contemporary Black Brothers
@Escarabaj said
"why is Crowley always warning about them? "
I think because someone on the magickal path could become one, and must guard against this. He wants you to look for the various traits of a black brother in yourself as much as in others.
And also perhaps to disincline the reader from joining other peoples orders.
The black brother are those who have attained but use their attainment to promote the easy life, the safe life, the tranquil life, rather than the hard life, the overcoming of obstacles, the self overcoming to manifest the will to power.
The those who promote the slave mentality in others in order to serve their own slave morality. They get the herd to serve them, by making life easy for the herd and this makes life easy for themselves. But this results in no one doing their will, everyone being lead by base passions and their desire for the " last man" rather than to become the overman.
The black brother when faced with the nature of the abyss, resents it, resents the world as it is, and in his heart he says NO to life. Rather than embrace the nothingness and meaninglessness of cold hard facts of the abyss, retreated into his "personal reality" I to his illusions and his comfortable self image and what he wants the world to be like. He does this knowing the truth, and thus cuts himself off from life and the real world. Then he proceeds to create his lies in the world, which leads to teaching his doctrine of resentment of truth and a morality of self denial, of fear and hatred of the world as it is.
The major institution of black brotherhood is still modern Christianity, the more removed from Catholicism the blacker. This also includes the derivative ideals that are Christian black values only with different theology. They include, humanism, liberalism, democracy, republicanism, commercial capitalism, and socialism. Those forces that oppose the monarchy and the link of the true philosopher king to the truth and acceptance of the world as it is.
That is all those forces that promote dreams in place of the foundation in the supernal. Those masters who teach a doctrine other than truth and foundation in the reality behind the veil of personal bias, are black doctrines.
@Froclown said
"The black brother are those who have attained but use their attainment to promote the easy life, the safe life, the tranquil life, rather than the hard life, the overcoming of obstacles, the self overcoming to manifest the will to power. "
This sounds like something far below that stage of development.
Well, my first impression of black, the one I have to get past first, is that it can merely represent the opposite of myself. And I can't let it be that simple. That's the hardest thing.
I can only think that, given my hypothesis of collective Mind, the Black Brother (dunh, dunh, dunh...!) does not report for duty, so to speak, for whatever team to which he owes his attainment. He or she is, afterall, still choosing to enjoy the experience and benefits of living, so... ante up with the service to life. So to speak.
Considering that the formal definition is an Adeptus Exemptus that turns back from the abyss (paraphrasing), and that the vast majority of the people with the ideological positions Froclown defines are not Adepts, at best one could say (presupposing we even agree with Froclown's ideological stance) that these were on the path to becoming Black Brothers.
But, the only sense I get out of Fro's definition is: everyone who I disagree with. What a neat coincidence that would be--that the black brotherhood would align perfectly to every idea we reject.
(EDIT: Interesting that our thought-forms are a little similar on this point, Lusate)
Jim, when you say they are "ultimately ignorant of the nature of love", what part of the nature of love are they are not getting?
The content of many of Froclown's posts form excellent examples of the sort of doctrine that emanates from the Black Brotherhood. (I'm not characterizing him personally. One normally credits the originators, not their apologists.)
In the world of religion, L. Ron Hubbard is a good example - all intellect and ego and measurements leveraged for the domination and constraint of others, perhaps under the guise of building a better world. And I'm sure he advanced as far as 7=4, so he's in the running.
In politics, we don't see many, because they are more likely behind the scenes. Few statesmen have undertaken the personal journey sufficiently to be taken so seriously as Hitler.) One would suspect a Karl Rove before one suspects those he served.
Av, the resistance to love is the unwillingness to die - to experience ego death - to cease as who one has been in order to discover who one actually is. That sort of thing.
There is a certain inexorable truth to Froclown's ideology - given the limitations of his spiritual realm.
I have tried to help champion, with him, the atheistic, scientific part of the method of Scientific Illuminism: the method of Science, the aim of Religion.
Is this an impasse?
This seems like the fulcrum to me.
We (collectively) seem like the fulcrum to me.
Everything in the human subjective mind is a lie, an illusion. Only objective data can reveal truth.
The spiritual is just the delusional the dreams in the mind.
Initiation is the pursuit of reality, not the belief in spiritual dreams. The supernals are not spiritual sources of physical reality, they are the hard factual physical reality, from which all thoughts and dreams, perceptions and astral spiritual subjective awareness arises. To cross the abyss you have to leave yourself behind, that means any notion of personal feeling, intuition, subjective awareness, to destroy everything of ones mind, body and soul and address rue hard factual reality itself, with the subjective totally annihilated and left behind. Only the objective truthful gets across the abyss, nothing of a "personal subjective reality" and no feelings or spiritual anything of self at all.
You must be an empty shell, pure material substance to cross the abyss, the angels bid it to pass, for there is no life there in. There he shall be laid to rest in the city of pyramids and Nemo shall me his name.
No name as you have reduced self totally to material substance, without any subjective inner world at all. Bina is pure matter striped of all spirit. Is Saturn, who devours his own children as matter ultimately creates and destroys all things recycles all back into itself.
Thus. Attainment is acceptance of a purely scientific materialism reality, and the leaving behind total all that is the inner, spiritual, or subjective awareness. The hardware stripped of all software, is the body without a name. And that is the Magister Templi as opposed to the black brother who refuses to give up his name, his soul, and his subjective perspective "personal reality" over to the cold meaningless objective truth of the abyss.
@Lusate Auton said
"There is a certain inexorable truth to Froclown's ideology - given the limitations of his spiritual realm."
The Ruach is a closed loop, a self-contained circuit. Within a person's intellect, all hamsters run on the same wheel.
One would at least expect robotic knee-jerks from that part of any of us, if not out-and-out consistency.
"I have tried to help champion, with him, the atheistic, scientific part of the method of Scientific Illuminism: the method of Science, the aim of Religion."
You're entitled.
I particularly like, though, your use of the word "part," since this is a subset of the bigger picture. (Once you get over the hurdle of realizing this is only part of the bigger picture, then you find that the parts are primarily separated by semantics and points of view.)
"Is this an impasse?"
Is what an impasse?
@Jim Eshelman said
"The content of many of Froclown's posts form excellent examples of the sort of doctrine that emanates from the Black Brotherhood. (I'm not characterizing him personally. One normally credits the originators, not their apologists.)"
Funny, I had exactly the same thought.
Love and Will
@Jim Eshelman said
"L. Ron Hubbard is a good example ... I'm sure he advanced as far as 7=4"
Wondering if anyone has seen the movie. Dead Man's Chest, which was the sequel to the Disney Pirates of the Carribean?
In that movie we meet a monster, named Davey Jones who I think in some regards fits the bill of a Black Brother. He certainly is a very complex character, to say the least. And if you follow the story through to the third, we are given some insights on the nature of love, and what rejecting that does to a person. -
@Froclown said
"Thus. Attainment is acceptance of a purely scientific materialism reality, and the leaving behind total all that is the inner, spiritual, or subjective awareness. The hardware stripped of all software, is the body without a name. And that is the Magister Templi as opposed to the black brother who refuses to give up his name, his soul, and his subjective perspective "personal reality" over to the cold meaningless objective truth of the abyss."
If this is the case, no need for any real work. They have medical procedures that can accomplish this.
I haven't gotten that far upstream yet, but it strikes me that the difference between insanity and spiritual development, is that in spiritual development, when we let go of the personal, subjective things, we become a part of something greater than us.
@Froclown said
"Everything in the human subjective mind is a lie, an illusion. Only objective data can reveal truth."
I might agree that only objective data can reveal objective truth.
But nothing is true unless and until it is true in personal experience. At core, that's the essential nature of trueness.
"The spiritual is just the delusional the dreams in the mind."
So is the so-called objective world. Objects may not even exist. There is a strong possibility that only our perception of objects exists. - But that's a philosophical debate not. The psychological aspect is more amenable to demonstration, viz., that, at the very least, the so-called objective world is a quakmire of selective perception and projection.
"Initiation is the pursuit of reality, not the belief in spiritual dreams."
It is a path toward wholeness characterized by being awake on all planes of one's own existence. (You have persistently denied that more than one of those planes exists.)
"To cross the abyss you have to leave yourself behind, that means any notion of personal feeling, intuition, subjective awareness, to destroy everything of ones mind, body and soul and address rue hard factual reality itself, with the subjective totally annihilated and left behind. Only the objective truthful gets across the abyss, nothing of a "personal subjective reality" and no feelings or spiritual anything of self at all."
No argument with this, except with your spin. Yes, you have to let it all expire. (That includes "objective truth," by the way - that will bind you in the Abyss as much as anything. You have to let it all expire.) The unaddressed question is... what does one find "on the other side" of that transition?
"You must be an empty shell, pure material substance to cross the abyss, the angels bid it to pass, for there is no life there in. There he shall be laid to rest in the city of pyramids and Nemo shall me his name."
The "pure material substance" is part of what never crosses. The adept crosses - or, rather, that essential thing that was the adept, that "wore" the adept. (You've got it exactly backwards. Just flip it on its axis and you'll be right on the mark!)
"Bina is pure matter striped of all spirit."
Binah in which of the four worlds? (That definition might be true of Binah in Assiah.) (It's a ciommon amateur's mistake to forget that the entire Tree exists in all four worlds.)
"Attainment is acceptance of a purely scientific materialism reality"
I get it now! I really do. Saturn is also the planet of humor. This is part of your stand-up schtick, yes? Bravo.
@gmugmble said
@Jim Eshelman said
"L. Ron Hubbard is a good example ... I'm sure he advanced as far as 7=4"Seriously?"
That he advanced that far? I'm sure of it. The evidence is all over his writings and history. (As is the ranting of the Abyss at a later stage.)
@Jim Eshelman said
@Lusate Auton said
"There is a certain inexorable truth to Froclown's ideology - given the limitations of his spiritual realm."The Ruach is a closed loop, a self-contained circuit. Within a person's intellect, all hamsters run on the same wheel.
One would at least expect robotic knee-jerks from that part of any of us, if not out-and-out consistency.
"I have tried to help champion, with him, the atheistic, scientific part of the method of Scientific Illuminism: the method of Science, the aim of Religion."
You're entitled.
I particularly like, though, your use of the word "part," since this is a subset of the bigger picture. (Once you get over the hurdle of realizing this is only part of the bigger picture, then you find that the parts are primarily separated by semantics and points of view.)"
Yes. I'm over that hurdle personally, but I know many who are not. I've been trying to translate. That was what I meant once on some manic day when I said, "This is a subroutine. Go bigger!" It's job is to defend against the larger sea - there be dragons!
"Is this an impasse?"Is what an impasse?"
I see us at a very specific place in a very long discussion. At this point, I can no longer defend the athestic position - for very literal and highly semantic reasons. One must be willing to breach those reasons AND believe at least something of the resulting experience.
Amid all the discussion of not taking experiences at face-value, we are all here, afterall, because at least one man took his experiences very, very seriously. So... for what that's worth in the larger discussion in my head...
You are too attached to the idealism of the tree of life.
Idealism is not correct. There is no god of universal spirit of which the physical world manifests.
Malkuth is not the physical world, it is the subjective map of the material world. When you live your life in the perspective of naive realism, that is you living in your head, in the mental maps of the world, the self, the body, all symbols in your brain.
Then the tree from Yesod to the abyss, that is the content of The mind it is deconstructing the map, and it is maps of maps and meaning creation, personality and psychology.
Now above the abyss is the real objective materialist world, the truth of which malkuth is a mode. The territory is above the abyss, the map is bellow it.
Thus the physical brain in the supernals, contains all the 7 lower spheres, the abyss is the gap between self the inner world of mind, and the objective world outside the mind.
Bina is the hardware the brain itself, stripped of all inner content or mind, or subjective software maps etc.
Chockmah is that which moves the brain to act, the physical stimulus that triggers images in the brain, the seed that grows into naive realism in malkuth. I like to thing of the mind as a sea, the waves and ripples in the sea are our images and maps, our thoughts. The Bina state is the calm sea, the ripple less surface the void, ready to receive impressions from chockmah, the world beyond the self.
Thus above the abyss is True physical reality bellow the abyss are the images reflected into the depths of the brain, and malkuth is the apparent or phenomenal reality of direct experience and naive reality.