Mystic powers
@Jim Eshelman said
@Vlad said
"Stage of consciousness development, sorry."There isn't a strict hierarchy ... I suppose that it's part of the old true saying that if you target "powers," you'll probably get them, but your growth will stop"
Yes, I know, it's a consequense, not a result.
Okay. Usually I don't use any spiritual faculties to keep myself safe. But, usually if I wish to, I can hear what people are thinking. Is this normal, I know John Doe of course can't do it, but what about John twenty-years-of-magick Doe? (to ask too simply)
"or the ability to know exactly how people react to things or what is going to happen within a few seconds or a few years, the latter being ability to see the future."
That mostly results from the Truth Sense that is one of the natural consequences of actual initiation. The way to accelerate it is to purge yourself of as much bullshit as you can and stop playing "I don't want people to see me and understand me games" that is part of the wide social agreement. Basically, we all have these particular powers all the time, but we have a silent agreement to let each other be invisible. When you opt out of that game, you tend to see right through the game."
What you describe happened to me when I was twenty, before my first strong experience. I don't know these words, where in the stages of consciousness development does the word initiation belong to? Maybe even that overlaps, but would it be 3=8, or then what?
Av, I can dig your post.
"Very much so! It's like I can breath a sigh of relief and just focus. Hmmmm"
Tttrueee. I'm basically tired because I'm always feeling others' emotions. I started noticing this at 17, just feeling the neighbours' emotions. I got very locked because I was soo open to everyone. And that happened partly because I was told that I was so locked=>openness=>more lock
@Jim Eshelman said
"And people question whether there's any such thing as telepathy?
"One time, when I was getting coffee with my wife after a run, I noticed that I could seem to actually hear people's internal monologue a lot more clearly, like they were talking out loud when I walked past."
This is basically what I'm talking about, if I wish to, I can hear exactly what people are thinking. Uncosciously I do register it, but if for a Neptunian person that's sometimes vague, then I can understand my presuppositions alot better; for example often I think people are thinking bad things about me. (the funny part is that oftentimes I hear they think the opposite of me.)
About the Truth sense: Yes, I feel actually that I've got "alot" (yeah) keener Truth sense than most others that I know, and sometimes it's horrible how people react to it. I've basically been searching something for eight years; a branch of that search brought me here too, but finally I found what I was looking for, whereas people usually tend to settle for a month, or a minute, of whatever they are searching. What about being able to see one's future? It's funny, I've categorically given all the right advices to my elder brother, he has discarded them all, whereas I know he's been giving me bad advice and after a while took them just to show him how bad it was, but ofcourse then he forgot he had given them and blamed me for my bad decisions. It seems to me that I can see the future somewhat, like someone asks something and I can answer what's going to happen with it, a relationship or a decision.
@Jim Eshelman said
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"I wonder how much other people's thoughts can form a "background noise"."Do you find that you think better, relax into working, etc., around 3 in the morning? I find there is a certain creative peace in the winter, an hour or more after midnight... the world and its inhabitants seem more deeply asleep and I can think more clearly."
I often find a window of great peace between 3-5 in the morning, which is when I do much of my best writing. I attribute it to the thoughts of others being at ebb, like the airwaves are more clear or something.
And to Vlad: 777 or Jim's revision have a list of various powers and their attributions. Very convenient for those who read.
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"This is all very interesting. I think as a protective reaction against how sensitive I was to other people's emotions growing up, as an adult I've been very cut off from anything vaguely psychic.
"Easier to trigger in the context of extremely strong emotion, such as lose-yourself-completely-to-it falling in love, and then easier to maintain more generally once it's opened. "
I'm very telepathic with my wife. I often hear her thoughts and say them, and it's a never-ending source of surprise.
I wonder how much other people's thoughts can form a "background noise". I find myself sometimes overwhelmed in groups because there seems to be so much "fluid" mental/emotional activity going on. One time, when I was getting coffee with my wife after a run, I noticed that I could seem to actually hear people's internal monologue a lot more clearly, like they were talking out loud when I walked past. Could've been an illusion, but it had me wondering if the clear-headed effect of the run helped."
Ha! I'm VERY telepathic with my fiancee! It seems the closer we are to someone, the faster we can "read" them. And, well...if a person is closed of full of bullshit...that's extremely easy to "feel".
As far as the run helping, does anyone else report similar "strengths" in intuition when the adrenal system is provoked? I believe there is a strong correlation here...that is, between release of these chemicals and some of their effects on different "modes of consciousness". There is definitely a correlation between "energized enthusiasm", ceremonial magick, and other "strenuous" activities, at least in my experience...
I'm sure there are many others that have had similar experiences...
I think that is a REALLY interesting topic to explore...I'd love to hear feedback ragarding that.
I have to live with my mother right now, and it's like one person. She can read me, I can read her, and that happens in the distance of 100 meters, I know (have known since I was a kid) exactly when she comes. She feels very threatened and that I'm "cold" because I try to be closed, and makes me feel a retard. She always tries to get me off balance and has techniques, some of which are like fine choreography that lasts for days, like a movie that has exact sets. And it all has to do with me. I'd rather live in the forest for the time being, but it's warmer inside, so I'll remain aloof and try to keep her distracted.
@Dar said
"He knows this but she keeps placing financial incentives about keeping in with her to him, and it's like there's isn't a division between his wallet and hers except that she whinges and uses the situation to have hysterics and he just get's a very short fuse and get's mad and tense. It does my nut in when they both come to me and complain... because I have to try and translate what makes a 60 year old woman tick to a 24 year old man and vice versa! He's angry and she's {*******} weeping (again). And I see both sides, but at the core of it ... at the core of it is an identity fight."
I'm 24 and she's 62. She has basically taken over half of my money since I was 18 and working, and even now she's taking alot more than what would be in any way reasonable. But you can't negotiate with her, she'll start a fit. She's also very hysterical, and she's always mumbling with herself something negative. But always keeps a happy face towards me, so that I'll feel guilty for being "cold" and "aggressive", meaning not trying to be entangled. She's apparently always very peaceful, but actually she's very aggressive. I can feel her aggression always, draining me. It seems like she can't let go.
She has been like that ever since I was 16. If that's the way for her to put me out, she's not doing very good work.
The entanglement was pretty much the same when I was at my own house, not having any connections to her. If that's to kick someone out of herself, she's not doing very good work. Actually pretty poor one. And if the thing was acute, I'd just go to live to a friend to get a house, but the entanglement would be there just as much without some practical stuff.
But my mother would have the same opinion as you, she's trying to make me a man. And that I'm not doing my part. Yeah, right. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
It takes two to have a prison.
Here's my eldest brother's answer to that: (put the thing out, so that my brother won't notice it here, a computer guru)
When I was twenty years old and moved out of my mother's, she almost managed to suspend me out of my family. It takes two to tango, but the other one may have a revolver in his hand and an ugly gleam.
This is off topic.
@Dar said
"*Alrah's 'Mars in Capricorn' is staring at you both now with crazy rectangular pupils... *"
[attachment=0:2bve817w]<!-- ia0 -->men_who_stare_at_goats_001.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2bve817w]
It's all about technique. And debleation. (Scroll right.) -
In thelemic context, the way you used it in your post. Certain powers occur at the stage of actual initiation. What does it mean? I'm not trying to be dumb here, but the word initiation is so differently used in different schools of thought, and I haven't really grasped what it means in thelemic parlance.
In that specific instance, I used it to mean "the course of gradual unfolding of spiritual development & sequential empowering of progressive levels of an individual."
I know the ritual for that: It's a group ritual, involving hundreds of thousands or millions of participants undertaking very serious efforts to counteract global warming.