Visualizing Aiwass.
@Iugum said
"My question is far more simple; if you see Aiwass in your mind what does he/her/it look like?
An example: if I read a newspaper and it says something along the lines of "A wrestler died in a plane crash today" an image of Hulk Hogan shooting down to earth in a 747 pops into my head."
no image. just the voice...
@Iugum said
"My question is far more simple; if you see Aiwass in your mind what does he/her/it look like?"
This always brought to my mind's eye Atu V, The Hierophant, from The Book of Thoth.
I always imagined him as a tall dark skinned man, not real dark, but a milk chocolate, like persian
. And weiring a short skirt like some egyptian gods, shin guards, cuffs, arm bands, mabye a a round golden plate necklace, the realy wide one's, and something like a persian version of this. but more of a pale yellow, and a muddy green(stripes).
And sometimes holding something in his right hand. A short rod mabye? -
It might be best it picture Aiwass as a pink light reflected from a soviet satellite.
Or as force out side of time that manifests simultaneously as Aleister Crowley in Cairo 1904 and Ankh af na khonsu in Cairo at the change between Isis and Osiris.Much like how Phillip K Dick claimed that he was simultaneously an early Christian in 60 AD Rome, saying that time was actually an illusion. That everything that happens is merely a retelling of the book of acts. Thus Crowley was in that sense merely a character in the replaying of the story of the changing aeon in Egypt, but replay might be a misunderstanding, since it's a single event in an timeless eternity that manifest as different points in a cyclical time line.
That is if we really want to get into the mind set of Crowley and Dick's sort of gnosticism.
@Froclown said
"It might be best it picture Aiwass as a pink light reflected from a soviet satellite."
I suppose I'd be disappointed if you weren't as friggin' insane as ever.
"Or as force out side of time"
True of HGAs and other 4th dimensional beings in general.
"That is if we really want to get into the mind set of Crowley and Dick's sort of gnosticism."
So you aspire to be a Dick head?
Basically here I am relating Crowley's account in Across the Gulf with Phillip K. Dick's VALIS.
His right foot can be seen here:
Which is all that remains unfortunately, although appropriate given the 5th power of the sphinx.
@nashimiron said
"His right foot can be seen here:
Which is all that remains unfortunately, although appropriate given the 5th power of the sphinx.
Is that the purplish bluish one in the middle?
the sphinx has a fifth power
Yeah, playing footsie
(a google will help you, though, it's not secret)
@Alias55A said
"the sphinx has a fifth power
Yes, and it goes a bit like the fourth.
I'm hoping the blue foot is Aiwass, unless Crowley turned blue when he saw him.
@nashimiron said
@Alias55A said
"the sphinx has a fifth power"
Yes, and it goes a bit like the fourth.
I'm hoping the blue foot is Aiwass, unless Crowley turned blue when he saw him."
the babe in the blue egg?(= 5th power). The 4th power is to be silent, Earth, the throne/womb for the babe to manifest in. Got it.
TO GO as doth a GOD.
gold star for you
If I remember rightly there's a diagram towards the back of the Book of Thoth showing the powers of the sphinx on a pentagram.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Froclown said
"It might be best it picture Aiwass as a pink light reflected from a soviet satellite."I suppose I'd be disappointed if you weren't as friggin' insane as ever."
HAHAHAH! Im sorry I just broke out laughing for a whole minute when I read this.
Perhapse we shall consider aiwass as a plasmate linked with the book of the law. Which as the book is read more and more the plasmate will infect the minds of more people and produce major changes in the world. Maybe get time back on tract since we were stuck in the black iron prision of 60AD for like 2000 years. Maybe the Aiwass is just the plasmate we need to get time flowing again, like the tears spoken of by the proverbial policeman.
@Froclown said
"Maybe get time back on tract since we were stuck in the black iron prision of 60AD for like 2000 years"
"Black iron prison" ?
"60 AD" ?
Can you explain these a little more?
I can't really elaborate on it, because it's kind of allot of gibberish mixed with actual gnosticism
but I'll let Phil speak for himself.
Sorry Froclown, but I found nothing there that even came close to clarifying what you were talking about with that iron prison 60 Ad stuff...
You said it, right?... what did you mean ?
"Real time ceased in 70 C.E. with the fall of the temple at Jerusalem. It began again in 1974 C.E. The intervening period was a perfect spurious interpolation aping the creation of the Mind. "The Empire never ended," but in 1974 a cypher was sent out as a signal that the Age of Iron was over; the cypher consisted of two words: KING FELIX, which refers to the Happy (or Rightful) King."
That is the sort of thing I was talking about.
Phillip K. Dick believed that time stopped in 70AD I thought it was 60, oh well. He wrote in his novel "Flow my tears, the police man said" that history between 70 and 1974, was actually an illusion and it was all a re-telling of the book of Acts, over and over again. He also believed that reality is actual a holographic construct that we are sealed into because we are actually 3 eyed aliens from Sirius beta, but our third eye is sealed shut. These aliens send a signal in the form of a pink laser that beams information directly to the third eye, and informs the those who are receptive to it.
The black Iron prision is a term he uses to mean the Iron bonds of the holographic information sealed into our minds than locks us into the false reality, the time that does not actually move forward. The Empire he means the Roman empire, a cyborg empire in the future and the American empire which he claims are all the same thing, because they are extra-temporally linked.
I was combining some of these idea's with Crowley's short story "Across the Gulf" where Crowley claims he recounts his past life as the prophet of Osiris as a mirror of his present life as a prophet of Horus. I was taking that idea with Dick's belief that he could from time to time speak fluent kionic greek and Latin, because he was simultaneously living as Phil dick, a Roman from 70AD and an android/cyborg in a future empire, all these of course really existing at the same time, because time had stopped.
Time only began to start again when the seal on the Nag Hammadhi find was broken and the Plasmate a being of pure information (The holy spirit) which bonds to humans to create homo-plasmate beings, was stored in the gnostic texts. Once opened the plasmate was able to influence reality again and Time is merely a measure of the progress of the plasmate. Thus true time restarted once the plasmate was released, part of it's action in effecting the black iron prision of our material world is to help people awaken their third eye and contact the signal from our true home planet. And the reality outside of the prision. The Empire then works against the plasmate to keep us trapped in the black iron prision.
In any event I was just drawing parallels between Aiwass and the pink laser.