"God" vs. HGA
Priory Soul thank you for your response. Your answer is very intelligible and very much what I suspected. I have had the experience you described a number of times since taking up practice, but only recently identified it as a separate function of my mind independent of the other four. It's penetrating insight and advice led me to believe this was the voice of my HGA.
2 things:
1: As is oft-pointed-out, Knowledge and Conversation is not "facts and chat"
2: Verbal language is a part of Ruach -
@AvshalomBinyamin said
"2 things:
1: As is oft-pointed-out, Knowledge and Conversation is not "facts and chat"
"Yes this is consistent with my experience.
@Priory Soul said
"Self: "wishing the page would load, wondering why it doesn't"
Ego: "he is being impatient" "john gets upset when things don't go his way"
HGA: "keep patient. remain calm."
Self: "i am calm and being patient, but something is wrong with the server or my computer."
EGO: "john feels negatively against uncertainty. not having control fills him with the doubt and fear. silly computer geek nerd not worthy to overhear our discourse."
HGA: "Lord, will there be a solution or come a true answer for john?"
Lord: "the server will be down for 5 minutes"
HGA: "it's not your computer, the server is down, try back in 5 minutes"
Self: "ok i'll try back in 5 minutes""wow man
To me, the word "God" is merely a place holder.
It says, in a way, "insert holiness as you see holiness here."Praying to God, the first was of Had, the second to Khu ; they were both for Nu.
The Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is the ability to behold your mind unobscured by prejudice, pride, or logic.
That's a pretty narrow and pathetic definition.
Those are reasonable indications of psychological conditions that could be useful in approaching the K&C (at least, to some people), but hardly the K&C itself.
Thanks Jim, I'm still seeking.
@seekinghga said
"Thanks Jim, I'm still seeking.
I'm glad you took it the way I meant it - about the information and not personally.
The whole reason of this thread, though, is partly because the matter is difficult to articulate. Your "struggling out loud with it" is valuable.
I tried to recognize this difficulty in the Glossary of Visions & Voices, while still saying something that might be meaningful. For example, I defined Holy Guardian Angel as follows: "Variously defined and resistant to universal definition, broadly regarded as oneβs most intimate and personal experience of the Godhead." I then defined the K&C as, "Profoundly personal intimate union with a Divine Other."
But if it were that easy, we'd have been done in the first few minutes on this thread
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Interesting thread! I was surprised to see Priory Soul's contributions in particular, as I was rather struck by this bit of Crowley's commentary on Liber Samekh today:
""I am He" asserts the destruction of the sense of separateness between self and Self. It affirms existence, but of the third person only.
- Commentary on Section Gg. The Attainment, Line 1"
The ritual crescendos with the Adept's invocation to "Spirit," the akasa, or the Aethyr; I attribute its success as inclusive of the shift in perspective noted above.
Love is the law, love under will.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I've read so many of Crowley's works so many times.
To me,
I've always found his paradigm to be most valuable because of its virtue of uniting virtually every popular religion on the planet, or at least every one within the popular cultural framework Crowley found himself able to travel about and immerse himself in at the time.
This fact in and of itself has surely afforded me (and perhaps others) much for thoughtful contemplation.
I was given a very, very narrow spiritual perspective focusing specifically on a pseudo-Christian tradition from the time I was born. There have been other authors of import for me, but the research and investment that this man in particular put into his own spiritual path I found to be utterly riddled with the deepest of sincerities, the most wholesome of intents.
Thanks to him, I've learned so much about the traditions across our planet Earth. I, of course, included his own pantheonic rendition of the mystic experience in my study, deliberately focusing on maintaining the integrity of his own figures and imagery by strictly observing them (as I did with every other tradition), in turn subduing any impulse to project or interpret meaning.
I am willing to bet the Knowledge and Conversation has as much to do with a state of dialogue as it does a state of attention, that it hasn't as much to do with "speaking in the third person" as it does with self-observation.
Really, this seems very basic to me; we're talking Elementary Theory here:
"As long as an idea is being examined, you are free from it."
- Liber ABA, Pt. II cap XVI. The Magick Fire"
Your ego-consciousness or Ruach: its an idea you help to make about yourself. The Silent Watcher at the threshold, the sentient quintessence of dividual consciousness, can be expressed chiefly as an experience free of identity, the True Self as free from self.
In my own terms, I would say the "Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel" is a verbal convention conveying the mystic function itself; it is the devotion of the human experience to the manifestation of Godhead.
P. S. Sorry for all the edits. As no one's responded yet, I took it as an opportunity to make myself clearer.
Love is the law, love under will.