Black Pearl now available for free download
wow! really cool!
especially the searchable feature! w00t!
Fantastic. Both the long-awaited availability of Black Pearl and the announcement of your new book. Congratulations!
I have problems with opening the issue No.8 - I'm not sure is the link broken or is it just due to my connection... help needed!
I just clicked on it and it worked me for me...could either be your connection or the host server was just temporarily bogged down.
@danica said
"I have problems with opening the issue No.8 - I'm not sure is the link broken or is it just due to my connection... help needed!"
I just downloaded the file and opened it. It works. But a slow connection will cause problems.
I recommend not opening it in the browser. Instead, right-click on the shortcut and pick Save Target As. Save it to your local machine without opening it first.
succeeded. thank you. (it was a temporary connection problem)
I've temporarily suspended the single-issue download, and have left the bundled sets. It seems this last gig or so of data maxed my web hosting space (once thought to be more than I'd ever use... live and learn!). So I deleted the single issues for now to free up a few hundred MB and keep all of these sites running.
Why don't you publish a printed single volume edition of ITC + BP (well-edited)?
It would be awesome.
@Frater S.R. said
"Why don't you publish a printed single volume edition of ITC + BP (well-edited)?
It would be awesome."
Well, we did just publish it that way - electronically
Oh, not what you meant. Sorry.
I really don't believe there's a market for it, and we've moved past it. Humbly, I believe BP was leading edge for its time - 10 years ago. In a sense, making it available in the current form is also a way of saying we've moved on past it, and here is the original. My forthcoming new book supercedes the V&V study that makes up a substantial part of BP. I'm not sure that a bundled magazine makes a very good book except as a memorial. (And it would be very expensive to do it right. With new layouts the final product would probably cost close to $100 retail - not particularly the best service to the reader, and an investment by the publisher that could set back other plans for years.)
And that's just mentioning BP. Add ITC and (besides the several years that typesetting and editing would take), you couldn't fit it into a single volume. You're looking at perhaps a 2,500 page book (on crude estimate of converting those pages to typesetting).
My fucking businesses sense.
Anyway, we can read them.
Thank you very much for making these available Jim (and team)!
They make me very excited in anticipation for the new book Jim, as the Aethyr stuff is a wonderful bunch of commentary with, seemingly, a very deep astrological viewpoint expressed throughout.
If the new book included some basics and need to know stuff on astrology (as an introductory chapter, or an appendix), I for one, would find that helpful...
Also, including some stuff on enochian such as the information you just shared regarding the 3rd and 4th aethyrs but in a more tabular format might also be useful for newbies like me. For instance, this paragraph of knowledge is awesome:
"Each Enocian letter has an astrological attribution. P is Cancer (analogous to Cheth, The Chariot); A to Taurus (analogous to Vav, The Hierophant); Z is Leo (analogous to Teth, Lust). The name of the 4th aethyr, then, is Cancer and Leo (the houses of the Moon and the Sun) standing on either side of a Vav, which literally means "and" or a fastening, so that the 4th Aethyr is a vision of the intimate joining of the Sun and the Moon in the person of the two figures. But each planetary principle has both a positive and a negative expression in the Enochian alphabet, and P is the positive (increasing) aspect of the Moon, while Z is the negative (southern declination) aspect of the Sun, so the vision shows the two figures joined but each infused with the other's essential nature."
Thanks again.
@Tinman said
"They make me very excited in anticipation for the new book Jim, as the Aethyr stuff is a wonderful bunch of commentary with, seemingly, a very deep astrological viewpoint expressed throughout."
"If the new book included some basics and need to know stuff on astrology (as an introductory chapter, or an appendix), I for one, would find that helpful..."
Thanks for the input. At present, the emphasis leans the other way: Most magicians already have the basics of astrology under their belts (or should, since it's essential to right working), but almost no astrologers have the slightest background in magick or Qabalah. The Introduction gives a significant introduction to those last two topics.
There is still time to change my thinking on this, so let me share how I currently see it: Any non-trivial introduction to astrology would need to be a small book in its own right. If I stopped to add that, then it would delay the book about 6 months and add $10-15 to the cost (because of the larger content). It would still be a shallow overview. The final question, as always, is... what decision would serve the reader best?
IMHO anyone interested in magick should have several substantial books on astrology. I think that would serve far better than even another few dozen pages summarizing high points.
"Also, including some stuff on enochian such as the information you just shared regarding the 3rd and 4th aethyrs but in a more tabular format might also be useful for newbies like me. For instance, this paragraph of knowledge is awesome:"
Thanks. I think what you're asking for is already in the book. A table such as you describe is planned for the Introduction, and the sort of content you have requested is already in the commentary. For example, the paragraph from me you quoted is a chopped-down version of actual commentary on the 4th Aethyr.
Here's a sample you might like from the 4th Aethyr. It is commentary on paragraphs 3-6.
"These paragraphs show the central image or event of the vision, the ecstatic sexual union of the Sun and Moon. In Qabalistic terms, these are specifically the Yod and Heh-final of the Great Name YHVH, corresponding not to the Father and Mother, but to the Father and Daughter. She is the “soul of innocence” of Malkuth who, by her union with “the Son” – this refers to the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, her wedding in Tiphereth – has been “placed upon the throne of her Mother” – borne all the way to Binah in the central event of these visions for Crowley, the crossing of the Abyss and the attainment of the Grade of Magister Templi 8=3. It is, then, her role to reawaken the youth of her father, the original Yod of YHVH who first begot her upon her mother.
It is, unfortunately, necessary to mention that this is allegory and we are not actively preaching father-daughter incest as the key to the redemption of the world. We must see this tale from the point of view of the Daughter. We are each the Qabalistic Princess-Daughter in the beginning of our journey; and it is as her that we finish it as well. The first step is to discover ourselves as we are. The next is the wedding and union with our Prince in the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Following the life-metaphor, this matures us, and turns the girl into a woman. Her Prince-husband places her upon the Throne of the Mother, Binah (and probably upon a pedestal or two along the way!); but it is on her own throne that she finds herself. In her maturity, she is mate no longer of a boy, but of a man. With all of its blessings and curses, this ancient pattern remains prevalent in our society because it is structurally inherent in deep layers of our collective minds.
Beneath this is an allegory of our spiritual growth. In the final analysis, it is in Heh-final, Malkuth, Assiah, the field of our actions and senses, that we create the most perfect conditions for the creative expression of the central Seed-Will, the primal impulse of our inmost being. Persephone, the Daughter of Earth, is truly wed to Hades (= Hadit), the Inmost and Hidden One; and it is by her own will (by voluntarily eating of his seeds) that she remains in Hell, no longer as a captive slave but as its queen.
The enduring copulation of Yod (the Father) with Heh-final (the Daughter) is also the continuous pouring of yourself (your will, your fire: everything you are) into what you have conceived – your Malkuth (“Kingdom”), field of action, or dharma."
Jim, mabye after this book you could right a small one, or really small one, something like "jim's Sidreal for Dummies" or something.
@Alias55A said
"Jim, mabye after this book you could right a small one, or really small one, something like "jim's Sidreal for Dummies" or something.
An astrololgy book is planned, though not on a particular schedule.
The better deal for something QUICK is for me to find a free week to get back online.
In lieu of your comments about the time it would take to put together a solid chapter on astrology, I would prefer that you release the book earlier and make that section another book at another time. However, I think that some tables to help folks like me with little to no astrological background would be beneficial - I will try to be more specific:
I'm looking through your commentary on LOE right now, and coming across this line: "Cancer is ruled by the Moon", I'm struck by my own ignorance on what rules what. That sort of table would be extremely helpful.
Signs with their symbols would be helpful as well.
Are signs considered masculine or feminine?
Which are Earth signs, Fire signs, etc.
What signs are fixed, cardinal, mutable (and a small description of what that means)This type of information is really really basic, and surely I should have been able to memorize it by now, but when I imagine myself on a dessert island, with your upcoming book, this is the type of basic correspondences that I would want to flip back to when presented with some of the material in your current commentary on the Aethyrs.
My 2 cents
@Tinman said
"I'm looking through your commentary on LOE right now, and coming across this line: "Cancer is ruled by the Moon", I'm struck by my own ignorance on what rules what. That sort of table would be extremely helpful."
We overlapped on posting - I snuck one in right above yours, so won't bore you with repeating it.
That specific information is in the book - in a table showing the attributions of astrological factors to the Enochian letters. So you're covered by that. OTOH this is one of the basics you would pick up from the most introductory preliminaries every occultist already should know. Specific recommendation: The Golden Dawn's knowledge lecture for the 0=0 grade lists the names, glyphs, and sequence of the 12 signs, the glyphs and names of the planets, and the rulerships and exaltations. Grab your GD book off the shelf and learn that. You'll be all ready to go!
"re signs considered masculine or feminine?"
Yes, but irrelevant to anything in the book.
"Which are Earth signs, Fire signs, etc."
Also in the GD 0=0 Knowledge Lecture. (Also probably irrelevant to anything in the book.)
"What signs are fixed, cardinal, mutable (and a small description of what that means)"
I think this was in the GD 0=0 KL too (and doesn't come up anyplace I can remember in the book)\ but, in case not, here is the table:
Cardinal (or Rim): Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed (or Hub): Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Mutable (or Spoke): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces"This type of information is really really basic, and surely I should have been able to memorize it by now, but when I imagine myself on a dessert island, with your upcoming book, this is the type of basic correspondences that I would want to flip back to when presented with some of the material in your current commentary on the Aethyrs."
The good news is (1) most of that isn't at all relevant to the book, rulerships and exaltation excepted and, (2) you can get most or all of it from the GD 0=0 KL.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Alias55A said
"Jim, mabye after this book you could right a small one, or really small one, something like "jim's Sidreal for Dummies" or something."
An astrololgy book is planned, though not on a particular schedule.
The better deal for something QUICK is for me to find a free week to get back online."
WOOT! for both! Can't wait Jim.
Yeah - GD KL 1 - I know. I have access to all the right tables; but scattered about. I was seeing what might be possible to cram into the new book as a helpful appendix or 2. But you addressed that some of it is irrelevant and if so, toss the idea.
Looking forward to the book. Your AA book is constantly getting opened. Keep up the Great Work