The Blue Light
During an out of body experience, in which I was standing looking at my body, I was aware of the whole room being bathed in a blue light. I was wondering if anyone has had similar experience with this color or what its significance may be. Thank you for any thoughts or ideas.
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I often see that blue light when, in the season of the moon, I invoke by the Iod & the Pe & comfort the heart of the secret stone with the warm blood. That blue light, my friend, is the light of the Crowned & Conquering Child.
""Deep blue light. (I asked her to describe the conditions caused by him. This light is quite unmistakable and unique; but of course her words, though a fair description of it, might equally apply to some other.)" - The Equinox of the Gods, Cap. 6"
@Aerick said
"During an out of body experience, in which I was standing looking at my body, I was aware of the whole room being bathed in a blue light. I was wondering if anyone has had similar experience with this color or what its significance may be. Thank you for any thoughts or ideas."
Yes. Pretty conventional, i.e., commonplace. Crowley also mentioned it in several of his recorded visions.
It's one mark of opening up to the astral light.
I personally have not seen a Blue Light per see, but on two ocassions have felt myself being drawn towards a Clear brilliant light. That's what led me to start researching the Bardo's in the Tibetan Book of the Dead at one point.
I can't remember the name of the book, but when I was reading a Kundalini book, and the author was talking about a Blue Light that he would see between his eyes when he meditating after he had awakened his fifth chakra - perhaps that may help you in some way.
Often (it has not happened much recently) when I opened up my eyes after meditation the 'world' would be tinted blue. Most often it was kind of like a 'blue filter' was put over my eyes. Sometimes each object would distinctly be surrounded by a blue aura (this was normally an initial flash and then gone).
When I see 'objects' in my third eye during meditations they are normally in either a bluish or scintillating, dancing color.
93 th3fall3n777, student2012, RifRaf, and Uni_Verse,
I appreciate the valuable personal experiences and knowledge you shared. I helps to be able to verify a subjective experience with similar experiences from others. I hope all is well with you and that you all have continued success in the Great Work.
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Well i am new member to the list and everything and have only been been practicing magick for like 3 or 4 years now, but in that time i have had several incidents of seeing the blue light.i consider it to be very,very pure and protective.i have had visions where i have encountered demons who were trying to destroy me but before they were able to do so I emitted blinding bright blue light from my astral body which pretty destroyed/banished them to their place.i would like to exsplain the whole vision because it was vivid and intense, i have exsperienced the blue light on several ocasions, just let it be said,in my opinion that the blue light is very good to have around,i consider it be a light of very good and pure spirit.i would guess that the blue light you saw was emitting a protective aura around your body and room,what type of work were you performing,were you under any kind of astral attack at all?
thanks , my 2 cents, do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law