Mystic powers
@Frater 639 said
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"This is all very interesting. I think as a protective reaction against how sensitive I was to other people's emotions growing up, as an adult I've been very cut off from anything vaguely psychic.Telepathy
"Easier to trigger in the context of extremely strong emotion, such as lose-yourself-completely-to-it falling in love, and then easier to maintain more generally once it's opened. "
I'm very telepathic with my wife. I often hear her thoughts and say them, and it's a never-ending source of surprise.
I wonder how much other people's thoughts can form a "background noise". I find myself sometimes overwhelmed in groups because there seems to be so much "fluid" mental/emotional activity going on. One time, when I was getting coffee with my wife after a run, I noticed that I could seem to actually hear people's internal monologue a lot more clearly, like they were talking out loud when I walked past. Could've been an illusion, but it had me wondering if the clear-headed effect of the run helped."
Ha! I'm VERY telepathic with my fiancee! It seems the closer we are to someone, the faster we can "read" them. And, well...if a person is closed of full of bullshit...that's extremely easy to "feel".
As far as the run helping, does anyone else report similar "strengths" in intuition when the adrenal system is provoked? I believe there is a strong correlation here...that is, between release of these chemicals and some of their effects on different "modes of consciousness". There is definitely a correlation between "energized enthusiasm", ceremonial magick, and other "strenuous" activities, at least in my experience...
I'm sure there are many others that have had similar experiences...
I think that is a REALLY interesting topic to explore...I'd love to hear feedback ragarding that."
Yes, me too
@Jim Eshelman said
"The Great Work is not quite the same as lower psychic spoon bending
I asked about changing the weather at 1000 mile radius and it remains unanswered. I guess I try to invite that kind of answers because I get them everywhere.
Vlad, 93,
"I asked about changing the weather at 1000 mile radius and it remains unanswered. I guess I try to invite that kind of answers because I get them everywhere."
You had an explicit and magically accurate response from JAE on August 19 at 3.04 pm. The means of magick should always correspond to the aim.
93 93/93,
Edward -
Vlad, 93,
An afterthought:
In the Mexican village where I live, there is a man, Aurelio R., who has been called on several times to redirect hurricanes. He has gone as far as Florida to do this.Can he really do it? I can't say, but he thinks he can. He's a sweet guy, so I don't feel right about asking him how many times he's screwed up.
He once did a reading of my health using a chicken's egg in a psychic process I'd not seen before. The results sucked. He told me I had prostate and heart problems, both of which were inaccurate.
But assuming he's better at hurricane deflection than he is at medical diagnosis, what are the consequences? A hurricane might go 50 miles further up the coast of Florida or the Yucatan, but somebody still gets smacked with high-powered winds. There are karmic entanglements resulting from this, surely: you save Miami or Cancun, but Fort Lauderdale or Merida gets a half-billion dollars' worth of damage. And now Aurelio has a personal responsibility for that outcome. Isn't it wiser to let nature do what it wants, and simply stay out of its way whenever possible?
Magick that's focused on developing and reinforcing the True Will will aim to do less and less with what's "out there" and more and more on "what's inside here."
93 93/93,
Edward -
These days, my favorite book-nobody-has-heard-of is Taming the Kundalini by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It is a collection of letters written by the swami to a female disciple, and bears interesting comparison with The Spiritual Life of the Eastern Orthodox saint Theophan, or even Magick Without Tears. Early on, the swami makes the usual truism that psychic powers should not be the aim of spiritual practice. But then he makes the interesting claim that though psychic powers are not the goal, failure to develop them is a sign that you are doing something wrong.
"The aim of sadhana [spiritual practice] should be acquisition of knowledge, dispassion, devotion, power and peace. If you fail to develop psychic powers through sadhana then you have missed the way. It is better, however, if the aim of sadhana is not the acquisition of magical powers. Those who practice sadhana for accomplishment of such magical powers fall from lofty ideals and dwell in ignorance. If knowledge, dispassion, devotion, power and peace are all acquired, many psychic powers will unfold themselves." (Emphasis added.)
Okay, this is what I'm getting at. I was thinking of having some kind of outer stick by which you can measure your development, not that I was interested in developing them. If I go into ecstacy, that doesn't really tell much about the nature of the ecstacy. But if, for example, I have the ability to see alot of the future, then maybe that does denote some kind of a stage of development.
Gmumble and Dar, lol
Btw, I'm not trying to be unclear. This is the way I am, it took me a while as a kid to learn how to put into language what I was thinking. And usually I find it hard still.
Robert and Edward: Excellent.
Vlad: I read your last post aloud to a friend with whom I'm journeying. She responded, "Here's a stick: Get a teacher!"
I like her answer a lot, especially because it removes the issue of judgment and evaluation of your progress from you. I don't know any better way to filter the ego's distortion of our self-perceptions than to keep it out of the process. (See gmumble's post just above.)
Even in the A.'.A.'., where each step hasva specific list of explicit, objective tasks to complete (and you can easily look these up as a variety of yardstick), the decision about whether or not you passed them is left to someone else.
If I had the ability to get a teacher, I wouldn't be asking these questions here. I've gone through a serious (boohoo) psychosis three years ago, which means that I don't have the ability to be in intense contact with people yet. I just thought that maybe there are some characteristic powers on different stages of development, so that it would be some kind of an indicator.
I don't find the fact that the spiritual, philosophical and scientific leaders of my country try to beckon me as an indicator. I want raw facts, I don't care about some imbeciles drooling at me.
Oddly enough, I've had some naughty knots getting out of my head, and for the first time in a few years at full force, I'd feel my charisma working at the shop. Usually I'm timid and all girls are grooling at me, but now I was calm and all girls were grooling at me.
Harry Potter's going in the background, and it said you're on fire!
BTW, I just burnt the first pizza. AND ATE IT!
@Vlad said
"Okay, what about controlling the weather of a country?"
My powers are usually isolated to small localities, like cities or maybe small states. I don't usually f-ck with the weather though unless someone asks me to. There was a drought in Wisconsin that I helped out with four or five years ago. That was on request, though.
It doesn't work if you're trying to show off, however. There seem to be built-in protocols to the various Siddhis.
Finally, thanks. And what is the scope of attainment with the outward expression of these powers? (Usually at this time people tend to get philosophical. I'm only interested in a scrapbook scope of understanding, if even that.)
And Dar, don't be hasty.
All right, my little Entling:
A scope of limitation doesn't exist. There are basic powers, such as mind-control, suggestion, concealment, powers related to thievery, mastery in battle, those related to elements such as wind, water, fire, etc. The whole gamut includes and involves the theorems of Magick, wherein "any act of Will can be accomplished by the proper application of the proper force to the proper object." One can control weather, walk through walls, kill one's enemy with a look--but like the adage says, "great power brings great responsiblity." It is just as likely that one will kill oneself instead of one's enemy unless the energies by which these "works of power" are accomplished are mastered and the laws of their application obeyed.
I.e. "don't be hasty."