26 August (Spirit) Liber LXV, 5:34-36
34. Also I was in the spirit vision and beheld a parricidal pomp of atheists, coupled by two and by two in the supernal ecstasy of the stars. They did laugh and rejoice exceedingly, being clad in purple robes and drunken with purple wine, and their whole soul was one purple flower-flame of holiness.
35. They beheld not God; they beheld not the Image of God; therefore were they arisen to the Palace of the Splendour Ineffable. A sharp sword smote out before them, and the worm Hope writhed in its death-agony under their feet.
36. Even as their rapture shore asunder the visible Hope, so also the Fear Invisible fled away and was no more. -
34. Also I was in the spirit vision and beheld a parricidal pomp of atheists, coupled by two and by two in the supernal ecstasy of the stars. They did laugh and rejoice exceedingly, being clad in purple robes and drunken with purple wine, and their whole soul was one purple flower-flame of holiness.
35. They beheld not God; they beheld not the Image of God; therefore were they arisen to the Palace of the Splendour Ineffable. A sharp sword smote out before them, and the worm Hope writhed in its death-agony under their feet.
36. Even as their rapture shore asunder the visible Hope, so also the Fear Invisible fled away and was no more.The earth has been transformed into an intoxicating wine.
The stable has been shaken.
And now we have risen to the Palace of the Splendour!These images suggest the heavens of the these individual sephiroth:
Malkuth, Yesod, and Hod in Atziluth.In this regard, Spirit Vision, might generally refer to the astral, but the direct reference to Spirit may also mean what it implies: the spirit realm, or the highest of the four words. As such, I take purple robes, not to mean something lunar, but instead, as the majesty that is reflected from Chesed. The color for Hod in Atziluth is a purple-related color—though more of a violet, the precise differentiation of the colors based on their names is more theoretical than practical... Purple wine sustains the relationship with Jupiter through his son Bacchus.
We find, as we might expect, the vision of the fully enlightened mind.
It seems to me there is a general lightning bolt type of event that has invaded and transformed all the lower Sephiroth, so far. In my mind it is all related to the birth of Dionysus, attributed to Tiphareth. The first transformation of the earth into an intoxicating wine should have been the first real clue because Semele, a type of the earth, was in fact burst asunder by the direct vision of Zeus, and their offspring was none other than Dionysus, god of wine and intoxication.
Love and Will