Religious-Lite Yoga for Youngsters
OK. Let's see if I can make a thread where I don't degenerate into a puerile twit. (Those who know will know) Sorry about that other thread Edward Mason. Dire moods are to hubris what cold and damp places are to mold. Anyways...An acquaintance of mine is teaching religious studies to younger children at his school and the current topic is the Hindu religion. He said he wants to have a lesson on Yoga at the end of the duration of the Hindu course. He stated to me that he wants to teach kids that this modern fad of commercialized yoga is NOT all that Yoga is, and to show them that there is a very rich philosophy underlying the practice. What he does not want is something that is steeped in Hindu dogma. He's from the UK. If anyone has come across any DVDs or videos or whatnot that match these criteria and would be well suited for 12 year olds (who would have adults on hand to help them with understanding), would you kindly share any info or titles?
I know that 12 is a very young age for this kind of topic. I'm just putting it out there in the hopes that someone might have seen something of this nature or have further suggestions. Many thanks in advance.
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There is also a 'play on demand' video you can stream from Net-Flicks called Enlighten Up.
I think it's really accessible for westerners.
@seekinghga said
" He stated to me that he wants to teach kids that this modern fad of commercialized yoga is NOT all that Yoga is, and to show them that there is a very rich philosophy underlying the practice."
FYI, all this yoga, this quasi-acrobatic, this feel good, this get healthy and look sexy stuff in the west... ...well, that is real yoga, as real as any other approach or lineage you can point to inside or outside of India. Yoga is terribly complicated in terms of where it comes from, how any of the schools came about in the first place, and how they evolved over time, which includes even the most commercial varieties. There is no grand council of yoga that decides what is real yoga and what isn't.
If your friend were clearer about what he means by the "rich philosophy underlying the practice" it would be easier to suggest resources to help him demonstrate that one perspective of yoga to his students that he is interested in highlighting. Otherwise, I recommend the movie I cited above because it at least shows some of the diversity out there.
Love and Will
" There is no grand council of yoga that decides what is real yoga and what isn't."
Lol, I double dog dare you to step into a Iyengar Institute and say that...
Been there, done that, my own sister chewed my arse out....
Brought tears to my eyes and made me second my motives for a brief moment....To the original poster, I grew up entangled in Hindu teachings, and my friend owns an Indian import store, I have seen many fantastic media sources: books, movies, cassettes etc their geared toward kids. I may even have a few titles here.....
Depending where you are, a visit to a local Indian store may be helpful.
@RobertAllen said
FYI, all this yoga, this quasi-acrobatic, this feel good, this get healthy and look sexy stuff in the west... ...well, that is real yoga, as real as any other approach or lineage you can point to inside or outside of India. Yoga is terribly complicated in terms of where it comes from, how any of the schools came about in the first place, and how they evolved over time, which includes even the most commercial varieties. There is no grand council of yoga that decides what is real yoga and what isn't."Yoga means Union. Correct? Are you so intellectually impecunious that you can not understand that? The Goal of the practice of Yoga, any Yoga, is Union. Do you get that? If a practice will not lead to Union then it is not Yoga. Get it? Stretching and sitting in awkward postures will not lead to the union of the subject and object of your conscious awareness. Perseverance is the key. Perdurabo is a vestibule to hope that the man Crowley left for us.
12 year olds are people too, are they not? AL I:3. Any serious replies?
@Veronica said
"To the original poster, I grew up entangled in Hindu teachings, and my friend owns an Indian import store, I have seen many fantastic media sources: books, movies, cassettes etc their geared toward kids. I may even have a few titles here.....
Depending where you are, a visit to a local Indian store may be helpful."
Thanks for your response. Can you suggest any titles of videos or cassettes?
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@seekinghga said
@RobertAllen said
FYI, all this yoga, this quasi-acrobatic, this feel good, this get healthy and look sexy stuff in the west... ...well, that is real yoga, as real as any other approach or lineage you can point to inside or outside of India. Yoga is terribly complicated in terms of where it comes from, how any of the schools came about in the first place, and how they evolved over time, which includes even the most commercial varieties. There is no grand council of yoga that decides what is real yoga and what isn't."Yoga means Union. Correct? Are you so intellectually impecunious that you can not understand that? The Goal of the practice of Yoga, any Yoga, is Union. Do you get that? If a practice will not lead to Union then it is not Yoga. Get it? Stretching and sitting in awkward postures will not lead to the union of the subject and object of your conscious awareness. Perseverance is the key. Perdurabo is a vestibule to hope that the man Crowley left for us.
"Why is it when people learn one thing, they start lording it about as if they were fvcking experts?
You don't know what you are talking about. You should really take some time and learn about yoga if you are going make proclamations like the above. Only some yoga's are actively concerned with liberation, or as it might be deduced from the word, yoga. What 'union' means is open to interpretation and subject to context. You are not an expert just because you know the etymology of the word yoga.
Hatha yoga is yoga! That's what is taught in most yoga studios outside of India. It's yoga, it's primary objective is health, not liberation. See Vivekenanda's assertion that the hatha yogi is only interested in living forever, not liberation. They can have other objectives as well, but the practice of hatha yoga is primarily concerned with achieving a certain kind of physical perfection.
My previous comments were meant to be helpful. Obviously, your friend is interested in presenting the 'philosophy' (wrong word because it's more of a method, but it was the word you used originally) of Raja Yoga. Crowley wrote about Raja yoga! If you are interested I may still be able to make a focused suggestion.
Love and Will
@RobertAllen said
"If you are interested I may still be able to make a focused suggestion.
Love and Will"No, keep it to yourself. LMFAO!!!
Namaste to you my good brother.
But seriously, does anyone have any good titles that are in DVD format that would be suitable for teaching 12-year-olds the very skeletal rudiments of Yoga? I was thinking some 6-4-6-4 Pranayama might be a good demonstration for them to participate in.
Shanti Generation: Yoga Skills for Youth Peacemakers - Ages 7-16 (2009)
Abby Wills (Director), Michael Kuehnert (Director) | Rated: G | Format: DVDI recall this one...
Amazon had many interesting sources,
And I also suggest that you go to the local public library and ask a librarian, for they are exceptional at finding, and researching such things...
I am a certified yoga instructor, in the new abet, Yogafit trad. Yoga fit, does help with the notion, experience of union, but I personally did not take that particular teacher training geared for kids, but it was offered.
But YMCA instructors, or similar studios may also help you with this. I have taught children, but only as a BSA merit badge sort of thing. Ask instructors to see if they have any leads or could possibly come in for a hands on type of thing.
@Veronica said
"Shanti Generation: Yoga Skills for Youth Peacemakers - Ages 7-16 (2009)
Abby Wills (Director), Michael Kuehnert (Director) | Rated: G | Format: DVDI recall this one...
Amazon had many interesting sources,
And I also suggest that you go to the local public library and ask a librarian, for they are exceptional at finding, and researching such things...
I am a certified yoga instructor, in the new abet, Yogafit trad. Yoga fit, does help with the notion, experience of union, but I personally did not take that particular teacher training geared for kids, but it was offered.
But YMCA instructors, or similar studios may also help you with this. I have taught children, but only as a BSA merit badge sort of thing. Ask instructors to see if they have any leads or could possibly come in for a hands on type of thing."
Thank you Veronica. I'll share that title with my friend.
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@seekinghga said
@RobertAllen said
FYI, all this yoga, this quasi-acrobatic, this feel good, this get healthy and look sexy stuff in the west... ...well, that is real yoga, as real as any other approach or lineage you can point to inside or outside of India. Yoga is terribly complicated in terms of where it comes from, how any of the schools came about in the first place, and how they evolved over time, which includes even the most commercial varieties. There is no grand council of yoga that decides what is real yoga and what isn't."Yoga means Union. Correct? Are you so intellectually impecunious that you can not understand that? The Goal of the practice of Yoga, any Yoga, is Union. Do you get that? If a practice will not lead to Union then it is not Yoga. Get it? Stretching and sitting in awkward postures will not lead to the union of the subject and object of your conscious awareness. Perseverance is the key. Perdurabo is a vestibule to hope that the man Crowley left for us.
12 year olds are people too, are they not? AL I:3. Any serious replies?"
I might be intellectually impecunious (which come to think of it is a very intellectually impecunious thing to say), but as I understand it: health and sexiness do not preclude the concept of Union.
What really tickles me is that you are no better fitted to rant on the topic of Union than Mr. Allen.
The best way to teach children Yoga is to seat them in the Dragon pose and whip them if they fall asleep or waver in their concentration.
This satisfies the Christian ("spare not the rod..") forumula, and the New Aeon formula ("spare not the weak...")
There. Topic settled and confirmed by scripture.
I will also add that the word Yoga, in Sanskrit actually means To Yoke, to attach, to harness. The Sanskrit word for Union is not Yoga, and actually depends on what one is seeking to have Union with.
Just to clarify.....
All my personal yoga teachers have used the word Yoke, and not Union when discussing what Yoga is and means.
Subtle difference
Very interesting difference.
@Mephis said
"I might be intellectually impecunious (which come to think of it is a very intellectually impecunious thing to say), but as I understand it: health and sexiness do not preclude the concept of Union."
It is undoubtedly a place where a lot of people start—looking for a good exercise routine that helps them look and feel better. Most stay there, but others continue to grow and their interests take them further.
I got my teacher certification with Yoga Works in Southern California, and beyond the Yoga Works style of constructing and leading safe, effective exercise and training sessions, we had seminars in Raja Yoga, and we read and discussed the Yoga Sutra's, among other things. But even here, there was no pretense that yoga was limited to a spiritual objective, but could just as easily, and profitably help people with other aspects of their lives. The Yoga Works motto is 'Yoga is for Everyone.' My reason for becoming a teacher had nothing to do with Union. I saw, and still see yoga as a great aid to actor training. Needless to say, my desire to use yoga in this was way was accepted and encouraged by my teachers.
I point to the time honored tradition of qualifying the word yoga with another term, at least by people who do not want to talk in generalities or be misunderstood: Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Viny Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Mantra Yoga, even Bikram Yoga, which despite its gross materialism is still considered valid yoga, even in India. This latter attribution bothers even me, but my issues with Bikram does not mean I have the right to exclude it from the great body of techniques and practices that all enjoy the designation of Yoga, as if my desires in this respect carried any weight.
But I understand the tendency, especially on this forum to consider all 'real' yoga as the type championed by Aliester Crowley and that also forms part of the curriculum of the AA.
Love and Will
Yoga as union. Yoga as yoke. This is not yoga, that is not yoga. What a yoke!
Crowley did not teach only one form of yoga. What a very short sighted understanding! He taught all eight limbs! Just ask the Jims.
Hatha yoga, union with one's body. Bahkti yoga, union with one's god. Raja yoga, union with one's Will. Kama yoga, tantric yoga, mantra yoga, Dhana yoga. These are all the yogas of Thelema. If you are a practicing Thelemite, doing your LBRPs and MPs, memorizing your LXVs, saying your Wills before you EATs, giving to all that thou meetest the Law (to give), RESH RESH RESH RESH and rivers to Phoenix and RA RA RAJA SISBOOMBA! You are practicing all eight limbs!
[Doh! Takamba's flowin'!]
If he's teaching them about religion anyway, I don't see the problem.
That's what I don't get.
Why religious-lite? What's the complicating factor?
@Takamba said
"Yoga as union. Yoga as yoke. This is not yoga, that is not yoga. What a yoke!
Crowley did not teach only one form of yoga. What a very short sighted understanding! He taught all eight limbs! Just ask the Jims.
Hatha yoga, union with one's body. Bahkti yoga, union with one's god. Raja yoga, union with one's Will. Kama yoga, tantric yoga, mantra yoga, Dhana yoga. These are all the yogas of Thelema. If you are a practicing Thelemite, doing your LBRPs and MPs, memorizing your LXVs, saying your Wills before you EATs, giving to all that thou meetest the Law (to give), RESH RESH RESH RESH and rivers to Phoenix and RA RA RAJA SISBOOMBA! You are practicing all eight limbs!"
Nice rhyme, but the dissertation is full of errors, even if the general idea is sound.
Raja Yoga is the yoga of eight limbs, which are:
SamadhiI kind of buy the Yoke = Union notion, but I am also aware that you have to make the connection and others are also possible. By the tradition that Crowley lays out in Eight Lectures on Yoga, unless you have progressed to Samadhi, you are not practicing all eight limbs. Though, yeah, Magical practices can easily be interpreted as types of yoga; for example, the daily meditation is related to a species of Bhakti yoga, but Bhakti is not one of the 'traditional' eight limbs.
Even in the Sutras Pantanjali cites practice, and in this respect the Yoke translation makes a bit more sense as a discipline—it could be any discipline. He says the practice, and the heat generated by practice, or Tapas is essential to achieve liberation.
EDIT: corrected my spelling of Dhyana
Love and Will
Yes. I intentionally made the "mistake" of labeling the various "types" as "limbs," but any yoga is still a yoga. One, imo, doesn't even have to know they are practicing "yoga" for the results to arrive.
@Takamba said
"Yoga as union. Yoga as yoke. This is not yoga, that is not yoga. What a yoke!
Crowley did not teach only one form of yoga. What a very short sighted understanding! He taught all eight limbs! Just ask the Jims.
Hatha yoga, union with one's body. Bahkti yoga, union with one's god. Raja yoga, union with one's Will. Kama yoga, tantric yoga, mantra yoga, Dhana yoga. These are all the yogas of Thelema. If you are a practicing Thelemite, doing your LBRPs and MPs, memorizing your LXVs, saying your Wills before you EATs, giving to all that thou meetest the Law (to give), RESH RESH RESH RESH and rivers to Phoenix and RA RA RAJA SISBOOMBA! You are practicing all eight limbs!"
Sounds like a late Allen Ginsberg poem.
Double post, sorry.
@RobertAllen said
Hatha yoga is yoga! That's what is taught in most yoga studios outside of India. It's yoga, it's primary objective is health, not liberation. "Hatha yoga should comprehend Pranayama (it should be the most important point there, in fact), a thing in the studios you talk about it's never used, or if it is only very superficially. So no, it's not the same thing, at all.
@RobertAllen said
See Vivekenanda's assertion that the hatha yogi is only interested in living forever, not liberation. They can have other objectives as well, but the practice of hatha yoga is primarily concerned with achieving a certain kind of physical perfection."And in fact Vivekananda calls them "yogi" in a sort of dispregiative sense. Hatha Yoga primary concern is NOT "physical perfection" but still liberation, see the Hatha Yoga pradipika etc. If there are certain people that use some of the practices therein for physical health that's not dissimilar from using magical powers to fulfill the ego desires.
In short terms, a magician is still a magician no matter what he sought and does, as an yogi is still an yogi no matter what and an artist is still an artist no matter what. Still, at the same time, true art is completely different from manierism.
@RobertAllen said
My previous comments were meant to be helpful. Obviously, your friend is interested in presenting the 'philosophy' (wrong word because it's more of a method, but it was the word you used originally) of Raja Yoga. Crowley wrote about Raja yoga! If you are interested I may still be able to make a focused suggestion."Crowley didn't talk only about Raja. Liber Astarte (as all the Abramelin operation etc.) are good examples of Bhakti Yoga (and the difference therein in bhava/prema). Raja-Yoga comprehends in its structure (as every form of Yoga, btw, but in this case more prominent) many other branches, from Karma, Jnana, Mantra and Hatha.
@Lavir said
Crowley didn't talk only about Raja. Liber Astarte (as all the Abramelin operation etc.) are good examples of Bhakti Yoga (and the difference therein in bhava/prema). Raja-Yoga comprehends in its structure (as every form of Yoga, btw, but in this case more prominent) many other branches, from Karma, Jnana, Mantra and Hatha."
This is not really true, but it is a good example of what you do in the rest of your post—construct an argument that supports a preferential way of viewing the subject. One that I am not totally out of sympathy with.
Crowley wrote an instruction that is 'based' on Bhakti yoga, and many other devotional practices the world over—Islamic, Christian, etc... The same is true for many other practices he authored that can be likened to gnana, karma, and other yogas—my assumption is that it was not specifically his attempt to recreate a bhakti or gnana practice, which would have been redundant (why not just practice yoga?). He synthesized the essence of many traditions. It is only easy for us to be reductive about this now, especially if we are principally interested in punching holes in another argument.
My argument, and my point of view: Crowley's writing on Bhakti, or other yogas does not even come close to the extent that he 'really' wrote about Raja Yoga. (It should be pointed out that there is a categorical problem in referencing certain types of yoga's as regards the main points of this discussion. These yogas are not, strictly speaking, traditions—they are simply practices that many yogas make use of in one form or another. These include pranayama and mantra yoga. To say that the Abramelin operation is Bhakti yoga is the type of thing I am talking about. The statement is only true in a provisional sense—as if to say that it is Bhakti-like. It is patently false in a factual sense because it is derived from a document that cannot show direct influence from Indian traditions of yoga.)
As for your general exceptions to my points, which, btw, are cherry picked, I can only counter that, regardless of what either you or I think yoga should be, there is actual usage and tradition that has to be reckoned with. Vivekenanda couldn't change this fact by expressing an opinion, and neither can you or I. He still referenced the Hatha Yogi as a yogi.
Love and Will