Extended 'Aum Namah Shivaya' mantra symbolism
His beauty is His power.
I love this mantra:) ty for turning me onto it:)
Blythe, can you enlighten me as to what the second sentence in the phrase translates to (if you know)? I've seen many translations of the first part, but I haven't come across the second part.
(My favorite translation for the first part is "Aum. Not me, but Shiva," paraphrased into "Nothing belongs to me; everything belongs to Shiva.")
Personally, I think the gematria may be stretching it a bit, but I'm very conservative when it comes to gematria (I think that you could twist anything into anything if you're creative enough, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything).
93, 93/93.
can u analyze that formula Blythe?
@Blythe A. Blanche said
Okay, I could go with this all day, like 'Ash' said, and I'm not sure if I've stretched the Qabalah too far already."LOL! I like how you have my handle in quotes - it can be read many ways, one or two of them legitimate, and the rest ridiculous, but all of them hilarious.
FWIW, I like this analysis far more than your first (shorter) one - it's orders of magnitude more believable for me, because you kept the number game to a minimum and used ideological relationships instead.
93, 93/93.
thats really nice:)
maybe its LaSHTaL instead of IAO........{I dont have a clue so I am not saying you are wrong:)}
"In more humble words, I have very little idea what I'm talking about...yet"
haha:) me and u both.
But, yes I ment the ShT to be taken as one idea:)
The reason I was thinking of LaShTal is because of force, form, and fire......
I like the idea, Blythe, but I think the gist behind the first part (aum namah shivaya) is relinquishing form and worshipping shiva as the "ink" itself of existence, I.e. As the all-pervading force behind all form. It's not quite like telling shiva to destroy old clothing, but affirming that everything is just clothing to shiva, the essence.
Or so I see it based on my scant research of the mantra.
Your interpretation on the second phrase is interesting but, ultimately, we don't actually know.
93, 93/93.
A couple years ago, I had a powerful dream in which everyone was chanting "Aum Namo Shivaya Namaha"
I had never consciously heard of the mantra before, and was later amazed to find it in 'The ! and the ?'Interesting to see other aspirants drawn to it as well.
@Blythe A. Blanche said
- Also, by Notariquon: 1 (A) + 50 (N) + 300 (Sh) + 50 (N) + 300 (Sh) + 50 (N) + 1 (A) = 752 = Satan (Shin-Aleph-Tau-Aleph-Nun), a symbol for the Holy Guardian Angel.
I recall being utterly paranoid about getting mixed up in Satanic trickery and going back and forth over and over with Jim about Crowley's use of "Satan" in one of his rituals. I had been studying Thelema for a few years and learned that the "child sacrifice" thing was a colossally misconstrued joke, etc. but I had never seen an actual adoration of Satan before and then, blammo, there it was. I felt tricked and very upset by it. Jim was unable to thoroughly convince me of any other interpretations, but I don't think he was trying that hard. He said something like, "If you're so worried about it, then maybe this isn't the path for you."
Anyway, I don't recall ever hearing that quite before. I just refamiliarized myself with the meaning of each letter (STN as well as SATAN) and, well... I'll be damned!
I also never knew before that the 3 Yods in Shin were little 6's and that the Yod itself is the prime of the solar square (111) which makes Crowley's comment about "little sunshine" all the more accurate, of course.
But, especially surprising, were that the 3 Yods of Shin represent the descending dove of Cosmic Fire as seen clearly in the OTO logo.
... wish I could rectify the whole "descending dove of Cosmic Fire" thing, though, with my own utterly atheist perspective...
- Also, by Notariquon: 1 (A) + 50 (N) + 300 (Sh) + 50 (N) + 300 (Sh) + 50 (N) + 1 (A) = 752 = Satan (Shin-Aleph-Tau-Aleph-Nun), a symbol for the Holy Guardian Angel.