Growth In The New Aeon
I have been working toward identifying imprinting from my former life, which was based on Old Aeon ideals. Specifically, meditating recently on the abominable myth of "Sin", I felt my personal paradigm shift dramatically. It seems that I finally understood that the "Soul" is pure genius and free of the need to be saved. Along with the freedom and truth that came from such a personal understanding, it brought new awareness to dealing with my son growing up and making sure not to carry over imprinting of this nature.
Do situations such as this "stick" or do you find yourself regressing? I realize identifying what one does is the first step to avoid repeating undesirable actions. Just wondering if any have had similar experiences.
Welcome to the New Aeon
You ask a great question. The answer is that sometimes they stick, and sometimes they mostly fade - but one can never quite back to where one started.
Among the biggest challenges are old habits closing in, or people around you expecting your conformity to the older version of yourself. It helps if you have some lucid, simple articulation of the new shift that you can bring back in front of your mind as a reminder of how you are now choosing to look at yourself in your world.