Interesting! So many ways to use energy...
@Modes said
"Why are there 3-4 attunements? Why can't the student after his first attunement go on clearing energy blocks all by himself? Why the extra 2-3 kicks?"
There is only ONE Reiki energy. Dr Usui (the founder) gave only ONE attunement (other people divided it up after his death).
Level ONE is the healing energy. Period.
Level TWO merely teaches one how to send the energy long-distance (and includes "creative manifestation" which could be confused with black magic). I have seen Level ONE people who can do Level TWO (send it afar) without undergoing the Level TWO ceremony (the so-called attunement).
Level THREE endows one with the ability to perform the attunements for other people (and collect the fee).
Level FOUR is another division like the one that chopped up the original single attunement. There is (theoretically) a MASTER level 3 (which is no stronger than Level ONE, and a MASTER TEACHER level 3 that some people like to call Level FOUR. I have seen Level ONE people who can perform the so-called Level 3 or 4 without undergoing the corresponding ceremony.
So in a way, your are right: For SOME people, only Level ONE is required and they seem to be able to work the rest out by themselves. But note that these people rarely experience the purging/discomfort after the Level 1 attunement. In other words, they are already "there" and are clear enough so that all they need is that initial input.
On the other hand, MOST people are stupid as a stick in these matters and they will need to pay for (and receive) all the levels.
Note that once one is past the Level 1 experience, any further training is NOT a matter of "clearing energy blocks," as all that has been dealt with already. Levels 2 & 3 merely add techniques, but do not increase the energy level.Reiki is the McDonald's of empowerment systems. The prototype for "empowerments" (Reiki uses the word "attunement") is the Tibetan Wang (empowerment ceremony) and there are lineages available here in the west that deliver transferred healing energy abilities that are 10 times stronger than Reiki. Along these lines, I have personally been fortunate enough to receive Wang directly from Tibetan Lamas
Although the Wang are similar to initiation ceremonies and can produce quite a kick, most of the "attunmenent" lineages are stepped-down reflections of the initiatory path. Here's a quote from something I once wrote in a flyer:
"Our discussion on "Empowerment" has been limited to the transference of healing energies and the "power" to transmit those same energies to other people, in limited, safe systems of delivery. These systems are ideal for practitioners who wish to enhance their healing skills and for all people who wish to balance themselves by working with energies and consciousness.
"However, there is a deeper form of Empowerment. It is not particularly limited nor safe, for it has few fixed rules and one is exposed to all the problems in the Universe. We liken the practices of healthcare and healing energy empowerment to what the Tibetans call, "The Long Path."
"But, there is also the other path, the "Short Path," the path of self- discipline; we call it "The Path of Initiation." We merely mention it, because Sirius is a reflection of that greater endeavor.
"In all, there are nine Levels of Sirius Empowerment, five Veil Openings, and three Enhancements."
Note that, unlike Reiki, Sirius offers progressively more expanded energy at each level. That is, Level 1 is physical energy (Malkuth), Level 2 is astral/emotional (Yesod), Level 3 is concrete mental (intellectual - Hod), Level 4 is manipulative mental (philosophical - Netzach), etc. Sirius degrees follow the Tree of Life, but they are NOT the A.'.A.'. initiations - they are stepped-down reflections of that system.
I am not trying to sell Sirius, I am simply giving food for thought and an indication of what's available along the Reiki lines.
Also, in a similar vein, SOME people only require a Neophyte 1=10 degree and all the rest unfolds. Even Perdurabo went thru the Neophyte ceremony, then streaked up through the other token outer order grades, attained to Tiphereth, and then overthrew the whole system in favor of a cleaner approach. In all this, he seems to have required that first initiation bestowed by Mathers, et al, and some personal input from his true mentor, Alan Bennett. Other than that, he probably didn't need help, initiations, attunements, or donations from anyone else. Well, yeah, there was Aiwass.
But there are very few initiates who make progress on the path who have not received at least the initial impulse (first degree) from someone else. Those who attempt "self-initiation" without (at least) that first, formal "zap" from another (and higher) initiate are usually deluding themselves. It just don't happen - except in rare circumstances, like true Avatars.
So (again) you are right. You can do it yourself (if you have the inherent capacity), but most cannot (because they have a lot more work to do). It all depends on who you are and (especially) who you were and what you had already accomplished before you elected or re-elected or were drafted to join the human race.
How do I know these things? I am an Independent Reiki Master Teacher, A Sirius Initiator, and an A.'.A.'. guy, and it is my pleasure to lay out some of these rather obscure concepts for your perusal.
10 times stronger! That sounds, well, oh, fantastic! Did you know... that nadis have to be developed gradualy and too much energy can destroy them. A steady inflow of energy strengthens them but a strong burst disbalances the whole energethical system. So there's realy no use for the 10x stronger energy in healing people.
To be honest it is realy hard to manage my Reiki initiation - thank God I know LBPR, MP and some other tricks. A even stronger initiation would end one in a mental institution. It's a big responsibility to be attuned. That's why there's a probatory period in A.:A.:.
And talking about A.:A.: - they don't sell spiritual things, including attunements. You do on your site. And you claim being a A.:A.: guy! It would be hilarious if it wasn't sad. I got the attunements for a donation - I would NEVER buy them.
Your other claims are a mixed bag and I don't have the time to expand on them. -
@Modes said
" 10 times stronger! That sounds, well, oh, fantastic! "
If you were here in my presence I could demonstrate that for you, just as I have done for many Reiki "Masters," who were all suitably impressed. There is no fantasy involved. I also have demonstrated it to about 300 of my students in medical and massage schools where I have taught. Most of those 300 also received the first empowerment ("attunement") in class without any fee. I give a lot of stuff away.
@Modes said
" Did you know... that nadis have to be developed gradualy and too much energy can destroy them. A steady inflow of energy strengthens them but a strong burst disbalances the whole energethical system. So there's realy [sic] no use for the 10x stronger energy in healing people. "
Yes, you are right. But your observations do not apply to the subjects of which I was speaking, which is (more or less) 10x but of a different quality altogether than the Reiki. As a licensed physician, I have seen this energy completely disperse cancer without any disruption, unbalancing, or other ill effects. So, perhaps you're preaching to the choir on this one.
@Modes said
" To be honest it is realy [sic] hard to manage my Reiki initiation - thank God I know LBPR, MP and some other tricks. A even stronger initiation would end one in a mental institution. It's a big responsibility to be attuned. "
If you say so. However, it leads one to wonder why you are having so much difficulty managing your Reiki. There are several possible explanations, but also no need to inquire about your personal issues and blockages on a public forum.
@Modes said
" That's why there's a probatory [sic] period in A.:A.:. "
Actually, the probationary period is for the Probationer to try the practices and to see if he or she wants to continue, and for the Order to assess the Probationer to see if he or she is capable of working by themselves. At least that's the way Crowley explained it.
@Modes said
" And talking about A.:A.: - they don't sell spiritual things, including attunements. You do on your site. "
Now you're getting things all mixed up. *One Star in Sight *very clearly states: "There is however an absolute prohibition to accept money or other material reward, directly or indirectly, in respect of any service connected with the Order, for personal profit or advantage." Please note that Reiki and/or Sirius and/or *attunements in general *and/or *Medical services *are services that are in no way "connected with the Order" known as the A.'.A.'.
I am not sure which one of my sites you are referring to. There is one site, maintained by myself as a licensed physician wherein a fee schedule for Reiki and Sirius empowerments is displayed - both a rather expensive "standard" fee schedule and a financially-impaired, discounted fee schedule which "normal" (not irresponsibly wealthy) people usually pay. As mentioned above, I have also given-away-for-free hundreds of attunements. I also list some herbs for sale at discounted rates, but that webpage is no longer even posted.
But so what? All this has absolutely nothing to do with the A.'.A.'., and all A.'.A.'. material is freely distributed by me and my associates without even the token fee usually required for Liber A, B, C, etc. So why are you in such a snit over this?@Modes said
" It would be hilarious if it wasn't sad. "
It is hilarious, isn't it. It's all a game, it's all part of the Universal Joke that you seem to not be getting, because you're obviously unhappy about my "claims" (that I can prove anytime you want to drop by), about my "sales" (that have nothing to do with the A.'.A.'.), and whether my 10x energy will destroy my, or someone else's, nervous system or sanity (which is none of your business).
@Modes said
" I got the attunements for a donation - I would NEVER buy them. "
Whenever the words "never" or "always" are used, it usually denotes imprinted, childhood traumatic complexes.
@Modes said
" Your other claims are a mixed bag and I don't have the time to expand on them. "
Well, aren't you special? Special? Yes! Modest? Hardly!
Thanks for pointing out my typos.
It's not a complex - I'm naive. You never thought that young people have this black/white view?
Well, to prove that I'm specialy modest with you I will write a long answer to your post. -
@Sphynx said
"If you were here in my presence I could demonstrate that for you"
...last I checked Universal Life Force Energy wasn't limited by temporal space
@KRVB MMShCh said
"...last I checked Universal Life Force Energy wasn't limited by temporal space"
You are absolutely correct, and the long-distance transmission is engaged from here on a regular basis - with sincere recipients - but certainly not with a recalcitrant participant on a semi-public forum, who has already taken a condescending position.
Also, the long-distance transmission does not move through the aethyrs in its full manifestation unless the recipient has already been in the physical presence of the transmitter and received the application of the "absentee" symbol. That's the way it works. And if whoever or whatever you checked with said this is not true, and said one can simply apply the full scope of the energies to anyone, anywhere and get the same results with a resistant recipient as with a client who has already been "pre-linked," then we can furnish you with endless lists of patients in nearby hospitals and you can go to work. Heck, why stop there? You can just broadcast the ULF to everyone on the planet and we can read about it the next day in the newspaper (or see it on CNN) when all the disease disappears.
The ULF Energy is not limited by temporal space if certain conditions are met (see above for the general outline). This entire matter revolves around the same conditions that apply to a "magickal link," and, as you have undoubtedly read in "Magick," there are some subtle factors at work in this often-misunderstood subject.
Please ensure that you know what you're talking about before you use the rolling
eyes emoticon. The ability to know what is true or possible is based upon experience - not theoretical, wishful thinking. Thank you for your observation.
@Sphynx said
"but certainly not with a recalcitrant participant on a semi-public forum, who has already taken a condescending position."
- Modest's condescention merely echoed your own...
- Why would you refuse treatment to anyone?
"The highest excellence is like (that of) water. The excellence of water appears in its benefiting all things, and in its occupying, without striving (to the contrary), the low place which all men dislike. Hence (its way) is near to (that of) the Tao." - Tao Te Ching, v. 8
"The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike" - Matt. 5:45
In all of your rambling you have managed to do little more than attempt to place your own personal limits on an infinite principle.
@Sphynx said
"Please ensure that you know what you're talking about before you use the rolling eyes emoticon."
@Sphynx said
"Reiki is the McDonald's of empowerment systems."
Oh great - an energy snob.
...I won't even bother responding to the rest of the pompous shit you've regurgitated...
@KRVB MMShCh said
"Modest's condescention merely echoed your own... "
Modest indicated that he/she was experiencing difficulties from a recent "empowerment," and thus qualified him/her self a a relative beginner. If I spoke from decades of Reiki/Empowerment/Medical experience, then perhaps I was assuming my teacher role. I believe teaching is different from condescending, for in the latter one pretends to be "better than" the recipient. I am no "better" than Modest, but I do have more experience.
@KRVB MMShCh said
"Why would you refuse treatment to anyone? "
Who refused anything? Nobody asked for anything, especially "treatment." One must first ask before one can be refused.
On the other hand, I indicated that the full effect would not be felt unless the recipient had already been personally "tagged" with the "absentee" symbol on-site. And since that has not occurred, then all the rest of this talk-talk is meaningless.
I did, more or less, offer to demonstrate the energy if Modest were in my presence, and you know, if he/she really wanted that demo, and would ask for directions, and was able to get here, I would happily do it.
But Modest appears to be in Lithuania, which a long ways from my abode.@KRVB MMShCh said
"In all of your rambling you have managed to do little more than attempt to place your own personal limits on an infinite principle. "
Rambling? I guess you weren't paying attention.
What "infinite principle?" If you knew anything about any "infinite principle" and were able to apply it, you would be doing just that and not provoking discord on a semi-public forum. There are "universal principles" that apply to energy - these are not "personal limits."There is nothing "infinite" going on - unless you're a space cadet, head in the clouds, romantic. Come down to earth! What works, works! What is theoretical, wishful thinking is illusion. I still can furnish that list of hospital patients anytime you want to demonstrate your mastery of the "infinite."
@Sphynx said
"Please ensure that you know what you're talking about before you use the rolling eyes
Did you know that rolling eyes are a sign of contempt? Shame on you!
@Sphynx said
"What "infinite principle?""
Fohat, Prana, Qi, Ki, Universal Life Force Energy, etc...
@Sphynx said
"If you knew anything about any "infinite principle" and were able to apply it, you would be doing just that and not provoking discord on a semi-public forum."
funny...I was thinking the exact same thing regarding your discordial interruption of our discussion of Reiki with your shameless self-promotion. If you wish to discuss Sirius or whatever it is you're selling, then start a thread for it...
"There are "universal principles" that apply to energy - these are not "personal limits.""
If it is a limit, then it is personal.
"Man is the measure of all things." - Protagoras
"I still can furnish that list of hospital patients anytime you want to demonstrate your mastery of the "infinite.""
While mastery of the Usui system may have been discussed, at no time did the discussion of the mastery of Ki enter our exchange...that invention is yours & was introduced with your advertisment. If you're going to disrupt a thread then at least try to base your disruption on the material that is present.
@Red Eagle of Death said
...I won't even bother responding..."
All this and a foul mouth as well. Thank Zeus you are limiting your responses.
Are you actually allowed to use those derogatory 4-letter words on a relatively civil and refined forum?
Ah well, you show your true nature by your actions.KRVB MMShCh wrote: "β¦whatever it is you're sellingβ¦ "
Goodness, it was specifically stated that there was nothing for sale, but rather was the introduction to some concepts to broaden your horizon(s). If you chased down some additional information on some obscure website, I have no idea where you got the link (?)
Anyway, even if you now wanted to beg, borrow or steal your way into any lineage, system or concept that has been introduced, you would find your application in the "reject" pile.
Of course, all this misunderstanding is my fault. I should have known better than to engage in expanded communication with posters who are probably no more than 16 years of age.
"Enter the Silence, O Lanoo, and respond no more to the foul-mouthed and the contemptuous."
- paraphrased from Mme. BlavatskyGo ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word. I shall not be here to read it though. Explicit Heruhaha finis et Aquila expungum et ShCh carborundum a nihilo.
@Sphynx said
"Go ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word. I shall not be here to read it though."
That's a relief!
...& so mellowdramatic
No, your kung fu cannot be stronger than mine...! Your penis cannot be larger than mine either...!
We must now attempt to ridicule and destroy you...!
We are monkeys, not men, and that's what we do.
"There is only ONE Reiki energy. Dr Usui (the founder) gave only ONE attunement (other people divided it up after his death). "
Yes, I believe so, but I have to experiment with the level I people using Reiki symbols.
"Note that once one is past the Level 1 experience, any further training is NOT a matter of "clearing energy blocks," as all that has been dealt with already. Levels 2 & 3 merely add techniques, but do not increase the energy level. "
Level II and III attunements further remove blocks because the removal of blocks is not a one day process. Even the removed blocks in level I can be blocked again so further attunements are beneficial BECAUSE the more blocks you remove the stronger Reiki flows. So the II & III attunements practically do increase the energy level.
"Reiki is the McDonald's of empowerment systems. The prototype for "empowerments" (Reiki uses the word "attunement") is the Tibetan Wang (empowerment ceremony) and there are lineages available here in the west that deliver transferred healing energy abilities that are 10 times stronger than Reiki. Along these lines, I have personally been fortunate enough to receive Wang directly from Tibetan Lamas "
Yes, there are variuos empowerments given from masters to disciples but it all sums up in the energy body doctrine (i.e. seven bodies). They clear some specific blocks that make people more beautiful, wise, money attracting & stuff. To sum up they manipulate the energy body to some cause. No matter what empowerment you have it works because you do not have some blocks in you energy body. The more blocks removed the stronger the energy flow. I repeat - the more blocks you remove (The Lamas you say remove a lot) the stronger the energy flow and that can cause emotional, karmic, even physical pain to the new initiate. It is definitely not wise to remove too many blocks at once.
The 10x claim is so subjective - you just can't objectively claim that with a number. But I give it a go.
If I clear more blocks than you my energy flow will be lets say... 2x stronger than yours.
That's all to it - no need for a Lama or a Papa or a Saint - but the story about Lama Xin is financially beneficial or can you tell something traceable about him?
" Sirius has been transmitted for aeons through an unbroken lineage of Initiators. The lineage was introduced to the western world in 1985 by a Tibetan known to us only as Lama Xin (this is a title of his function and not his personal name)."
"I am not trying to sell Sirius, I am simply giving food for thought and an indication of what's available along the Reiki lines. "
Yes, you may have a working system of removing blocks that is more beneficial than Reiki attunements. But to be honest there is no need for a Reiki practitioner to get more empowerments because he can remove his blocks effectively by himself without causing an upheaval in his energy body.
"But there are very few initiates who make progress on the path who have not received at least the initial impulse (first degree) from someone else. Those who attempt "self-initiation" without (at least) that first, formal "zap" from another (and higher) initiate are usually deluding themselves. It just don't happen - except in rare circumstances, like true Avatars. "
Agree, it's good to be helped by someone but it is relatively easy to initiate oneself and it is not a delusion nor rare. I think you being a Reiki, Sirius Master, A.'.A.'. guy should know that and your hyperbolical treatment of this topic shows that you are trying to sell something.
"So (again) you are right. You can do it yourself (if you have the inherent capacity), but most cannot (because they have a lot more work to do). It all depends on who you are and (especially) who you were and what you had already accomplished before you elected or re-elected or were drafted to join the human race. "
So you say you know most of the people on this planet?
Please, don't use some illusion like "most people" to back up your claims.
"If you were here in my presence I could demonstrate that for you, just as I have done for many Reiki "Masters," who were all suitably impressed."
I believie you - it's logical. You removed more blocks from yourself than they. Any Reiki, ki, chi practitioner could show that to me. I'm new to energy work so anyone with more energy - could show me his l33t 10x powerz.
"Yes, you are right. But your observations do not apply to the subjects of which I was speaking, which is (more or less) 10x but of a different quality altogether than the Reiki. As a licensed physician, I have seen this energy completely disperse cancer without any disruption, unbalancing, or other ill effects."
Quality depends on you i.e. the one that transmits the energy not on the energy itself. You claim to cure cancer - I haven't heard anyone claim doing it with energy manipulation and no studies so far about it. Well I leave it for people to decide.
"However, it leads one to wonder why you are having so much difficulty managing your Reiki."
Why wonder? It's natural that it is not easy to control when your whole life you didn't know about it. Are you realy a teacher?
"Actually, the probationary period is for the Probationer to try the practices and to see if he or she wants to continue, and for the Order to assess the Probationer to see if he or she is capable of working by themselves. At least that's the way Crowley explained it."
Yes - to see if he or she is capable of working by themselves. Because when you get initiated you have to work with yourself a lot or you feel the disbalances on yourself and suffer accordingly. That's my Reiki practice.
"I am not sure which one of my sites you are referring to."
""There is however an absolute prohibition to accept money or other material reward, directly or indirectly, in respect of any service connected with the Order, for personal profit or advantage." Please note that Reiki and/or Sirius and/or attunements in general and/or Medical services are services that are in no way "connected with the Order" known as the A.'.A.'."
Reiki/Sirius - any energy manipulation is a spiritual thing - if you practice the A.:A.: material you get better at it. And you sell your energy manipulation abilities to people wich you gained partly by being an A.:A.: guy and partly by being a Reiki/Sirius master. It's like being a 6=5 in A.:A.: and selling people the services of Lucifer & co. Do you understand?
On the other hand being a medic has little to do with the A.:A.: so it's ok. If you sold tinctures that were taught to you by the A.:A.: that would be a breach of the no profit policy. That's how I understand it."You are absolutely correct, and the long-distance transmission is engaged from here on a regular basis - with sincere recipients - but certainly not with a recalcitrant participant on a semi-public forum, who has already taken a condescending position. "
Well, sorry that I seem to be such an ass. I try to be not. Really.
"Also, the long-distance transmission does not move through the aethyrs in its full manifestation unless the recipient has already been in the physical presence of the transmitter and received the application of the "absentee" symbol. That's the way it works. And if whoever or whatever you checked with said this is not true, and said one can simply apply the full scope of the energies to anyone, anywhere and get the same results with a resistant recipient as with a client who has already been "pre-linked," then we can furnish you with endless lists of patients in nearby hospitals and you can go to work. Heck, why stop there? You can just broadcast the ULF to everyone on the planet and we can read about it the next day in the newspaper (or see it on CNN) when all the disease disappears. "
A guy, 15 years old, who knew me only in irc and only my irc name, I think level I or II Reiki practitioner sent me energy and I felt it. In those days I had done zero practical spiritual work. He healed my headache (I can't remember if he did it temporarily). Of course being familiar and relaxed helps but it is possible to heal, manipulate even if the person is unwilling or does not know that you are healing him. I done that and I have seen many yogis, krishnaites, oshists do the same. The scope of healing is defined by your energy body. All the things you mention are possible but when you grow that powerful you understand that there's no use in healing all the world.
"Goodness, it was specifically stated that there was nothing for sale, but rather was the introduction to some concepts to broaden your horizon(s). If you chased down some additional information on some obscure website, I have no idea where you got the link (?) "
I haven't found anyone else advertising the Sirius system. So, if you're the only one writting about it and selling it it's a kind of promotion.
"Anyway, even if you now wanted to beg, borrow or steal your way into any lineage, system or concept that has been introduced, you would find your application in the "reject" pile. "
You mean I can't join A.:A.: now?
"Go ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word."
IHVH or better still IHShVH.
All in all, you have valid points but they are stirred to the point of money not truth.
@Sphynx said
"Go ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word."
@Modes said
...that's good stuff
I know the Darth Vader choke hold--that's why Sphynx isn't replying
I'm sure Sphynx meant well - he just came off a bit condescending...
Wizardiaoan, how much for the Darth Vader choke hold empowerment?
Yes, Sphynx ment well. He brought a curious idea to my mind.
How do masters manipulate the energy body to correspond to some empowerment?
As I understand they activate some points in the body by removing blocks and so the points radiate some type of energy (macrocosm influx to microcosm) which gives some qualities-abilities to the person. It reminds me about the term siddhi. One can train a lot of them but they are obstacles to the final enlightement, well, because, one uses them forgetting the final goal. Crowley mentions when one crosses the Abyss one has to give up all his powers or stay and be a Black Brother with all his toys. I'm begining to understand why Crowley loved Taoism. Love is the law, love under will. -
@KRVB MMShCh said
"I'm sure Sphynx meant well - he just came off a bit condescending...
I thought he came off as trying to be informative and helpful, showing the inter-relationships between several schools and techniques of energy manipulation.
But then again, I don't have any "powers" to be insecure about, so... maybe I missed something...