Gnana Yoga
How does declaring everything to be God, mean that there is something beyond mundane existence...AND, if everything is god, how can anything be mundane? (or is everything now mundane??). I'm not familiar with abhinivesha but I think (from wiki) that it is a reference to self-love... how does this apply to the coversation? - just not catching why you brought that concept out to play.
I seem to have trouble with your logic because what I've asked is "what does saying everything is God get you" and you've responded that it gets you free from "the miasma of sorrow that plagues earthly living"... but that's confusing since you just said everything is God, that must mean that the miasma of sorrow that plagues earthly living is God too. So by postulating God, I get God everywhere so now I can be more free from God here to have God there???
Actually then you go on to confuse me more because you've used the term "earthly living" which leads me to believe that you are about to tell me about non-earthly living but then you go on to declare that there is no heaven. Everything is transient you declare.
Is God Transient?
What is this Maya you speak of? How is Maya not God?And finally why do you end up breaking my brain again with a parting shout out to the "abodes of the heavens"? Are we supposed to believe in heaven now or are "the heavens" different and if so, how?
Once again I think a definition of God may be helpful (to me). Declaring everything PIKACHU doesn't bring me the same sense of peace that declaring everything God has given you. What is the difference?
@Tinman said
"1. How does declaring everything to be God, mean that there is something beyond mundane existence...AND, if everything is god, how can anything be mundane? (or is everything now mundane??). I'm not familiar with abhinivesha but I think (from wiki) that it is a reference to self-love... how does this apply to the coversation? - just not catching why you brought that concept out to play.
- I seem to have trouble with your logic because what I've asked is "what does saying everything is God get you" and you've responded that it gets you free from "the miasma of sorrow that plagues earthly living"... but that's confusing since you just said everything is God, that must mean that the miasma of sorrow that plagues earthly living is God too. So by postulating God, I get God everywhere so now I can be more free from God here to have God there???
Actually then you go on to confuse me more because you've used the term "earthly living" which leads me to believe that you are about to tell me about non-earthly living but then you go on to declare that there is no heaven. Everything is transient you declare.
Is God Transient?
What is this Maya you speak of? How is Maya not God?And finally why do you end up breaking my brain again with a parting shout out to the "abodes of the heavens"? Are we supposed to believe in heaven now or are "the heavens" different and if so, how?
Once again I think a definition of God may be helpful (to me). Declaring everything PIKACHU doesn't bring me the same sense of peace that declaring everything God has given you. What is the difference?"
Did you hear a whoosh sound passing above your head as you read my posts? Yeah, that was the sound of my words going past you. lmao!!!! You are Me!!! THAT is ME!!
The Royal Path seems better suited to you. Or even the Path of Work...
Missed the whoosh sound.
You seem good natured in your response and I enjoy the conversation so please don't take this the wrong way, BUT
I asked you a few follow up questions based on your last response because I feel that you didn't answer the questions I asked you, and I think they are some good questions like how is Maya not God, what do you mean by God...etc.
And instead of addressing those questions, you lay the "oh you aren't getting what I'm saying so maybe this isn't for you" trip on me.
That's a bit rude. If you can't explain your point of view, or haven't considered the questions I'm asking... just say so. Don't patronize me.
New question to ponder:
When you distinguish Maya vs Non-Maya, are you not falling into your very own Maya trap? Seems to me that if you were truly "breathing this realization in all places" then it wouldn't even enter into your mind that there is/was/could be Maya...
@Tinman said
"Missed the whoosh sound.
You seem good natured in your response and I enjoy the conversation so please don't take this the wrong way, BUT
I asked you a few follow up questions based on your last response because I feel that you didn't answer the questions I asked you, and I think they are some good questions like how is Maya not God, what do you mean by God...etc.
And instead of addressing those questions, you lay the "oh you aren't getting what I'm saying so maybe this isn't for you" trip on me.
That's a bit rude. If you can't explain your point of view, or haven't considered the questions I'm asking... just say so. Don't patronize me.
New question to ponder:
When you distinguish Maya vs Non-Maya, are you not falling into your very own Maya trap? Seems to me that if you were truly "breathing this realization in all places" then it wouldn't even enter into your mind that there is/was/could be Maya..."
OK tinman. You've accurately assessed that I meant it all in good faith. I'm sorry, didn't mean to patronize. YOU are ME!! THAT is ME!!!!!!!!
It's very hard to explain to those who haven't seen. I see Maya as a stumbling block, but it is this very stumbling block which propels me forward... Uh, again, it is the point of view that counts. There is no denial. All of THIS is God. It's all God!!!!!!! I cannot impress that enough. You must assimilate all of it. You must. Don't deny. Life/Death; Length/Breadth. Like I said, don't allow "yourself" (the Ego-consciousness) to be the "binding principle." Question everything!! Question your birth. Question your death. Question the little man with the funky breath. Question God. Question why you question God. God is just a convenient statement really. Question "convenient." Question "statement." Question "really." It is whether you identify with it that counts. See "I" as a tool (like a hammer), not as yourself.
A wise philosopher once said, "Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was Syracuse." His name was Shemp Howard.
God is Nuit!! The sum of existence!! Just don't make yourself the "binding principle." !!!!!!!
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Regards -
This last post reminds me of the bit from the Illuminatus Trilogy. You remember:
"Greater Poop: Is Eris true?
Malaclypse the Younger: Everything is true.
GP: Even false things?
M2: Even false things are true.
GP: How can that be?
M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it. " -
@Tinman said
"This last post reminds me of the bit from the Illuminatus Trilogy. You remember:
"Greater Poop: Is Eris true?
Malaclypse the Younger: Everything is true.
GP: Even false things?
M2: Even false things are true.
GP: How can that be?
M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it. "
"Ha! I never read that, but what you quoted is pretty damn funny.
OK, I want to clarify some things:
"Abhinivesha or love for earthly life is the main cause of all fears. Abhinivesha is clinging to life and body."
( ) -
When I said, "abodes of the heavens," that was merely a figure of speech.
When I said, "there is no heaven which 'I' will go to," I was speaking in regards to the Egocentric point of view. As opposed to, what I'll call for convenience sake, the ideal (God) point of view. I think that is a big part of our misunderstanding one another. I have been switching between these two quite frequently. For instance, when I say "all is transient," that is the Egocentric POV again.
You ask how can anything be mundane if All is God. Again, it's the POV which counts. When viewed in regards to the Egocentric, then all is mundane. The goal is, after all, not to bring God "down" to the level of the Ego, but to raise Maya "up" to God. As I said in my first post, "the apotheosis of the universe."
Maya is simply taking the Egocentric as the end truth; identifying with abhinivesha. You are born, grow up, go to school, graduate, get a job, get a house, get married, have kids, get older, retire, die--THAT is Maya. Now, like I said many times before, you can still do these things, don't deny any of it, it is HOW you view it that counts (see AL I:51, quoted in my first post).
I do apologize for being brash earlier tinman. I hope all is well with you good frater.
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Namaste -
ok i get what you are saying, but only general, like you said "its how you view it that counts" which is true, but in order to understand what your saying on a deeper level YOU have to define YOUR personal interpretation of "god", like tinman and pikachu, i understand pikachu b/c i know of the characteristic qualities and its abilities as the cartoon character it is, which gives me more understanding from my relation.for example, in my personal view i see what you mean through my own perspective as of how i view the universe or "god" for lack of a better term, which to me there isnt, and words wouldnt give how i see it justice, viewing things a certain way still holds images, and pictures are worth more then a thousand words, but yet if i was a damn good poet i might have some ability to give a better clue to the picture.
not trying to give you a hard time, just useless rambling, but its the difinition that counts when explaining.
To summarize where we've gotten to:
Everything is Maya (Ego Centric View of the World)
Everything is God (Non Ego Centric View of the World)
It all depends on your POVNow there's point of view (like how I have the point of view that Alessandra Ambrosio is the hottest Victoria Secrets model), and there's point of view in the more abstract sense (like how I'm the only point of consciousness at these time/space coordinates).
I can't change the time/space pov, but I can change my mind, or my mind can be changed, on who the hottest VC girl is.
Like that movie, American Beauty, I can see a plastic bag blowing in the wind (Maya?) or I can see the beauty of it all in that bags movements (God?).
However, notice the use of the word I. I see this such and such a way. I think the whole world is God.
POV seems to be tied directly into the Ego faculty.
@Alias55A said
ok i get what you are saying, but only general, like you said "its how you view it that counts" which is true, but in order to understand what your saying on a deeper level YOU have to define YOUR personal interpretation of "god", like tinman and pikachu, i understand pikachu b/c i know of the characteristic qualities and its abilities as the cartoon characterit is, which gives me more understanding from my relation.
for example, in my personal view i see what you mean through my own perspective as of how i view the universe or "god" for lack of a better term, which to me there isnt, and words wouldnt give how i see it justice, viewing things a certain way still holds images, and pictures are worth more then a thousand words, but yet if i was a damn good poet i might have some ability to give a better clue to the picture.not trying to give you a hard time, just useless rambling, but its the difinition that counts when explaining."
I was gonna simply say that Nuit is God again and be done with it, but I am a gentleman and won't shove Her into the line of fire a third time while I duck and hide in the bushes. Though ultimately it is true, God is Nuit, I don't think it will be very helpful at this phase of the present topic to leave it at that. It appears useful in the beginning stages to define God as the Hindu concept of Brahman; the absolute, all-pervading, impersonal, infinite Oneness. Crowley completely topples the Advaitist system in his "Berashith", as well as in other places, but he too thought that the adoption of an absolute was useful for the beginner. In "Berashith" he writes, "the Hindu denies and abolishes his own finity by the creation of an absolute. As this cannot be done in reality, the process is illusory: yet it is useful in the early stages..." As well, "The esoteric [...] Hindu adopts a middle path. Having projected the Absolute from his mind, he endeavors to unite his consciousness with that of his Absolute, and of course his personality is destroyed in the process. Yet is to be feared that such an adept too often starts on the path with the hideous idea of aggrandizing his own personality to the utmost. [note: what I said about "binding principle"] But his method is so near to the true one that this tendency is soon corrected, as it were automatically." Eventually "All is God" transcends even itself to become "God is Naught." But for now this should suffice.
@Tinman said
"To summarize where we've gotten to:
Everything is Maya (Ego Centric View of the World)
Everything is God (Non Ego Centric View of the World)
It all depends on your POV"For Everything is God I would say non-Egocentric, 'all-encompassing' view of the world.
"Now there's point of view (like how I have the point of view that Alessandra Ambrosio is the hottest Victoria Secrets model), and there's point of view in the more abstract sense (like how I'm the only point of consciousness at these time/space coordinates).
I can't change the time/space pov, but I can change my mind, or my mind can be changed, on who the hottest VC girl is.
Like that movie, American Beauty, I can see a plastic bag blowing in the wind (Maya?) or I can see the beauty of it all in that bags movements (God?).
However, notice the use of the word I. I see this such and such a way. I think the whole world is God.
POV seems to be tied directly into the Ego faculty.
I think I understand what you're getting at. If there is something aware, regardless of where or when, then an identification seems implied. You can say it is God all you wish, but there seems to be an inherent "I" that is cognizant.
The difficulty then seems to be in separating Ego-identity from the impersonal viewpoint. But simply, one is a subjective experience and the other a Universal awareness. There will always be a viewpoint (except in exalted states such as nirvakalpa), it is whether you say "I see" or there is merely "sight" that differentiates.
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Gnana Yoga makes me queasy.
Here is sufi story. The Mullah Nashrudin was out side searching the ground for something. One of his disciples came up to him and said, "Mullah, Mullah what are you looking for?" the Mullah replied, "I am looking for my lost key." The discipled asked, "where did you loose it?" the Mullah replied, "in the house." The discipled asked, "why do you search for it out here?" The Mullah replied, "the light is better out here."