Job Promotion
Every such test offered by life would be easy as could be if only we knew in advance whether it was a test of discrimination or of perseverance.
This could be a test of whether you'll stick to your guns and go the way you think is best.
Or it could be your angel leading you in a better direction, providing the incentive for you to abandon what would have been a foolish path.
I don't have a clue which it is. But it could actually be either one.
PS - FWIW (and understanding that my life isn't the same as yours), I've always had far more freedom when making lots of money (even though spending enormous amounts of time on the job) than when making less. Poverty is very time-consuming.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Every such test offered by life would be easy as could be if only we knew in advance whether it was a test of discrimination or of perseverance.
This could be a test of whether you'll stick to your guns and go the way you think is best.
Or it could be your angel leading you in a better direction, providing the incentive for you to abandon what would have been a foolish path.
I don't have a clue which it is. But it could actually be either one.
PS - FWIW (and understanding that my life isn't the same as yours), I've always had far more freedom when making lots of money (even though spending enormous amounts of time on the job) than when making less. Poverty is very time-consuming."
Thank you for the advice; and you're right about that last point.
Its often a truism that the more you earn, the more you need.
I've had periods of high earnings, and scrounging food on the dole. And while I agree with Jim that the latter is a more involving path (though with far more spare time once survival needs are sorted) I do think that no matter what your income you adjust to that level and live within those means. -
I have made many such transitions.....
Clarity comes with detail, and as a woman I like details and seeing clearly.
I think where you are going is that you wish to be less dependent on the current economy? That you do not enjoy paying taxes, paying bills, and all that goes with playing this game called working for a living? I am assuming that you would like to be more self sustaining, being self reliant more? Is that the freedom you are speaking of. Do you wish to have a huge store of resources availible to you so that you can enjoy life?
I am always reminding myself that money is only a symbolic representation of energy, of sun light specifically, and that when we attempt to live our lives relying on stored energy, instead of current energy, complications will arise. That concept is one of the core teachings that I have learned, I dont know if it is a so called mystery, or occult, or what not. I just know that while storing sunlight (ie energy ie food) helps us in the wanning phases, the times of famine in the great cycles, we are better off as a specices when we live in the now, with current sun light, current energy. We tend to be happier, healthier and sucessfull IMO.
Magickally we raise energy for our workings, but then release the excesive back. Please correct me if this is wrong, and that magically we can store this energy. In my training the excess is always given back. (I am thinking of things like amulets-man made things imbued with energy/power). I dont think it is healthy/holisitc to store up energy, but, well, I'll admit my thinking is not always correct..
Last year my husband was offered a job, an extremely good job. So, he left where he had worked for the past 10 years, with the intention that he was making a great move for himself (occupationally) and his family (economically). What he did not know was that the man who owned the company was a scoundrel, a thief, and a liar among other things. Once he found out what type of man ran the company, he could not in good conscious work for a man like that. He did not want that man to be sucessfull, to line his pockets with gold, to clothes his extra-marital girlfriends ect. So he walked out, with out notice, after telling the man why he was leaving. The company he had previously worked for went under, so he would have lost that job any ways. For months, while he looked for work he found nothing in his field (he is a highly trained engineer), and we had no income.
I never, once thought we were poor, in poverty. We had each other, we loved and laughed and ate, and breathed, and drank, and slept as a family, as a part of something more then just a group of people scrapping out a living.
I personally have worked for years to live a life with what could be called a tiny carbon footprint. (yes I was dupped by Rothchild ect into believing the environmental movement was an effort to protect Gaia). I have tried to grow my own food, and even raise animals (got some ducks for the pond just a few weeks ago). I recycle everything, compost my food waste, and send my garbage back to the universe with thoughtful intentions of it becoming something else worthwhile. I am mindful, almost to the point of obsession of my consuption of the resources of this planet. I am thankful and have an attitude that all life is a gift and not to be squandered, wasted, despoiled, abused.
I believe that all I need will be provided, and I have never gone without.
I have dreamed deeply of living a life in which I am nomadic, gypsy like, being in balance with my world. Having the freedom to come and go as I please, to not have to be accountable to some sort of time clock, tax collector. To be as invisible as possible. (go ahead laugh, I know, I sure have a lot to say for someone who is invisible;)
Some could look at my life and say that I was poor, that I didnt have....yet in my mind I am rich. I have family that cares and looks after me, friends that laugh and play with me, a strong relationship with my higher power, a view of the most beautiful scenes and scapes.....I am richer then at least in my little mind.
For years my family had security in the income my husband provided. Security to do what we wanted with our time. When he gave up that income and removed us from that economic pool, it was through the ideas, the habits, the way of life that I had allready been living that enabled us to maintain our perception of what is value, what is wealth.
My husband is now being offered a job in L.A., a place where I have dreamed for long about living and working in. It is on the other side of the country. A place where I have friends and family, and have spent time. Yet these woods of NY, the waters, the air are a deep part of me, and to rip up my roots and transplant myself is not easy.
I am very unsure about this, and question if I can trust what is being placed before me as being of value. Beauty is in the eye off the beholder, but given the whole situation I do wonder wether this is a glamour, an illusion, a test.I was recently taught the teachings of how Christ was tempted by Lucifer in the dessert, something I had only heard reference to, but never understood the teachings. Very interesting, and powerful teachings.
Poverty is very time consuming, yes it is. The energies I see spent on maintaining that attitude are tremendous! But IMO poverty is an attitude, and does not have to be a reality.
"Every such test offered by life would be easy as could be if only we knew in advance whether it was a test of discrimination or of perseverance."
Thank you Mr. Eshelman for sharing your wisdom. I do wonder if one could/should attempt to divine the nature of the test?
As for any suggestions, well I would suggest that you do what truelly makes you happy and whole, healthy and harmonious. While I understand some may say this is an issue of knowing/understanding your True Will, my True Will speaks through my heart.
If you would like information about cultural sub sets that live "offgrid" and the like I would be happy to refer you to resources.
enjoy eveything, always
@nderabloodredsky said
"I want more freedom."
There goes a good read:
The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy FerrissDon't get too carried away by ridiculousness of the book title. The book has solid content even if you don't want to go all the way it proposes.
If you want to get yourself more freedom while still working for the man that's a good handbook. -
@Shiva Tseba'oth said
@nderabloodredsky said
"I want more freedom."There goes a good read:
The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy FerrissDon't get too carried away by ridiculousness of the book title. The book has solid content even if you don't want to go all the way it proposes.
If you want to get yourself more freedom while still working for the man that's a good handbook."thanks for the suggestion; I'll look into it.
@Veronica said
If you would like information about cultural sub sets that live "offgrid" and the like I would be happy to refer you to resources.enjoy eveything, always"
Thanks for sharing, and yes, I would be interested in any additional resources.
One thing I have been looking into is some type of communal living. There seems to be various levels of this, starting from basic food co-ops, where one is able to reduce costs through shared buying power, often purchasing food that is organic, grown locally, and therefor healthier for it's ripeness while simultaneously helping local business and the economy while scoring a victory against elite corporatism. Then there are the communal living arrangements where one has there own privately owned living space, but share common areas and some common tasks. Going farther, there are the fully communal arrangements with less private property.
Just curious, but has any one here had any experience with these kinds of arrangements? Thanks.
At the age of 18 I left a very comfortable home in Los Angeles and went on a long pilgrimage, travelling mostly by thumb. I can't say I have any regrets.
I was often cold, and hungry, and isolated--but who can complain, when one is witness to so many miracles?
The Powers that Be seem to reward one's refusal to accept limitation...and isn't that really what "work" is?
In the end, the question is: Are you willing to be a Slave? Are you going to follow your own Will, or accept that imposed upon you by our society, which dictates that a man is only valuable insofar as he contributes to the consumerism we espouse as a people?
Most will convince themselves that every step towards "gainful employment" is a positive one. Such self-deception may befit the masses, but some are called to a higher occupation.
@Veronica said
"Poverty is very time consuming, yes it is. The energies I see spent on maintaining that attitude are tremendous! But IMO poverty is an attitude, and does not have to be a reality.
"To the contrary: never did I have more time on my hands than when I was a beggar.
@JPF said
"At the age of 18 I left a very comfortable home in Los Angeles and went on a long pilgrimage, travelling mostly by thumb. I can't say I have any regrets.
I was often cold, and hungry, and isolated--but who can complain, when one is witness to so many miracles?
The Powers that Be seem to reward one's refusal to accept limitation...and isn't that really what "work" is?
In the end, the question is: Are you willing to be a Slave? Are you going to follow your own Will, or accept that imposed upon you by our society, which dictates that a man is only valuable insofar as he contributes to the consumerism we espouse as a people?
Most will convince themselves that every step towards "gainful employment" is a positive one. Such self-deception may befit the masses, but some are called to a higher occupation."
@JPF said
@Veronica said
"Poverty is very time consuming, yes it is. The energies I see spent on maintaining that attitude are tremendous! But IMO poverty is an attitude, and does not have to be a reality.
"To the contrary: never did I have more time on my hands than when I was a beggar.
Yeah....Ive been thinking about the verse, "Leave everything behind and follow me." Except I am are not talking about the Church, or some exterior Deity, but one's own Higher Self. Poverty does have it's advantages-I find that we do what we do and our lives naturally find equilibrium. I wish I knew more people who like you have abandoned everything and made their way anyway. Although, there are lessons to be learned on either path.
"Thanks for sharing, and yes, I would be interested in any additional resources.
One thing I have been looking into is some type of communal living. There seems to be various levels of this, starting from basic food co-ops, where one is able to reduce costs through shared buying power, often purchasing food that is organic, grown locally, and therefor healthier for it's ripeness while simultaneously helping local business and the economy while scoring a victory against elite corporatism. Then there are the communal living arrangements where one has there own privately owned living space, but share common areas and some common tasks. Going farther, there are the fully communal arrangements with less private property.
Just curious, but has any one here had any experience with these kinds of arrangements? Thanks."
Have I ever mentioned Ishmael by Daniel Quinn? In his books Mr Quinn teaches about work and discusses the issue of communal living. Very interesting and on spot.
In my neck of the woods (upstate NY) there are quite a few places one could go for this sort of life. On one hand you have the Quakers, and the Menonites and a few other orthodox religious sorts who live in there own worlds, doing thier own thing with out the trappings. They still have to pay taxes though, and so they sell food, build barns and furniture, make clothes ect. But they ride in a buggy pulled by horses:) The butter and baked goods are highly prized.
Down in the town of Ithaca, which is the college town for the Ivy league Cornell University, you have a very large successfull core group of educated skilled people who have built a community that feeds itsself, and has legally distanced itself from the infrigments of the Federal Government ( as far as I know, they are patroits-and are watched closely I am sure). I highly recommend them.
I was a teen age run away, and spent months living on the city streets, I know the desire to be free and tried it that way. As a young girl, for me it was a horrible expierence because there was no healthy place to go, no surragate family. The whole culture was the problem in my view. I used to want to get out of the system so to speak. I am extremely fortunate in that I dont have to work, and have the luxury to choose where I would work if I wanted to. I used to work 3 jobs at a time though, and hated not being able to do what I wanted cause I had to work to buy things. I wanted to be a part of a community that took care of itself, its members. I realize though that you cant run away, that you need to adress problems head on, and if you dont like what you see in your world then change.
What I think needs to happen is a global retribalization. I think that certain people all over the world are being directed to parts of the earth that resonate to them. Different parts of the earth have different characteristics and people are attracted to these places by some unknow pull. When the tribes have regathered then this world will fade away, at least that is the teachings of Wolf.
@JPF said
" by JPF ยป Wed May 26, 2010 1:16 pm
Veronica wrote:
Poverty is very time consuming, yes it is. The energies I see spent on maintaining that attitude are tremendous! But IMO poverty is an attitude, and does not have to be a reality.To the contrary: never did I have more time on my hands than when I was a beggar. "
Yea, hum
the earth was a barren place
for millions of years,
or so it seemed.
And then, it is as if
a watershed broke free,
and life became abundant.
In the waters and on land
and nature burst forth
in a million forms.
While we may think
we are poor, poverty ridden
nature shows our riches,
and for us to speak of what we lack
abundantly it comes to us.It is easier for me to go with the flow of abundance then to struggle with the perception that I lack.
@JPF said
"At the age of 18 I left a very comfortable home in Los Angeles and went on a long pilgrimage, travelling mostly by thumb. I can't say I have any regrets.
I was often cold, and hungry, and isolated--but who can complain, when one is witness to so many miracles?
The Powers that Be seem to reward one's refusal to accept limitation...and isn't that really what "work" is?
In the end, the question is: Are you willing to be a Slave? Are you going to follow your own Will, or accept that imposed upon you by our society, which dictates that a man is only valuable insofar as he contributes to the consumerism we espouse as a people?
Most will convince themselves that every step towards "gainful employment" is a positive one. Such self-deception may befit the masses, but some are called to a higher occupation."
I think there maybe something else here....
Am I willing to be a Slave?
well all fun and games aside, being a slave menas that there is a Master, and even if it is a ~really~ nice Master, it is still a Master. Some people love having a Master, some one to learn from, to love, to focus on.....Some people love being thier own master, and even the masters of others.I have a completly knew outlook on this now that I have had children, and have mouths to feed. I have a responsibility to my offspring. I cant just walk away and scrounge. They need a strong leader/nurturer for a good while, and this forces the parents of our world to take the role of master/mistress. Unfortunately it seems as if we haVe done a poor job of being the masters/mistresses, as our world is filled with poor sick souls.
I think We should learn how to make better contracts, better agreements, or oaths so that instead of forming unhealthy Master/slave concepts, we have something more along the lines of Sacred Prostitution. I have no problem doing something for you that I can easily, and with pleasure do, and you do something for me.
Women barter like crazy, and form valuable alliances through our trade. -
Although this is not my top priority right now, the way I'm trying to change on this issue is to use my job as a sort of meditation exercise, while using my money to get to a place where I have more resources, rather than more expenses, should I lose my job. That way, a difficult job with high pay just helps me all around.