Chakra balance
@Modes said
"How to keep your chakras balanced the way you want them balanced? It's a terrible nuisance sometimes being balanced by a Krishna, Reiki, Yoga or some other master. Especially in one day. Are there any tricks to resist their energy working on my chakras?"
Dont go to them?
@Modes said
"How to keep your chakras balanced the way you want them balanced? It's a terrible nuisance sometimes being balanced by a Krishna, Reiki, Yoga or some other master. Especially in one day. Are there any tricks to resist their energy working on my chakras?"
There's long-term balance (which, among other things, happens gradually in the course of The Work), and there's shorter term or maintenance level balancing.
For that, nonstrenuous pranayama - deep, regular, rhythmic breathing - usually does the trick.
I find concentration upon Anahata, the heart chakra, produces a general natural balance in my energy system, due to it being the middle chakra of the 7 (3-1-3). Concentrate upon the heart chakra, and then fix your attention to any others that feel underbalanced. Energy can be put into any of them by attention and some silent or vocal mantra, such as a seed syllable.
By the way (this isn't traditional), I use the order of the tarotic planets for my general chakra work, and this means you can use any letter of any major magickal alphabet as the seed syllable for the chakra:
#2 Mercury--Sahasrara
#3 Moon--Ajna
#4 Venus--Vishuddha
#11 Jupiter--Anahata
#17 Mars--Manipura
#20 Sun--Svadhisthana
#22 Saturn--MuladharaFor instance the 11th Rune Isa, the straight line, which I imagine in the blue of Jupiter in Anahata, connotes balance and equilibrium.
@Wizardiaoan said
"#2 Mercury--Sahasrara
#3 Moon--Ajna
#4 Venus--Vishuddha
#11 Jupiter--Anahata
#17 Mars--Manipura
#20 Sun--Svadhisthana
#22 Saturn--Muladhara"Recognizing that you said you weren't giving a traditional system, I still feel I should remark... the above IS the traditional system except that Sun is Anahatta, Mars Svadisthana, and Jupiter Manipura. That is, straight top-to-bottom on the Tree is straight top-to-bottom on the human body except that after stimulating Muladhara at Tav, the teaching has been to go next to Anahatta - opening and balancing the heart before the ego-intensive and potentially imbalancing forces of Svadisthana and Manipura are opened. (The whole initiatory model of the the G.D. and similar Qabalistic systems is based on this, whether the writers knew it at the time or not.)
Thanks Wizardiaoan. Inovative! I will try to experiment with the alphabet!
Has anyone tried hand mudras? I tried the mudra Crowley uses in the red painting showing him meditating in asana. A yogi told that it balances, enchances the brain. I used it in order not to be sent to trance and remember to ask questions. It worked.
I know it goes into magick but maybe some talisman or the ring in the Goetia would help. If it's used as a defense from daemons so maybe against people it would work too? I want to be as objective as I can but the energy of masters just sways everything away. I read Crowley's disciple Virakam? had the same problem being with him. He radiated so much energy it was hard to concentrate. -
@Jim Eshelman said
@Wizardiaoan said
"#2 Mercury--Sahasrara
#3 Moon--Ajna
#4 Venus--Vishuddha
#11 Jupiter--Anahata
#17 Mars--Manipura
#20 Sun--Svadhisthana
#22 Saturn--Muladhara"Recognizing that you said you weren't giving a traditional system, I still feel I should remark... the above IS the traditional system except that Sun is Anahatta, Mars Svadisthana, and Jupiter Manipura. That is, straight top-to-bottom on the Tree is straight top-to-bottom on the human body except that after stimulating Muladhara at Tav, the teaching has been to go next to Anahatta - opening and balancing the heart before the ego-intensive and potentially imbalancing forces of Svadisthana and Manipura are opened. (The whole initiatory model of the the G.D. and similar Qabalistic systems is based on this, whether the writers knew it at the time or not.)"
Jim I honestly didn't know what qualified as the "traditional" chakra correspondences, just that the word rarely applies to me
Thanks for pointing those out. I realize most will posit Anahata as Tiphareth/Sun due to the balance factor (though note 5 is the center of the Tetractys), but honestly Jupiter as Manipura doesn't seem ideal to me.
Note the tarot order schema is also generally in line with the serial progression of the Tree's spheres, rather than when the Tree is supplanted upon the body. Here is how I correspond the spheres to the chakras (again not traditional as above):
#2 Mercury--Sahasrara. Kether as top of head
#3 Moon--Ajna--Chokmah. May seem out of sync correspondingly, but the wealth of symbolism attached to "the third eye" allows the fit; also Chokmah as 2.
#4 Venus--Vishuddha. Fits well symbolically to Binah. Denotes the separation of head from body as the abyss, being at the throat or back of neck.
#11 Jupiter--Anahata. I really like these next three attributions, as they line up with the spheres perfectly. Chesed is Jupiter.
#17 Mars--Manipura. Geburah is Mars.
#20 Sun--Svadhisthana. Tiphareth is Sun.
#22 Saturn--Muladhara. I make this chakra a big zone composed of the last 4 spheres: Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Like Malkuth being said to possess the four elements, here Muladhara is seen to constitute the four lowest spheres.This allows me to equate the initatory path of the Tree to the chakras directly and sequentially too. It isn't my wish to unduly peddle this schema, I just like it a lot.
@Wizardiaoan said
"Jim I honestly didn't know what qualified as the "traditional" chakra correspondences,"
The planetary attributions we teach have been public in Qabalistic schools for most of a decade. They are encoded tightly into the GD rituals even though I don't believe the GD principals knew about them. They match very old Sanskrit attributions (per a scholar who read them in the original). They completely unlock The Apocalypse. Their applicability across different cultural expressions of the mysteries is extremely wide. I've taken them as standard and basic for close to 30 years.
"honestly Jupiter as Manipura doesn't seem ideal to me."
It's complex... but one thing to consider is that Manipura, aside from its (Jupiterian) relationship to the digestive system, serves much the same function energetically that the liver does biologically.
@Jim Eshelman said
"They match very old Sanskrit attributions (per a scholar who read them in the original)."
It's funny often how questions I investigate pop up on these fora a few days later. I was going through my desultory library and of course the internet to find a set of planet-to-chakra mappings that had roots in an Indian system, and found several. (The system Jim gives here I knew from reading GD-influenced sources.) I wonder, Jim, if you have more info on these "very old Sanskrit attributions" and where they came from.
@gmugmble said
"I wonder, Jim, if you have more info on these "very old Sanskrit attributions" and where they came from."
No. Back in the late '70s I was lecturing on the East Coast and had dinner in someone's home. They invited in and introduced me to a fellow who had been living in Indian for quite a while and studying in obscure places. In the course of conversation, I jotted down the planet attributions to the chakras on a napkin and he was shocked - telling me he hadn't met another Westerner who knew them. I said I knew quite a few Westerners who knew them, and asked where he knew them from. He said they were exactly what he'd learned from one of the old Sanskrit texts that hadn't been rendered into English as far as he knew. This led to some brief interesting discussion before the wine put our attention elsewhere.
@Jim Eshelman said
"They completely unlock The Apocalypse."
/Eep!!! In what respect generally?
I looked a bit into other attributions. David Hulse reiterates what Jim said about the the attributes here:
What is the source for this, some G.D. teaching?
And then here is a good summary of how various people aligned them:
It seems Case adopts the straight tarotic order that I have too. Dion Fortune's attributes are pretty weird. Ross Nichols has Sahasrara as Binah/Saturn and just goes down the Tree.
I wouldn't mind knowing the sources for Cases and the "traditional" attributions, if anyone knows what books they are in.