Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I'd like to hear some opinions(or facts!) on how the A.'.A.'. defines 'service' to mankind - & what are some examples?- Danny N.
Love is the law, love under will.
IMHO, I believe it simply means BEING THERE for anyone who is at a point to seek it out. There always is a small percentage of the population that is slightly more advanced than the normal population. They act to help raise the rest of mankind up. The average person now is much higher level than even an adept of 1,000 years ago. The AA serves as a "service" to those persons ready to advance. It trains humanity to reach ever onward by training those ready to take the lead in that advancement.
@DavidH said
"...I believe it simply means BEING THERE for anyone who is at a point to seek it out. There always is a small percentage of the population that is slightly more advanced than the normal population. They act to help raise the rest of mankind up..."
I like this.
DavidH wrote:
"I believe it simply means BEING THERE for anyone who is at a point to seek it out. There always is a small percentage of the population that is slightly more advanced than the normal population."
ALL are seeking it out! Then there is those of us who's priority is to seek to be, at the right place at the right time, and to know the right thing to do or say, planting a seed in the garden, developing the higher collective conciousness as they Will.