Daily Mantra Question
Ive been reading the book "Alister Crowely and the Magical Diary" and in his diary he makes mention of doing some form of a mantra during the day in his every day life.
I was not aware of this type of practice I all ways thought of it of some thing you do during mediation.
Could any one help me out with what he meant by this;
1.Was it a metal mantra and or a mantra spoken softly loudly?
2.Second could some one give me some incite as to a type of Mantra I could do during the day if this is this case.[give me a book refrance or any thing of a sort]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,
@SetiDraconis said
"Ive been reading the book "Alister Crowely and the Magical Diary" and in his diary he makes mention of doing some form of a mantra during the day in his every day life.
I was not aware of this type of practice I all ways thought of it of some thing you do during mediation.
Could any one help me out with what he meant by this;
1.Was it a metal mantra and or a mantra spoken softly loudly?
2.Second could some one give me some incite as to a type of Mantra I could do during the day if this is this case.[give me a book refrance or any thing of a sort]"
Mantra is one of the single most powerful tools for self programming there is. You must use your own judgement as to what mantra you are going to use, but choose wisely, and with great forethought.
You should read (excuse me, everyone should read) "Handbook to high consciousness" by Ken Keyes Jr. He talks about the power of how we talk to ourselves and how that influences our programming. He isn't a Qabalist, but his work is easy to translate onto the tree.
The incessant voices inside our heads are the most powerful inluence on our behavioral programs. There aren't any influences anywhere that affect us more. Period. What we allow that voice to say to ourselves is crucial, and in fact is one of the defining characteristics of adepts.
Before crossing paroketh the voice does it's own thing, and being blown by the winds of whim and outside influence, we are like ships without captains. But after, the voice is watched and regulated.
A very wise quote that I have heard attributed to a dozen wise men:
"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny" -
Good introduction, Creator. I use mantra while doing pranayama and now and then. Read Crowley's Liber ABA part 1 - it's on the net. There is also a japa practise wich I'm going to look into.
Just to confirm, I believe the book is titled "Handbook to Higher Consciousness."
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll pick it up on amazon.
@photogasm said
"Just to confirm, I believe the book is titled "Handbook to Higher Consciousness."
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll pick it up on amazon."
Right, "Handbook to Higher Consciousness."
And look, you can often find a better copy in hardback from an online used book seller, and for less than you'd pay for a paperback from amazon. I'd really love to find a pdf of it, but I've been looking for weeks to no avail.
Thank you every one for the information..I do have Liber ABA/Book 4 but im still working my way threw it.
Thank you for the advice.
It is in Book 1 not 4. Dunno about you, but I like reading in order i.e. Book 1, 2, 3, 4.