@Red Eagle of Death said
...I won't even bother responding..."
All this and a foul mouth as well. Thank Zeus you are limiting your responses.
Are you actually allowed to use those derogatory 4-letter words on a relatively civil and refined forum?
Ah well, you show your true nature by your actions.KRVB MMShCh wrote: "…whatever it is you're selling… "
Goodness, it was specifically stated that there was nothing for sale, but rather was the introduction to some concepts to broaden your horizon(s). If you chased down some additional information on some obscure website, I have no idea where you got the link (?)
Anyway, even if you now wanted to beg, borrow or steal your way into any lineage, system or concept that has been introduced, you would find your application in the "reject" pile.
Of course, all this misunderstanding is my fault. I should have known better than to engage in expanded communication with posters who are probably no more than 16 years of age.
"Enter the Silence, O Lanoo, and respond no more to the foul-mouthed and the contemptuous."
- paraphrased from Mme. BlavatskyGo ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word. I shall not be here to read it though. Explicit Heruhaha finis et Aquila expungum et ShCh carborundum a nihilo.
@Sphynx said
"Go ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word. I shall not be here to read it though."
That's a relief!
...& so mellowdramatic
No, your kung fu cannot be stronger than mine...! Your penis cannot be larger than mine either...!
We must now attempt to ridicule and destroy you...!
We are monkeys, not men, and that's what we do.
"There is only ONE Reiki energy. Dr Usui (the founder) gave only ONE attunement (other people divided it up after his death). "
Yes, I believe so, but I have to experiment with the level I people using Reiki symbols.
"Note that once one is past the Level 1 experience, any further training is NOT a matter of "clearing energy blocks," as all that has been dealt with already. Levels 2 & 3 merely add techniques, but do not increase the energy level. "
Level II and III attunements further remove blocks because the removal of blocks is not a one day process. Even the removed blocks in level I can be blocked again so further attunements are beneficial BECAUSE the more blocks you remove the stronger Reiki flows. So the II & III attunements practically do increase the energy level.
"Reiki is the McDonald's of empowerment systems. The prototype for "empowerments" (Reiki uses the word "attunement") is the Tibetan Wang (empowerment ceremony) and there are lineages available here in the west that deliver transferred healing energy abilities that are 10 times stronger than Reiki. Along these lines, I have personally been fortunate enough to receive Wang directly from Tibetan Lamas "
Yes, there are variuos empowerments given from masters to disciples but it all sums up in the energy body doctrine (i.e. seven bodies). They clear some specific blocks that make people more beautiful, wise, money attracting & stuff. To sum up they manipulate the energy body to some cause. No matter what empowerment you have it works because you do not have some blocks in you energy body. The more blocks removed the stronger the energy flow. I repeat - the more blocks you remove (The Lamas you say remove a lot) the stronger the energy flow and that can cause emotional, karmic, even physical pain to the new initiate. It is definitely not wise to remove too many blocks at once.
The 10x claim is so subjective - you just can't objectively claim that with a number. But I give it a go.
If I clear more blocks than you my energy flow will be lets say... 2x stronger than yours.
That's all to it - no need for a Lama or a Papa or a Saint - but the story about Lama Xin is financially beneficial or can you tell something traceable about him?
" Sirius has been transmitted for aeons through an unbroken lineage of Initiators. The lineage was introduced to the western world in 1985 by a Tibetan known to us only as Lama Xin (this is a title of his function and not his personal name)."
"I am not trying to sell Sirius, I am simply giving food for thought and an indication of what's available along the Reiki lines. "
Yes, you may have a working system of removing blocks that is more beneficial than Reiki attunements. But to be honest there is no need for a Reiki practitioner to get more empowerments because he can remove his blocks effectively by himself without causing an upheaval in his energy body.
"But there are very few initiates who make progress on the path who have not received at least the initial impulse (first degree) from someone else. Those who attempt "self-initiation" without (at least) that first, formal "zap" from another (and higher) initiate are usually deluding themselves. It just don't happen - except in rare circumstances, like true Avatars. "
Agree, it's good to be helped by someone but it is relatively easy to initiate oneself and it is not a delusion nor rare. I think you being a Reiki, Sirius Master, A.'.A.'. guy should know that and your hyperbolical treatment of this topic shows that you are trying to sell something.
"So (again) you are right. You can do it yourself (if you have the inherent capacity), but most cannot (because they have a lot more work to do). It all depends on who you are and (especially) who you were and what you had already accomplished before you elected or re-elected or were drafted to join the human race. "
So you say you know most of the people on this planet?
Please, don't use some illusion like "most people" to back up your claims.
"If you were here in my presence I could demonstrate that for you, just as I have done for many Reiki "Masters," who were all suitably impressed."
I believie you - it's logical. You removed more blocks from yourself than they. Any Reiki, ki, chi practitioner could show that to me. I'm new to energy work so anyone with more energy - could show me his l33t 10x powerz.
"Yes, you are right. But your observations do not apply to the subjects of which I was speaking, which is (more or less) 10x but of a different quality altogether than the Reiki. As a licensed physician, I have seen this energy completely disperse cancer without any disruption, unbalancing, or other ill effects."
Quality depends on you i.e. the one that transmits the energy not on the energy itself. You claim to cure cancer - I haven't heard anyone claim doing it with energy manipulation and no studies so far about it. Well I leave it for people to decide.
"However, it leads one to wonder why you are having so much difficulty managing your Reiki."
Why wonder? It's natural that it is not easy to control when your whole life you didn't know about it. Are you realy a teacher?
"Actually, the probationary period is for the Probationer to try the practices and to see if he or she wants to continue, and for the Order to assess the Probationer to see if he or she is capable of working by themselves. At least that's the way Crowley explained it."
Yes - to see if he or she is capable of working by themselves. Because when you get initiated you have to work with yourself a lot or you feel the disbalances on yourself and suffer accordingly. That's my Reiki practice.
"I am not sure which one of my sites you are referring to."
""There is however an absolute prohibition to accept money or other material reward, directly or indirectly, in respect of any service connected with the Order, for personal profit or advantage." Please note that Reiki and/or Sirius and/or attunements in general and/or Medical services are services that are in no way "connected with the Order" known as the A.'.A.'."
Reiki/Sirius - any energy manipulation is a spiritual thing - if you practice the A.:A.: material you get better at it. And you sell your energy manipulation abilities to people wich you gained partly by being an A.:A.: guy and partly by being a Reiki/Sirius master. It's like being a 6=5 in A.:A.: and selling people the services of Lucifer & co. Do you understand?
On the other hand being a medic has little to do with the A.:A.: so it's ok. If you sold tinctures that were taught to you by the A.:A.: that would be a breach of the no profit policy. That's how I understand it."You are absolutely correct, and the long-distance transmission is engaged from here on a regular basis - with sincere recipients - but certainly not with a recalcitrant participant on a semi-public forum, who has already taken a condescending position. "
Well, sorry that I seem to be such an ass. I try to be not. Really.
"Also, the long-distance transmission does not move through the aethyrs in its full manifestation unless the recipient has already been in the physical presence of the transmitter and received the application of the "absentee" symbol. That's the way it works. And if whoever or whatever you checked with said this is not true, and said one can simply apply the full scope of the energies to anyone, anywhere and get the same results with a resistant recipient as with a client who has already been "pre-linked," then we can furnish you with endless lists of patients in nearby hospitals and you can go to work. Heck, why stop there? You can just broadcast the ULF to everyone on the planet and we can read about it the next day in the newspaper (or see it on CNN) when all the disease disappears. "
A guy, 15 years old, who knew me only in irc and only my irc name, I think level I or II Reiki practitioner sent me energy and I felt it. In those days I had done zero practical spiritual work. He healed my headache (I can't remember if he did it temporarily). Of course being familiar and relaxed helps but it is possible to heal, manipulate even if the person is unwilling or does not know that you are healing him. I done that and I have seen many yogis, krishnaites, oshists do the same. The scope of healing is defined by your energy body. All the things you mention are possible but when you grow that powerful you understand that there's no use in healing all the world.
"Goodness, it was specifically stated that there was nothing for sale, but rather was the introduction to some concepts to broaden your horizon(s). If you chased down some additional information on some obscure website, I have no idea where you got the link (?) "
I haven't found anyone else advertising the Sirius system. So, if you're the only one writting about it and selling it it's a kind of promotion.
"Anyway, even if you now wanted to beg, borrow or steal your way into any lineage, system or concept that has been introduced, you would find your application in the "reject" pile. "
You mean I can't join A.:A.: now?
"Go ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word."
IHVH or better still IHShVH.
All in all, you have valid points but they are stirred to the point of money not truth.
@Sphynx said
"Go ahead. Make your post. Have the last (4-letter) word."
@Modes said
...that's good stuff
I know the Darth Vader choke hold--that's why Sphynx isn't replying
I'm sure Sphynx meant well - he just came off a bit condescending...
Wizardiaoan, how much for the Darth Vader choke hold empowerment?
Yes, Sphynx ment well. He brought a curious idea to my mind.
How do masters manipulate the energy body to correspond to some empowerment?
As I understand they activate some points in the body by removing blocks and so the points radiate some type of energy (macrocosm influx to microcosm) which gives some qualities-abilities to the person. It reminds me about the term siddhi. One can train a lot of them but they are obstacles to the final enlightement, well, because, one uses them forgetting the final goal. Crowley mentions when one crosses the Abyss one has to give up all his powers or stay and be a Black Brother with all his toys. I'm begining to understand why Crowley loved Taoism. Love is the law, love under will. -
@KRVB MMShCh said
"I'm sure Sphynx meant well - he just came off a bit condescending...
I thought he came off as trying to be informative and helpful, showing the inter-relationships between several schools and techniques of energy manipulation.
But then again, I don't have any "powers" to be insecure about, so... maybe I missed something...
@Frater_AVV said
"But then again, I don't have any "powers" to be insecure about, so..."
...that you're aware of
@Frater_AVV said
"maybe I missed something..."
maybe - but I thought him pompous & condescending...
Qi is Qi. Where energy work is concerned one either has blockages or they don' isn't necessary to change schools of thought for the purpose of removing blockages if the one you are working with already provides you with the tools to do so - perhaps the practitioner is not utilizing the available tools, or is not employing them properly...
You hit the nail on the head with your "your kung fu cannot be stronger than mine" remark...regardless of which school of 'kung fu' is in question, we're still talking about a given style, simply a localized manifestation of the global concept of combat. The execution of the style in question still depends on the skill, or in this case the clarity, of the employer.
"as brothers fight ye...!"
From my perspective, someone who has spent a lot of time and energy researching these things has simply shared his experience.
Those who had not had the same experiences then began to feel slighted by the "10 times greater" comment and then commenced to try to "take him down a notch" by instantly resorting to insult.
I'm all for being skeptical, but the reaction was that of an insulted child, not a skeptical scientist.
"10 times stronger! That sounds, well, oh, fantastic! Did you know... that nadis have to be developed gradualy and too much energy can destroy them. A steady inflow of energy strengthens them but a strong burst disbalances the whole energethical system. So there's realy no use for the 10x stronger energy in healing people."
The actual quote was "deliver *transferred healing energy abilities *that are 10 times stronger than Reiki." What was suggested was that the *abilities * are 10 times more effective or efficient, not that 10 times as much power was implemented.
"To be honest it is realy hard to manage my Reiki initiation - thank God I know LBPR, MP and some other tricks. A even stronger initiation would end one in a mental institution. It's a big responsibility to be attuned. That's why there's a probatory period in A.:A.:. "
The same mistake is made here again, this time regarding 10 times stronger initiation...
"And talking about A.:A.: - they don't sell spiritual things, including attunements. You do on your site. And you claim being a A.:A.: guy! It would be hilarious if it wasn't sad. I got the attunements for a donation - I would NEVER buy them. "
Sphynx handled the ethical question well enough on his own.
"Your other claims are a mixed bag and I don't have the time to expand on them"
Seriously...? Please...
Be curious. Be skeptical. Ask difficult and intelligent questions. The rest is just puerile.
@KRVB MMShCh said
"I thought him pompous & condescending..."
Ditto. With all that supposed great energy work there should have been a jovial booning & harmonization of the emotional body, not a person that insults everyone then storms off an internet chat board lol. All that empowerment stuff rings pretty phony to me, I picked up on the egoic restriction of the universal force too. For instance: "There is only ONE Reiki energy. Dr. Usui (the founder) gave only ONE attunement (other people divided it up after his death)." That whole thinking is flawed. This is saying Dr. Ursui limited the universal energy and then passed it on, where people further broke it up...sounds a lot like Choronzon to me. Every one should seek out the unbound universal energy themselves. It seems the teaching is just how to harness, move, and control it.
Frater AVV, read my long post. It explains the theory behind energy work. Better still Robert Bruce free energy work manual or his Astral Dynamics. There is no mistake.
Wizardiaoan, I thought it phony too but, eh, it works. But yes, it's chi, ki, prana (Ever heard about initiation using MP?).
I read some Indian schools, Michael Bertriaux schools work with empowerments.
Yes, Reiki teaches energy manipulation methods. Everyone should be able to apply them if they have cleared enough blocks to transmit a strong enough current to heal. -
So, the real debate is about the 10x as strong?
Because, and I hope I'm following the logic here, a properly "cleared" channel is simply a cleared channel. The level of effectiveness depends on how clear the channels are, so saying that one method is more "powerful" than the other is faulty simply by the nature of the process and the energy that flows... Am I correct?
So... ranking one system above the other either implies a non-existent energetic hierarchy (i.e. energy "direct from Tibetan Lamas in an unbroken chain" is naturally stronger energy).
OR, it means that someone is zapping the crap out of someone else in a way that seems too "all at once" and too likely to cause extreme imbalances or to "short-circuit" someone.
AND *his own *statements that the three Sirius empowerments are related to the three Grades of Initiation, only without all the fuss of psycho-religio-spiritual development, implies to his potential customers that he is "selling" the same spiritual Initiations to anyone who can pay. But since it is within a different "system" he feels justified in doing this.
This is what everyone sees? Because I'm not *unwilling *to take off my Devil's Advocate horns...
AVV, essentially yes. We were not talking about effectiveness which depends on the method (just try to balance the energy body, charge it) but about power which depends on cleared blocks-the development of energy body (done by yourself or other).
The thing is that one can't claim any general numbers in energy manipulation because it's hard to measure it.
Am I not repeating myself? I know, it's my fault that I wrote a long reply post...
Not "OR" but "AND". Not only initiations (from the energy body side, not the method) but his ability to manipulate energy which he developed in A.:A.:. Mr. Devil tell me which Lama sells his empowerments?
AVV, you make my lithuanian head spin! -
I don't doubt that it works a little bit, this willing initiation upon one. There is some of this in modern magickal ceremonial initiations. I have tried it myself, so where I can contact, perceive, or talk to the higher self of a person. I can Will for instance by touching your forehead and uttering my Word Xrusos "gold" that your energy body harmonizes to be in rapport with Nuit, or in other words that it straightens and frees itself out. It works energetically for a short while, but then that person goes back to being them. It's kind of like jump starting a car, if the engine is bad it'll putter out again. In all cases it is best for the individual to do the work themselves. A possible negative consequence as has been mentioned is that you are driven insane with a taste of higher initiation than you could internalize and stabilize. Also, as I say below there is a lot of confusion between self and other early on too.
As far as initiation by empowerments, that will never work. It's like 1% the formal ritual and 99% individual effort. Only you can build your engine right. I'm not saying healthy relationships aren't great, only that one shouldn't rely on another. Note Jung did call his process "individuation"; there is a lot of breaking through early self-identification with stereotypes to perceiving the real or actual self, thus self actualization or self realization.
An old saying of mine is "You need nothing to attain, and nothing is all you need," implying the naked human body and Samadhi upon 0 is all that is needed.
I'd take a great massage over an empowerment
Wizardiaoan - bingo! But a initiation into an order by others, is an empowerment i.e. they concecrate you, work your chakras with god-forms & stuff. It gives an initial kick. But, yes, it's good to work it yourself not relying on others but being in "healthly relationship".
Oh, Wizardiaoan, no need for a word to tune people just build up a lot of energy and people chakras will spin in accord to yours. See Sai Baba etc.I made a topic about that because I hate spinning according to some master but my master (which is myself at the moment).
So what if the guy sounded condescending? He seemed interesting. But I can see how it might raise the hackles of a spiritual alpha dog.
Reiki is a school of thought and it teach you how to direct your emotion and the others emotion.
Since I have nothing to argue about I guess I'm taking this thread offtopic.
Many years ago (...about 16 or so) I took up studying with a quiet asian woman who had got my attention. I was a major 'skeptic' about, well, everything at the time, except that years of self-hypnosis work, and study of PLR's, had kind of cracked my mind open just a little. I was watching this video she was in as part of documentation I was doing for a researcher I was studying with (far less woo-woo things); he had invited her to present at some point in the previous few years so one of the vids had her in it. I was half ignoring it, playing guitar, when suddenly it felt like some thick energy reached through my whole skull and back of neck with warm-fuzzies. I gasped and looked up at the screen (by coincidence, I was in front of it) and she had just put her hands over the head of someone, doing what she called "a healing". This kept on until she stopped. I watched the video six times, feeling it each time though a little less each time. I was completely blown away, spending the first three watches arguing with myself about how I HAD to be imagining it.
Finally I got her address and sent her a letter saying, what can I do for you, to get you to teach me whatever the hell it is you're doing in that video? We met at her house and she did some "energy work" on me. I could SEE gold sparkly energy pouring into my forehead through her hands, I was so amazed. At that particular time period I was temporarily poor, but she said, the universe brought you to me, apparently you're my project--just show up. (The poverty resolved, in great part thanks to massive archetype work I did with her, that radically changed my life in so many ways.) I studied with her for ~1.5+ years and we became close friends, I lived with her six months at one point. We did mostly archetype meditations (ref Steinbrecher style, a Jungian/shamanic thing) and hands-on energy work.
She didn't do Reiki, or Sirius, or... whatever. I guess we were motley mutts with no lineage. Although we worked with color (and sometimes spontaneous visions or... communications with others internally... would provide certain shapes or concepts for us to channel energy "through"), for the most part it was pretty straightforward. It took a lot of constant daily work on all my chakras before I could really feel them and feel subtleties in them though. I thought I was making it all up for awhile.
I never was quite like the few others we worked with; my archetypes were very offbeat comparatively. And when I did energy work on people I almost never had any sense of whatever event or emotional cause was behind something. Maybe it's because I came in a skeptic and not the most emotionally flowing person in the world. (Virgo x4 and both Venus and Mars in Scorpio, Aries rising, Taurus moon -- I was surrounded by Aquarians, Pisces and Libras, fortunately, who more than made up for my lack of gushing woo-woo ness.) Or maybe it's because both then and now I really don't care.
I see it kind of like a mechanic; yes, my reality is my symbolic creation based on inner energetic relationships, sure; if my car breaks, it has a deeper meaning; but my mechanic just uses a wrench and fixes it. He doesn't need to care what caused the trauma, he just needs to know how to fix it. I see healing like that. I don't really want to get into people's personal dramas, although if they're with me in person I will listen while I work. I feel the shapes and hooks and blocks and such that are not righteous and I work on fixing them, with prayer and energy pulled through the crown (and sometimes hands) and output usually via the chakras particularly heart and a few other details.
It didn't seem like rocket science, though it was often powerful and moving and certainly affected me as much as the people; on the best days, I was hardly there, and it was really 'holy'. It took awhile of healing everything and everyone every waking hour (I experimented on the seagulls. If I could get one to come down, land by me, and walk around for a few minutes, just by focusing on him, I figured whatever I was doing was working) to get there though.
Given the amount of Officially Cosmic Experts I've seen go on about this topic (including the Reiki vs. ___ -- a debate I've seen elsewhere), I guess I must have missed something important though. I don't think I ever had an Officially-Official-Initiation. Unless all the weird stuff counts. Not from people and in this reality anyway.
For me it's mostly just a shape+feel thing in practice. I sense geometries, usually, feels rather like the IS-ness language that is felt inside. The only personal info I ever got about people I was working on is the intuitively obvious stuff. (Eg if there is a large barbed metal-feeling hook in someone's 2nd chakra, it doesn't take a genius to know that sexual abuse is in there, or violence if in the first chakra, or manipulatory guilt in the heart -- I didn't even know much about what the chakras meant back then, but that much felt obvious and proved itself true enough times for feedback. By the time I learned something about the chakras intellectually it was like, "duh."). So I think I might be a little retarded on that point since others I've known get a lot of emotional info I don't.
The rapport work when you do stuff with someone at a distance is good practice and feeds well into remote viewing and other psychic work for people into that. That's about the only good it did me later when away from it.
But my life changed drastically after several years of mindblowing weirdness (, much of which I probably would have dealt with better if I'd had a clue. Later, QBL friends explained how most of my experiences were textbook, both in context and sequence. It's like studying psychology and discovering your seemingly uniquely dysfunctional family is no-brainer predictable and there's your secrets right there in chapter 15... kinda disconcerting.
I've been focused on the single-mom thing for the last 13 years, but now that my kid has reached teen I'm starting to get my "sense of self" back a lot more (started a few years ago, very slowly). I miss hands-on energy work more than anything else. Miss it like a piece of me missing. I'm hoping that by late next year I can find at least a person, if not a group, in the larger city near me, to work with on this.
I'm not sure about paying to train in some official method. Maybe I should look for one? I'm not against paying, or against official methods. It's just that I've met a lot of people who were Official Experts(tm) at this stuff and I never really had the impression they truly were. My teacher, you could be working on her and get distracted for 2 seconds and she'd nail you for it. You could use the wrong color and she'd know. She could project so much energy (delta I suspect) she could knock a house full of hyper people unconscious in about 10-15 minutes if she wanted (when I got decent at energy work and maintaining consciousness while also have some really deep brainwave stuff going on, I became a lot more aware of that kind of thing). I guess my expectation of what constitutes an expert, and she was modest and never claimed to be one, is just different than someone who "paid their money and got their certificate." I wonder what kind of testing these schools have?
Since then I've come in contact with several people who were healers. Some have been impressive. (Not as impressive as the guy who reached through my skin into my guts, but that is a totally different art!) I've never been able to discern "what lineage" someone came from though without their volunteering it. Reiki always struck me like Wicca -- magick "lite" -- (oh boy, someone is going to get me now!) though that might be more based on the people than the art (in both cases) and of course, if my reality reflects me, maybe the people I've met have been more about my belief systems than anything objective.
But the primary two people on this thread both seem quite sincere and serious about it, albeit the wearing stripes on the sleeve thing. I think the hands-on energy work I did was probably the most butt-kicking stuff I did during that period (and is likely responsible for a kundalini experience, seriously over-doing the crown chakra, some of the worst experiences of my life, and years of high weirdness). I think it's probably one of the best exercises a person who wants to "effect change in reality according to one's will" could do.
93 93/93,