New book - Liber Theta - free digital download!
@he atlas itch said
"Thanks Jim and ToT for providing this download of Liber Theta.
I just started reading through it, but there seems to be an error on the front page cover illustration and same illustration that appears on page four. Instead of the letters T A R O around the cross, the illustration shows the letters T A P O. This is error is confirmed by the description of the cover illustration which states the letters should read T A R O."
P is the way Greek letter Rho is written -
Yes, those are all Greek letters: Tau Alpha Rho Omicron.
Ok thanks for that clarification.
Is this something that a complete beginner can dive into, with only a rudimentary knowledge of the Tree of Life and little to no information on anything else? I've only just begun my studies in this field and while I have been practicing the meditations in Liber Theta for about two weeks now I find that I am unable to extract very much meaning or understanding from the symbols, aside from being able to discern vaguely what they represent.
@Aldrich said
"Is this something that a complete beginner can dive into, with only a rudimentary knowledge of the Tree of Life and little to no information on anything else? I've only just begun my studies in this field and while I have been practicing the meditations in Liber Theta for about two weeks now I find that I am unable to extract very much meaning or understanding from the symbols, aside from being able to discern vaguely what they represent."
I think so. You'll have to work a little harder, of course, but I think it would serve you well in deepening your Qabalistic knowledge.
If there are kinds of information that you feel you're lacking, you can ask questions here.
Thank you Jim. I look forward to reading this.
I have just made a few corrections (errata discovered by one of our members) and uploaded version 3.3.The changes were typos, mostly minor, but at least one corrected outright wrong information (the esoteric title of Atu XVII, The Star). If you are using the book as a permanent reference, I recommend you go back and download a fresh copy.
@Jim Eshelman said
I have just made a few corrections (errata discovered by one of our members) and uploaded version 3.3.The changes were typos, mostly minor, but at least one corrected outright wrong information (the esoteric title of Atu XVII, The Star). If you are using the book as a permanent reference, I recommend you go back and download a fresh copy."
same link included in your initial post to this thread?
Love and Will
Yes, same link. Keeping it consistent. It will always get you the current version.
Or just go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, click on Publications, and see the download link near the top of the page.
Thanks Mr Eshelman!
@gmugmble said
"There's a tarot deck called "Liber T: Tarot of Stars Eternal" that is essentially a re-drawing of the Harris-Crowley deck."
I had not heard of that deck before; it looks very good. It seems far clearer that the Harris deck.The book Liber Theta is superb; it really looks like the book I have been looking for. Thanks, Jim!
Hi Jim!
First off, thank you very much for releasing this work to the public. I have decided to begin using the practices recommended in the book as my main daily work, just as I used to do with the BOTA lessons for the past several years.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Yes, Case's adaptation of Liber Tav is mentioned on the same page as the diagram."
I am curious about this attribution: is there evidence that Case adapted Liber Tav, or is this just an assumption because it seems likely?
Nothing documented... except that it's certain that he was familiar with Liber Tav years before he began teaching a slight variation of it. (Case was a devoted student of The Equinox.)
@Jim Eshelman said
"Nothing documented... except that it's certain that he was familiar with Liber Tav years before he began teaching a slight variation of it. (Case was a devoted student of The Equinox.)"
Ah, thanks for answering that, Jim. That makes good enough sense.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We have just released a Fourth Revised Edition of Liber Theta. Feel free to download a copy:
The primary change in this edition is in the Major Arcana chapter. From the Introduction:
"In this Fourth Edition, I have added a versicle near the top of each Trump page. These poetic passages, rich in visual and emotional imagery, are from a devotional work titled Liber Amoris vel Calicis that was a fruit of parabhakti practices in 1997. These verses express the intimacy between the adept and the Holy Guardian Angel in terms of each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. They may be of assistance in understanding the deeper implications of each card in terms of its letter symbolism and placement on the Tree of Life."
Thanks much for making Theta available, Jim. I did the nine-card reading (Nephesh, Ruach, Neshamah) yesterday -- I had never seen it before reading it in Theta -- and it was exceedingly helpful. I'm going to read the rest of the book in depth as it deserves, but just that much was worth it!
Apologies if this has been covered somewhere already. I tried to get my local OfficeMax to print and bind this for me (with a nice cover and all that), but the copyright forbids them from doing so without written permission. I thought it would be okay for personal use, but apparently they're restricted from printing it... Is there any kind of permission I can get to have a single copy of this printed for my use only? It's such a great work, and I'd really love to have something nicer and more durable than just a stack of single sided pages from my home printer...
Permission granted for the specific condition you requested. I'm the author and copyright holder. Bring them straight to this site if you need to
Unfortunately this wasn't good enough for them.
They wanted a fax number for the copyright holder so they could send forms to sign and federal documents and god knows what else, so I told them to forget it. I'm just going to print it off, three hole punch it and put it in a binder. Thanks anyways, Jim, I appreciate it.
@Iamus said
"Unfortunately this wasn't good enough for them.
They wanted a fax number for the copyright holder so they could send forms to sign and federal documents and god knows what else, so I told them to forget it. I'm just going to print it off, three hole punch it and put it in a binder. Thanks anyways, Jim, I appreciate it."
We don't have faxes. (People still use those?) Sorry. - I suggest a different copy place.
There's a FedEx at 200 S University Avenue. If they're like they are out here, you can walk in and do it yourself from a thumb drive.