Change of future by using tarot?
Is it possible to change or influence future by using tarot? One moment i thought i really done it...
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@Takamba said
"There is nothing you cannot create your future with.
(sorry if I am not understanding your concern correctly)"
Yes, yes, yes:)
Since the Tarot is a system of Initiation, it absolutely can change the future.
A little note: "change" and "change the future" are really one and the same.
Stability in Motion.
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
@Frater ALLAShALLA said
"A little note: "change" and "change the future" are really one and the same. "
I'm not sure you can change anything... except direction, i.e., what holds your attention.
"Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other."
You can't change the past. You can't change the present (though you can certainly reorient your relationship to it, which feels much the same; come to think of it, the same is true of the past). And you can't change the future because it doesn't exist yet - there is nothing to change.
But you can point your nose in a different direction so that the present is a starting point to a different path than you would have walked if you hadn't turned around.
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"You can't change the past. You can't change the present (though you can certainly reorient your relationship to it, which feels much the same; come to think of it, the same is true of the past). And you can't change the future because it doesn't exist yet - there is nothing to change."
Wooooweeeee I think I just got a crack in the Tower:p
But serioulsy, I am aware of my lack of awareness though i probably don't present myself that way:p
I am viewing magick different than what you propose. I suppose it has everything to do with my state (or lack) of initiation.
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
@Jim Eshelman said
@Frater ALLAShALLA said
"A little note: "change" and "change the future" are really one and the same. "I'm not sure you can change anything... except direction, i.e., what holds your attention.
"Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other."
You can't change the past. You can't change the present (though you can certainly reorient your relationship to it, which feels much the same; come to think of it, the same is true of the past). And you can't change the future because it doesn't exist yet - there is nothing to change.
But you can point your nose in a different direction so that the present is a starting point to a different path than you would have walked if you hadn't turned around."
this needs at least a facebook sharing
This is the true idea of Silence; it is our Will which issues, perfectly elastic, sublimely Protean, to fill every interstice of the Universe of Manifestation which it meets in its course. There is no gulf too great for its immeasurable strength, no strait too arduous for its imperturbable subtlety. It fits itself with perfect precision to every need; its fluidity is the warrant of its fidelity. Its form is always varied by that of the particular imperfection which it encounters: its essence is identical in every event. Always the effect of its action is Perfection, that is, Silence; and this Perfection is ever the same, being perfect; yet ever different, because each case presents its own peculiar quantity and quality.
- The Book of Thoth
Maybe we can align our perception with the current? Is this considered change?
IMHO, changing the past, present, or future is a matter of perception, or quite possibly others that are "seeing things the way we see it"...and these things depend on more than a strict "objective" reality. Truth is relative. Memes seem to be a good example of this happening collectively...
Also, past, present and future presuppose a linear time theory and our modern method of setting clocks to the sun. In many states of consciousness, this method of time observance is ridiculous.
Can a Tarot reading "change" your future? If you mean "can it be a catalyst that affects my judgment of how I handle future phenomena?", then yes...but, ultimately, you're the only God that makes and perceives your own reality, thus affecting events in the "future".
@ Jim: enjoyed your response.
Love is the law, love under will.