using tattwa tides
I'm curious if experienced folks here use the tattwa tides for anything and put stock in them.
Part of me is skeptical of them; I don't "get" why they would appear in this sort of backwards running sequence, and what exactly generates them; I'm assuming the Sun is responsible for "sparking them" or something to that effect. I'd be interested in hearing informed opinions about their relevance to one's work, or even their very existence.
And assuming they have an effect, in what manner and to what extent, compared to other "subtle" issues like astrological aspects, lunar phases, etc.
@Escarabaj said
"I'm curious if experienced folks here use the tattwa tides for anything and put stock in them."
Yes and yes.
"I don't "get" why they would appear in this sort of backwards running sequence"
What is "backwards"? They are in the same sequence that the Tattwas are said to come into manifestation, commencing with Akasha and concluding with Prithivi.
"and what exactly generates them;"
There are different theories, and I don't have any evidence for any of them. Because the cycle starts daily at sunrise, there is evidently some relationship to the Sun (which is at the heart of most of the theories).
"I'd be interested in hearing informed opinions about their relevance to one's work, or even their very existence."
You'll find their practical use described in 776 1/2, in the Timing section.
"And assuming they have an effect, in what manner and to what extent, compared to other "subtle" issues like astrological aspects, lunar phases, etc."
They are much shorter cycles than either of those. Within their tiny 24-minute window, they are quite powerful. Probably they are not as powerful as planets crossing angles during the same period, but it would be hard to disentangle them.
Thanks Jim. My fault on saying backwards, I'm used to looking "up" on the body chakra system
. Although I do find the sequence uncomfortable because it doesn't mirror the spirit fire water air earth qabalistic one.
If we've been living with these all our lives I'm wondering if they account for peoples "moods" or vibes throughout the day. And maybe I'm overthinking but I'm assuming traveling at high speeds would speed up whatever effect hey have.
Im curious if people believe in them enouh to plan certain mundane actinides around them, eg when to go shopping. I'm trying to be conscious of them and see if I can accurately sense which one is flowing at random.
I have to be paying more attention than that - using it for a more reserved activity. I do have records of visions begun under one tide that switched tone and content within a minute or two of when the tide shifted, but I don't know that I've ever noticed it at a grosser level than that.
@Escarabaj said
" Although I do find the sequence uncomfortable because it doesn't mirror the spirit fire water air earth qabalistic one."
Do you mean fire water spirit air earth or fire water air spirit earth? there are numerous orders you can place the elemnts in for different reasons. I think with the tattwa tides it has to do with coming from the highest, most spiritual and working it's way down to the most material/physical and then repeating the cycle.
A note on the short cycle; you can seal the energy within the circle with the banishing and invoking rituals of the Pentagram, then it won't matter if the cycle shifts while you are in ritual. At least thats the theory. By the same logic the same could be said for any other influence, be it the hours or astrolgical.
Sequence of the emanation of the Tattwas is: Spirit, Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
This is also the attribution series to the chakras from throat chakra down.