Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solistice
In my studies I have a great lack of Astrological knowledge - so I wanted to ask a question regarding tonights Lunar Eclipse and how it coincides with the Winter Solistice. Does anyone have any insight, opinions, and/or thoughts regarding the importance of this cosmic event to share? Is there a great significance in the Lunar Eclipse itself? How about how it coincides with this Solistice? Does this spur anyone on to try a new "operation" - ceremonial or otherwise to tap into any Energy outgoing from tonight?
Thanks - and much respect!
@mojorisin44 said
"Does anyone have any insight, opinions, and/or thoughts regarding the importance of this cosmic event to share?"
BTW it's not "cosmic." It's quite local to our planet. The Winter Solstice is an event distinctive to the northern hemisphere of the Earth as a consequence of the Earth's particular orbit about the Sun; and the lunar eclipse is a consequence of orbital patterns of the Earth-Moon system. Neither of these events even exists on, say, Mars - or, for that matter, just outside of Earth's atmosphere. (They even have somewhat opposite significance in the Earth's southern hemisphere.) So, all in all, it's a pretty local event.
Thanks for the clarification. I'll take from this that I should alter my perception of my relation to the Earth and my relation to the Solar System/Universe.
I'll look to the other thread for more info - my apologies - I didn't look in "General Matters". Thanks for the response.
@Jim Eshelman said
"BTW it's not "cosmic." It's a pretty local event."
Good grief, sir. Wih all due respect, as Earth-dwelling creatures, certainly you must agree that this is an unusually beautiful event? It's been 600 years since the last time winter solstice coincided with such an eclipse (and beautiful it was to experience, from my personal subjective experience.)
The last time we had this alignment, Columbus had not yet set foot upon these Western shores. With all due respect to to whatever experience the Martians might be having, this could be empowering for a bunch of us Earthlings.
With all humility. -
@mojorisin44 said
"Is there a great significance in the Lunar Eclipse itself? Does this spur anyone on to try a new "operation" - ceremonial or otherwise to tap into any Energy outgoing from tonight?
Thanks - and much respect!"
mojo --- a few quick thoughts. Any astrological event's personal importance varies according to how it impacts your natal chart. Do you have personal planets/angles at 29 degrees, or very near? That is the "angle" being stimulated tonight. The more of that, the more this particular event impacts you.
Just my personal reaction: since an eclipse is an alignment of Malkuth, the Moon and the Sun... MIddle Pillar seems to be highlighted as a way to go.
Yes I totally used this Eclipse for a new start (i.e., Rebirth) and have tottaly been impacted in several different ways. Wont attempt to elaborate on this here but I have been dealing back and forth all night by a severe nose bleed please see my post In Magick under nose bleed and elaborate if you have any thoughts. Thanks.......
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude
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@mojorisin44 said
"In my studies I have a great lack of Astrological knowledge - so I wanted to ask a question regarding tonights Lunar Eclipse and how it coincides with the Winter Solistice. Does anyone have any insight, opinions, and/or thoughts regarding the importance of this cosmic event to share? Is there a great significance in the Lunar Eclipse itself? How about how it coincides with this Solistice? Does this spur anyone on to try a new "operation" - ceremonial or otherwise to tap into any Energy outgoing from tonight?
Thanks - and much respect!"
Pleese se my posts in Magick on Apologie 2 all and nose bleed.
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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@mrkiii said
@Jim Eshelman said
"BTW it's not "cosmic." It's a pretty local event."Good grief, sir. Wih all due respect, as Earth-dwelling creatures, certainly you must agree that this is an unusually beautiful event?"
That's a slang use of "cosmic." The word doesn't mean "beautiful." It means of or pertaining to the kosmos, generally meaning the physical universe beyond the local framework of the earth.
"It's been 600 years since the last time winter solstice coincided with such an eclipse (and beautiful it was to experience, from my personal subjective experience.) "
Solar and lunar eclipses repeat in 19 year cycles. While the same precision (totality) of eclipse doesn't hit within each metonic cycle, it does hit within every few.
mrkiii - sorry I didn't see your question earlier, I'm in Thousand Oaks, CA. Not sure if you meant my physical location or my birth data by the question regarding being near personal planets/angles at 29 degrees. I am very weak in Astrology and have it as a personal goal to study up on the theory.
I do appreciate being corrected in regards to wording and perspective. That is a reason why I like this board. Its done with respect and with the intention to teach. So thanks All....
Unfortunatley, here in the LA/Ventura County area we couldn't really see much due to the rain.
On a side note - recently I've been more able to concentrate on my personal "work" regarding reading, practicing, and digesting some of the material pertaining to Mysticism and Magick. I found myself recently more able to concentrate on the specific tasks I've set out for myself - for example, performing the 4 adorations more consistently and more on time, documenting in my journal, practicing Asana, general visualization excercises, and just flat out reading. I've focused more since hit my 30th birthday in August and feel that I'm on a path leading to the Highest goal I can contemplate. So personally, I'll use the totality of events to spur me on further to reach greater depths of understanding.
I looked up my Natal Chart. At 25 degrees (closest to 29) I have Saturn/Virgo - not sure what that means. No other planets closer to 29 though.
@Alrah said
@mrkiii said
@Jim Eshelman said
"BTW it's not "cosmic." It's a pretty local event."It's been 600 years since the last time winter solstice coincided with such an eclipse"
372 actually.
"The last time we had this alignment, Columbus had not yet set foot upon these Western shores."
Columbus discovered the America's in 1492.
There's a certain value in being precise you know?
Agreed! Sorry, I am forever correcting misinformation. We like accuracy even if its all an illusion! Right? I saw this only because I was gonna comment that there was also a solar eclipse this morning, pointing out that there have been a few celestial events occurring within this window!
MYTH: Columbus set foot on North American soil at some point now a part of mainland United States.
FACT: Columbus never saw North America. His first landfall was in the Bahamas, probably the current San Salvador (Watlings Island), although even this is disputed (Samana Cay, an island 65 miles south of San Salvador is a strong contender). There are proponents for seven other possible island landing sites. The only current U.S. territories either sighted or visited by Columbus are the U.S. Virgin Islands, which Columbus named on his second voyage, and Puerto Rico. While in anchor of St. Croix (USVI) on November 14, 1493, some of Columbus' crew experienced the first hostile encounter with the Indians. Five days later he landed at San Juan Bautista, now Puerto Rico. Later he would visit the northeastern tip of South America and the eastern coast of Central America, but never mainland U.S.A. The fact is that Columbus never admitted that he had discovered a new continent.
The fact that we celebrate Thanksgiving and Columbus Day are based on misnomers. I think my problem lies in lies.
Sorry to derail.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to bring this misnomer about. I suppose it all has to do w/the schools of thought we adhere to as to the lies we receive??? Good call!!!
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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I tend to think of these things not as lies, especially because the real facts are widely known.
Rather, I think of them as myths. Not myths in the sense of untruths, but rather in the sense of culturall-defining and -directing legends.
Most of what we deal with in magick is bullshit in the sense of Assiah-level facts. But Assiah is only one plane. Most or all of what we deal with in magick is absolutely true on some plane deeper than Assiah, and is fuelled by the same torrent of vitality and fuels real myth.
I've long held that the historicity of the King Arthur legend barely matters at all in the face of the particular form of the Arthur legend that has come down to us - because its persistence and evolution has conformed to something fundamental in humanity's collective psyche.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I tend to think of these things not as lies, especially because the real facts are widely known.
Rather, I think of them as myths. Not myths in the sense of untruths, but rather in the sense of culturall-defining and -directing legends.
Most of what we deal with in magick is bullshit in the sense of Assiah-level facts. But Assiah is only one plane. Most or all of what we deal with in magick is absolutely true on some plane deeper than Assiah, and is fuelled by the same torrent of vitality and fuels real myth.
I've long held that the historicity of the King Arthur legend barely matters at all in the face of the particular form of the Arthur legend that has come down to us - because its persistence and evolution has conformed to something fundamental in humanity's collective psyche."
Another good call there Jim. You are right, and I should re-state a bit. Lies aren't quite it either. That kinda smacks @ "Conspiracy Theories" I suppose. Myths are definately the correct term and glad you made me re-think that one. Santa, Father Time, and a host of others are good examples of this same types of archetypes rather well hidden w/in the Collective Unconscious and are more real to most of us than we give credit for or I suppose realise most often than not. Hopefully this not being to far out of context of Columbus discovering the Americas. I sometimes get on tangents. I'll let my friend Mr. Kii know he has more posts that he may be curious in researching here.
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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I guess for me personally, it's all too recent for it to hold the same or similar values as King Arthur, but may in time. It's a hard one since I've been taught to correct errors by elders of whom I am sure are fairly tapped in, in their own right/rite. Respect there. And in lieu of the occult, I appreciate your input in case I lose sight of that. It's all bridge work to me.
Silly misnomers being brought to the attention of actual facts seems, to me, a valuable tool, especially in light of our current education system. We're still in that window of correction. And I know for a fact that people believe certain misnomers and like to know the actuality of it before it slips into lost knowledge.
It's all kind of romantic to me at the same time, even when it gets my goat!!
@anistara said
"I guess for me personally, it's all too recent for it to hold the same or similar values as King Arthur, but may in time. It's a hard one since I've been taught to correct errors by elders of whom I am sure are fairly tapped in, in their own right/rite. Respect there. And in lieu of the occult, I appreciate your input in case I lose sight of that. It's all bridge work to me.
Silly misnomers being brought to the attention of actual facts seems, to me, a valuable tool, especially in light of our current education system. We're still in that window of correction. And I know for a fact that people believe certain misnomers and like to know the actuality of it before it slips into lost knowledge.
It's all kind of romantic to me at the same time, even when it gets my goat!!"
Agreed.... Man this site is great. Definitely brings out the thinkers in quite a scholarly manner!
L.V.X. x Love x Will = Magnitude.
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@Alrah said
"Well yeah - I meant South America.
Mayans. Beardless men. Lots of gold to please the Spanish Queen... and endless dodgy shenanigans afterwards. The population of both North and South was said to be equal to that of the old world as well back then...
Did you know that it was the British that started scalping Indians? (True). The English had practised it on the Irish first though. As a Brit myself that does know the proper history of these matters - I'd just like to say "sorry about sending you so many cut-throats, criminals and diseases btw...""
I did know that! It's my job to know
>> I'd just like to say "sorry about sending you so many cut-throats, criminals and diseases btw...
I wouldn't be here if it didn't happen. I'm thankful for that, most of the time!!! I do have relatives who are still having a lot of trouble with it. Racism is thick. And it's thicker when it's subtle. My aim is to assist in the release of the anguish and fear because it's a beautiful world. The fact is that many people suffer from colonial trauma, and it's a lot of people I love (including white people who are amazed at how their ancestors behaved, but 'twas the times) so it matters. PTSD is very real, and if it's still an issue, we can drop the P.
In Lux