performing sample ritual 5 in 776 1/2
Im currently needing some clarification within Sample Ceremony 5, as it is written in 776 1/2, and hopeing Jim and/or others could give me some input.
Its around the section entilted 'DRAW DOWN THE WHITE LIGHT', and where it then sais "Employing the Heirachical Names as you see fit".Is an approach to VIBRATE the Divine names from each Sephira descending to MALKUTH? With a 'certain' focus through Geburah coressponding to the intent of the Ritual? and even saying the BRIAH and YETZIRAH names through GEBURAH only? Which then would travel down through the rest of the TREE to the ALTER as i complete the VIBRATION of the Divine Names?
Is their something i might not be considering here? and any input on Visualisations, other than LIGHT descending from KETHER and RED through GEBURAH which would then travel mixed with the LIGHT to MALKUTH?Ive been working towards the perormance of this ceremony for a little while. Doing some study, and inner work to make sure it is in line with my true will. The section i have mentioned above feels like the last thing i need some knowledge and confidence with before it is brought to the Temple.
Looking forward to any coresspondence whatsoever. Certainly if you have performed this and feel it is right for you to speak/write this would be great.
kind regards
evol -
@evol said
"Its around the section entilted 'DRAW DOWN THE WHITE LIGHT', and where it then sais "Employing the Heirachical Names as you see fit".
Is an approach to VIBRATE the Divine names from each Sephira descending to MALKUTH?"
That part of the ritual instruction means to apply the Names of the Geburah hierarchy: Elohim Gibbor, Kamael, Seraphim, Madim in the fashion that you "see fit."
This doesn't mean, of course, that there are no other valid approaches: I'm only clarifying what the text of the published ritual means.
i'm taking then that an approach would be to connect to the LIGHT above, and VIBRATE it down to the ALTER using only the names from GEBURAH. My way of making it fit would be to use my BODY as the TREE and out through my hands to the ALTER, with an emphasis of it passing through the GEBURAH position within and around the BODY, or maybe the GEBURAH position resonating with the overall experience of it comming down.
anyone got anythoughts?