation as you said it can cause harm.
the taro meditation was cool i noticed a few things i havent noticed before in the cards.
@bethata418 said
"the taro meditation was cool i noticed a few things i havent noticed before in the cards."
It just occurred to me that I wasn't very clear on this (in which case I'm half laughing at myself and half kicking myself). Do I take the above to mean that you did all the cards?
I ask because you haven't had anywhere near enough time to do what I meant to suggest - and, looking back at my instructions, I wasn't very clear.
This should be an 11-to-22-week meditation. You work on one card at a time - no more than 5 minutes work or so after your prep - and you either spend 3 days on each card (taking a break one day a week, so that you go through two cards a week), or you spend a whole week on each card. I recommend the former for starters, then a second pass with the week-per-card.
The idea is to slow you down - less of the Red Ray of Sulphur to balance out - and to let each card gestate in subconsciousness for several days, one at a time, before going on to the others.
I tried that very same technique, didn't work too well....the serpent bit me!
Mark, I'm on the floor in tears.
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Frater C.I. -
i gotta find a wierd looking musical instrument like this guy so i can train my serpent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what if your serpent isnt a cobra?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Jim Eshelman said
@bethata418 said
"over the past month or 2-3 i have been focusing on the serpents in me! i will 1st give about 5 mins to began to "MEDITATING", or being in a meditative state, tehn i will focus on my muladhara chakra and then on the serpent(s) coiling up my spine. ... I have been getting some progress, or at least i believe i have been, in that i can feel what i think is the kundalini serpent coiling up & down my pine from muladhara to about my solar plexus. sometimes it feels as if there are 2 serpents like on the cadaeus coiling on my spine. so far they have not reached above my heart, though on some occasions i have felt the energy flow thru all 7 stations/chakrasbasically i am asking for help? how can i advance? also the experiences i have had do they sound like the kundalini serpent movement??? also any suggestions on improving this??? "
For most people in most situations, we recommend not actively trying to do this, and also usually recommend no direct meditation on the chakras. The reasons for this are that (1) the same results can be obtained differently and (2) this direct "raising" attempt can be seriously harmful, at least in some cases."
I was (like, I expect, a lot of folks) surprised to read this! Aside from the fact that kundalini arousal is so widely practiced and advocated in Magick and even "New Age" circles, I have a copy of a great essay you wrote on the arousal of the cakkras by the OTO initiations, as well as one instructional article that was given to me with my Minerval package "informally," by one of your/Meral's A.·.A.·. students (who was also Master of the local Lodge) which I think may have your fingerprints on it, which instructs one on how to adapt certain existing, published Thelemic magical practices to enhance/consolidate this effect.
Jim, has your view on this changed (perhaps related to our previous discussion about weaknesses in the OTO system , or do you regard work on rousing kundalini as distinct from activation of the cakkras, or do you view it as dangerous outside of a structure like the OTO initiation series (or the rousal that you note usually happens during the A.·.A.·. Grade work/initiations), or ...?
@Jim Eshelman said
Actually, the major exception is "middle pillar ritual" sorts of practices where a balanced set of centers - not always corresponding to the chakras themselves and, as we teach them in Temple of Thelema, intentionally differentiated from the actual chakras but, in any case, where a coordinated pattern is used)."On a somewhat tangential note: I first learned a color series for the Middle Pillar exercise with which I have become dissatisfied: it does not seem to have any internal coherence. The original instructions from Felkin, such as we have them via Regardie, don't specify a color scheme, and looking into it recently I have found a wide range of recommendations, most of them using the King and/or Queen scale for the Sephiroth in question. Do you have a preference or recommendation on this point?
Love is the law, love under will.
@Forever93 said
"I was (like, I expect, a lot of folks) surprised to read this! Aside from the fact that kundalini arousal is so widely practiced and advocated in Magick and even "New Age" circles, I have a copy of a great essay you wrote on the arousal of the cakkras by the OTO initiations, as well as one instructional article that was given to me with my Minerval package "informally," by one of your/Meral's A.·.A.·. students (who was also Master of the local Lodge) which I think may have your fingerprints on it, which instructs one on how to adapt certain existing, published Thelemic magical practices to enhance/consolidate this effect."
I emphatically differentiate "raising the kundalini" from the chakra work in the O.T.O. degrees. In fact, the purification and stabilizing of the chakras is one really good preliminary for the more emphatic act of "raising the kundalini."
Some pranic or even kundalini movement may be a consequence of the cleansing and balancing - in which case, that's a natural result for which the person is likely read. That's way different from direct-forcing movement.
I never settled - to a level of comfort I found sufficient - on the exact word to describe what the O.T.O. initiations do with respect to the chakras. The most "effect-neutral" description is that that the symbolism and actions of the rituals definitely put focus on a particular chakra (sometimes two), and that understanding this chakra gives deeper insight into the rest of the ritual and the life stage. - But it actually does a lot more. What word to use for it? - The O.T.O. rituals don't purify the chakras - they don't seal them in the way usually meant - and I think it's serious overstatement to say it awakens them. (For example, what the II° does involving Anahatta isn't - at least, for most people - anything close to "awakening the heart center." That's an easy one to see. I° doesn't "awaken" Visuddha &c.)
I think the best word is "stimulates." The rituals stimulate the chakras. Through physiological and psychological means, the psychological and nerual energy locked into the physical neural clusters adjacent to the chakras draws a lot of energy for the time of the ritual, and this transfers to the (nonphysical) chakra.
BTW, that's the biggest difference I know in how O.T.O. degrees work with these compared to how the G.D. system works with these. O.T.O. rituals specifically were written to stimulate the physical aspect of the neural clusters adjacent to the chakras. This is fortified by the symbolism of the rituals and, especially, by creating certain psychological states of mind appropriate to each. I think, then, the theory must be that this stimulation in Assiah transfers to the Yetziratic aspect of the chakras. Whatever the theory, it works! - In contrast, the G.D.-derived system works on the chakras directly at the Yetziratic level.
Yes, I think stimulates is the best word.
There are many layers of working with individual chakras at this preliminary level. The new Aspirants to Light rituals also focus attention on Visuddha, Anahatta, and Svadisthana, respectively, following the Masonic pattern. I wouldn't at all call this "opening" them - it's too preliminary a level.
Temple of Thelema, based on the G.D. model locked into the Tree of Life, uses a one-two punch: One degree "activates" a center in a form sense, using symbolism to program subconsciousness to begin directing an atypically high level of attention to the psychological aspect locked into the physical position of the chakra - so that the time in a given degree has that chakra intensely stimulated, and its imbalances work themselves out into the person's life. THis results in "ordeals" - places where we find we're out of balance and screwed up a bit - and allows for gently bringing ourselves back on track, balancing the developmental imbalances, etc. - bringing that "form" aspect into healthy alignment. This completed, the next degree opens the gates to the force aspect of the same chakra to fully empower it - before (later in the same ritual) moving on to stimulate the form aspect of the next one to be addressed. (This is all intensified by direct Yetziratic modification of the energies in the chakra, by the initiator in the course of the ceremony.)
Even this intense "purifying and energizing" of the chakras isn't "awakening" them in the full sense used in Raja Yoga or Laya Yoga - although more people have some spontaneous awakenings as a result of this preparation, I think.
And so forth.
I don't know what the second paper is that you are talking about, so I have no idea whether my fingerprints are on it.
"Jim, has your view on this changed"
My primary view on this has been pretty stable for 20 years or so.
"or do you regard work on rousing kundalini as distinct from activation of the cakkras"
Yes! (As you've probably already seen above.) Quite distinctive. For rousing kundalini, see Liber HHH, Meditation SSS, for example.
"or do you view it as dangerous outside of a structure like the OTO initiation series"
It's always safer if under the direct supervision of a knowledgeable and experienced teacher who is actively monitoring what is going on - regardless of where you find that teacher. I don't think it's any safer in O.T.O. (or, for that matter, in T.'.O.'.T.'.) unless you happen to have just that sort of person available to you.
"(or the rousal that you note usually happens during the A.·.A.·. Grade work/initiations)"
Or their equivalents, yes.
Direct methods are taught in Temple of Thelema, but not until 6°. O.T.O. has direct instruction available to it - using a different approach - (I have no present-day knowledge on how or when or if it's used) in its traditional VIII° curriculum (made safter by a fully validated completion of the VII° curriculum) - this is capable of producing that result. Again, I wouldn't trust it outside of monitoring by a knowledgeable and experienced teacher.
"On a somewhat tangential note: I first learned a color series for the Middle Pillar exercise with which I have become dissatisfied: it does not seem to have any internal coherence. The original instructions from Felkin, such as we have them via Regardie, don't specify a color scheme, and looking into it recently I have found a wide range of recommendations, most of them using the King and/or Queen scale for the Sephiroth in question. Do you have a preference or recommendation on this point?"
For Classic Middle Pillar (just to coing a term): White brilliance, gray-white, yellow, violet, and either the four Malkuth colors or (in practice) olive. That's the all-around best, I think.
However, as a preliminary, there is much to gain by using only white light for each center - You usually can't go wrong with that! Using only white light for, say, 6 months of daily work is a good lead-in.
Neither of the above is what I personally use most of the time. - We have other variants that are taught at different levels in the T.'.O.'.T.'. Second Order (matched to the particular level where it's taught), and I use one of those most of the time.
I had some weird experiences with kundalini/chakra meditation based on Jonn Mumford's methods. When I told a friend who recommended it to me in the first place, he said he had the same problems which is why he stopped. He was working with Wheels of Life, though. Powerful stuff more than likely to freak you out if it starts working. So, I don't recommend it.
Now, I use the three methods in Hyatt's "Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation and Other Devices" book. They work amazingly the very first time. The rest of the book doesn't appeal to me, but it might appeal to you. I'm just recommending the 3 methods on pages 54, 79 and 107. The rest of the book is garbage as far as I'm concerned. I mean real boring sub-par RAWilsonesque Discordian crap. There are some techniques in the back for tantra/sex magick and stuff to open your chakras which I'm positive is dangerous. But, those three techniques are great. Worth buying used, xeroxing and reselling.
cool thanks i will check it out!
I was systematically working with the chakras, tattvas and mantras using Mumford's system outlined in "Magical Tattwa Cards" and "Chakra Kundalini Workbook" (I had read Mumford was the "REAL DEAL" and my research seemed to confirm this) when I began to have bizarre experiences.
I felt as if I was being pulled up by my pelvis, as if an imaginary hook had gone right through my pelvis and was lifting me. There was no pain, but it shocked me out of meditation. This happened a coule times. And it was impossible to meditate afterwards due to being freaked out.
I was paralyzed, swooning under the pressure of an immense source of energy that felt connected to my heart chakra. I remember it felt like a big, circulating black hole of energy and it felt GOOD, which is when I thought, "this is what it means to 'swoon.'" But, shortly after this thought, I realized I couldn't move and I suddenly panicked. I tried with all my might and eventually broke out of it, shaking like an epileptic for about 5 seconds.
I shared these experiences with the guy who recommended Mumford's work to me and he said that HE TOO had similar experiences and he had to stop because it was freaking him out. When I asked why he recommended it to me, he said "because it works."
When I told a member of this HeruRaHa forum community, his advice was simply, "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN." I asked him why and what he thought was the cause of my weird experiences, but he never replied.
Is this typical progress with Kundalini or are these things not good?
The Tattva cards are best saved for when you have considerable experience in meditation. Even more so for Kundalini techniques. Warnings for awakening Kundalini are there for a reason.
Redd Fezz wrote:
"1) I felt as if I was being pulled up by my pelvis, as if an imaginary hook had gone right through my pelvis and was lifting me. There was no pain, but it shocked me out of meditation. This happened a coule times. And it was impossible to meditate afterwards due to being freaked out. "
The first thing to learn in any program of meditation is to quiet the mind. The untrained mind is like a monkey, highly active. All the imaginary images you experience should be resolved before undertaking deeper meditation. Learn to let go of them; observe them as an outsider. It generally takes several months to a year of regular practice.
Redd Fezz wrote:
" I was paralyzed........But, shortly after this thought, I realized I couldn't move and I suddenly panicked. "
This is a very common experience. When you reach a relaxed enough state, your body falls asleep while your mind remains conscious. Early experiences of this can be quite scary. You'll get used to it. When you reach this level of relaxation, you can "actually" begin to meditate. But in order to do this, you must have your mind silent. Emotions are powerful and can often disturb meditation. They too must be quieted.
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@Draco Magnus said
"The Tattva cards are best saved for when you have considerable experience in meditation."
I disagree. They're top-notch beginner tools.
"Even more so for Kundalini techniques. Warnings for awakening Kundalini are there for a reason."
"Redd Fezz wrote:
"And it was impossible to meditate afterwards due to being freaked out. "
The first thing to learn in any program of meditation is to quiet the mind."
Yes! Understandably, though, some events can shake you up too much to get right back on the horse. It's important to get back soon, though - perhaps the next night, for example.
"Redd Fezz wrote:
" I was paralyzed........But, shortly after this thought, I realized I couldn't move and I suddenly panicked. "
"Not all that unusual. It was more likely parasthesia than paralysis. There are a lot of results that dissociate you from the usual conscious connection to the body. Quite commonly, one can move but one is very settled into the decision not to - I'm not sure how else to describe it - it's like a very conscious mental block against believing one can move.
bumping an old topic
these may be dumb questions but i have to ask them because im sure people here wont give me "new-agey" answers:
what are the symptoms of kundalini awakening? most of them sound very dangerous, like seizures and other kind of "medical problems".What is the difference between a person who has awakened kundalini and one who hasnt? I'm not expecting siddhis here
or super-human states but im sure there has to be some differences (internal ones)
How can kundalini be measured? Can this be evaluated by someone other than yourself?
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@nirbiraja said
"That's dark, ill-humor if I've ever seen it. You use it in the 3=8 curriculum? That's interesting."
Well, it's not that I use it in 3=8, but that it's part of the original system there. From Liber 185: "Further, he shall pass in the meditation practice S.S.S., in Liber HHH."
"Meditation SSS doesn't raise Kundalini; it's a practice to create a vehicle by which an orgasm can travel up the spine to the brain in sex magick or Tantra."
A passingly similar technique - quite different in key features, though, and not nearly as elaborate - does what you say. But SSS is quite explicitly a method for intentional raising of the kundalini. (Bindar Dundat.)
"That's clearly not in the A.'.A.'. schema."
Clearly? Hardly. It's quite specifically there.
"But now that we're near it, what extensive internal precautions are you giving your students using SSS as a Kundalini raising regimen? Are you having them stop raising at the anahata chakra?"
No, that would not be the full practice. (Besides, Anahatta is already naturally open in most who have gotten very far into the 2=9 grade, as a side-effect of that grade.) The precautions I meant were completion of the standard A.'.A.'. curriculum through 2=9 - primarily (but not entirely) the yoga training and testing. (Or, of course, equivalencies.)
@nirbiraja said
"For the record: You're telling us that a full blown raising of Kundalini straight to the ajna or sahasrara chakras will result in, what, exactly? The next grade is still Without."
Exactly. Raising of kundalini is an important development but seriously over-rated by the rank and file. It's not inherently related to the primary goals of the system, but (like other developments) does open certain channels.
"Even were it not, are you suggesting a full blown Kundalini raising to chakras above the abyss wont cause detrimental problems for an initiate?"
This bioenergetic phenomena as nothing direct to do either with the K&C of the HGA or crossing the abyss, I don't care where in the body they are located.
@nirbiraja said
"The ordeal may not seem like a big deal to you, simply because you're mistaken in labeling the experience."
Anything is possible. This was, however, not the conclusion of of the teachers who reviewed my work.
The imagination is merely the preparation. Put it in the context of a situation where kunalini has already been flowing in greater and lesser degrees for years.
As for scope of effect... the initial break-through of Kundalini that I experienced in 1=10 very significantly altered my life. I'm not saying it's inconsequential. It's a very big deal in context of when it occurs. But, proportionate to the primary goals toward which 1=10 is an early preparatory step, it's just one of several phenomena that pave the way for something against which it pales.