The One Year Manual: Twelve Steps
I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this book/system by Israel Regardie.
Would you recommend it? Would you recommend against it?
I'm debating changing it lightly, such as switching the Rose Cross rituals with LBRPs instead. Do you have any experience one way or the other and have any thoughts on that idea?
I intend on performing this at some point, possibly over the next year (throughout 2011 in other words).
I did the one year manual with good results. The only thing I modified were the prayers to God. I substituted them with some of my favorite invocations by Crowley. It's definitely a worthy endeavor.
@TheSilent1 said
"I did the one year manual with good results. The only thing I modified were the prayers to God. I substituted them with some of my favorite invocations by Crowley. It's definitely a worthy endeavor."
That's cool
At a glance, it looks pretty powerful given what one is actually required to do, which isn't much; the ritual component only comes in at about halfway through the process, for instance. It also seems to slope upward in intensity very slowly and gently, which is something I definitely appreciate.
Just remember that the results are a cumulative effect. You have to keep adding the layers without discarding anything. If you haven't read "The Spiritual Guide" by Michael Molinos I HIGHLY recommend it especially if you want to undertake this particular work.
@TheSilent1 said
"If you haven't read "The Spiritual Guide" by Michael Molinos I HIGHLY recommend it especially if you want to undertake this particular work."
I plan to take your advice anyway, but, out of curiosity - why? How does it relate to this particular work?
Actually, another question I want to tack onto the end of this- The adorations are basically Liber Resh, correct? In the One Year Manual, Regardie states that, for instance:
"At dawn, or upopn arising, he should perform whatever ablutions are customary and then turning towards the East, say audibly: [etc]"
I have no experience with assumption of Godforms or anything of the like - are they necessary for the performance of these adorations in this context? What about the usage of grade signs and such? In short, how far would you recommend going for this?
Basically, perform Liber Resh as it is written in Book4. Just focus on saying the adorations four times a day. The assumption of god-forms can be done by spending time visualizing yourself as the god/dess that you are adoring, but that isn't as important as simply doing the adorations daily.
The Spiritual Guide applies greatly to these practices and developing an inner spirituality while developing this practice. It also helps to understand "dryness" and depression, that may or may not occur while undertaking the work. The book is literally a pamphlet that you can read in a few hours, yet full of so much insight.
To make you aware of the unabated presence of the sun.
Alrah wrote:"Before the 5=6 it's just an intellectual exercise."
Not my experience of it at all. When I did it most rigorously, I wasn't aware of any effects, but I realized later that I was conditioning myself to particular perception of totality - or Totality. A lot of this stuff we do doesn't have an immediately discernible effect, but it does have a cumulative one.
Intellectually, BTW, I found Resh a bit baffling in those early days, and somehow distasteful. It worked at suborning my usual perceptions partly because of this.
And yes, I noticed the quiet. I rather like it.
93 93/93,
@Alrah said
"Before the 5=6 it's just an intellectual exercise."
I disagree entirely. At the very least, before 5=6 it is a frequent recurring pointer in the right direction.
Also, there is good magick (and good astrology) in it: The times when the Sun is on the horizon and meridian are (as with all planets) the times of day that we have most ready access to the mode of consciousness related to the Sun. Consciously affirming a connection to it at those times, in even a bad case, will incrementally build up an identification with that consciousness in the aspirant.
And, of course, there is the pure discipline. Stopping to do something at specific points four times a day (the time being out of your control) for weeks, months, or years at a time is damn good training.
@Alrah said
"that completely ignored the effect upon the subconscious and the potential transformative effects upon the aspirant."
Just a quick note but this is why I do ANY ritual and in particular, why I like liber Resh so much. Aside from the LBRP, prolonged performance of this ritual has been a staple in my ritual work.
@Ash said
"[Follow-up: After reading Jim's post in my thread on the RC Ritual, I don't think I will be replacing it.]"
Why not replace the RC with the LBRP?