Anyone else get the initial feeling of WHAT THE FUCK?
i read chapters I and II with great interest and love but was initially disgusted or rather taken back by some of the words in chapter III. So much that i at first couldn't read past the line or rather i had to pause before continuingMercy let be off: damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them!
I forced myself to read through the chapter and am left confused and amused.
It is the All piercing Love of God that allows Free Will to take form completely free; even in forms of Evil and Blasphemy or it would not truly be Free Will
But it is my free will to accept or reject what has been written as a truth, a lie or TRUTHIs anyone else or rather has anyone else felt this same initial discomfort with chapter III in the book of the law?
I would be assuming if I said "yeah, everyone who wasn't already sociopathic at the time." But I'd probably be correct.
It took quite a while to get myself to a frame of reference where I could read the whole book.
Mercy is one of those interesting topics of debate! What is more merciful, to run a team of 10 sled dogs through the tundra with the ninth one's leg is broken and slowing the team down, or to kill that ninth one?
That's a lame example I know - but it is early and I'm going to get my coffee now thank you.
@AquarianRenegade said
"Anyone else get the initial feeling of WHAT THE {shag}?
i read chapters I and II with great interest and love but was initially disgusted or rather taken back by some of the words in chapter III. So much that i at first couldn't read past the line or rather i had to pause before continuingMercy let be off: damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them!
I forced myself to read through the chapter and am left confused and amused.
It is the All piercing Love of God that allows Free Will to take form completely free; even in forms of Evil and Blasphemy or it would not truly be Free Will
But it is my free will to accept or reject what has been written as a truth, a lie or TRUTHIs anyone else or rather has anyone else felt this same initial discomfort with chapter III in the book of the law?"
Yes. If you didnt feel that way on the first reading you weren't reading very carefully, or, as above, you are a sociopath.
@AquarianRenegade said
"... has anyone else felt this same initial discomfort with chapter III in the book of the law?"
I think even Crowley felt it. Think of reading the the book as an initiation -- chapter 3 is the part that's supposed to shock and frighten you.
not supprised, experience all possibilities right?
lol that kind of stuff doesnt bother me, possibly being exposed to things in my younger teens probly. but now i guess in a sense i can see the beauty in it"Mercy let be off: damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them! "
like AC said, hate is almost like love is it not? even with something as this above to me it shows pure intention, which to me is beauty in itself.
and having pity for someone is usually a weekness anywho. -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
"Quote AquarianRenegade: Anyone else get the initial feeling of WHAT THE {shag}? "
No. The Book of the Law is a Qabalistic text, it’s speaking in symbols." Quote AquarianRenegade: i read chapters I and II with great interest and love but was initially disgusted or rather taken back by some of the words in chapter III. So much that i at first couldn't read past the line or rather i had to pause before continuing."
Assuming that you were raised a Christian; it isn’t that much different from The Old Testament. It funny though, that after thousands of years Christians, Jews and Muslims still don’t get the symbol speak of their respective books either. Maybe that not fair and I shouldn’t be judgmental but this does seem to hold true for the vast majority in every religion."Quote: Liber L Ch 3.18: Mercy let be off: damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them. "
My reading of this verse is this; it’s an internal civil war. That is the conquest of the higher aspirations over the lower ones. -
A things manifestation often appears askew from the ideal, that is the illusory nature of reality.
"Assuming that you were raised a Christian; it isn’t that much different from The Old Testament."
Funny, I was thinking about that this morning, after I first saw this thread.
I was thinking about how disturbed I was as a child by the Old Testment, and how much relief I got at putting distance between myself and that God, and then find myself coming back to the same things again, albeit from a new perspective (but reading white now, where I once read black).
on the contrary i was raised anti Christian and without religion And yes i understand it is written in symbols and not to be taken literally and i know i have not spent any where near enough time with the text to pull out the deeper meaning(s) hidden within. It was more of a initial shock and question if anyone else felt the same initial shock. What the Shag was my first reaction to the text. That didn't stop me from reading through the rest. Hate and Love are but opposite poles of the same thing Love is the highest vibration that will always trump the lowest i.e. Hate That being said they are one in the same. (kindof like if you travel north long enough your going to be eventually traveling south) bad analogy i know
Beauty is inherent in everything and nothing; even in the "Ugly".Pity to me is looking down on someone and assuming that you are LOOKING DOWN. The only weakness is the point of view you take instead of having pure compassion for another being.
Pity is a weakness compassion is true strength